Reconnecting with Family and Friends

November, ohhhh where do I start!!! A few more months and the year is over. Wow, how did that happen? When did this happen? Where did it go?

Oufff, needless to say this was a month full of good crazy and of reconnecting with some family and friends. I say reconnecting cause next month some of us are soooo busy we will not have the time to do so …

Caught up with friends. Starting with a mini–High School reunion supper … this is soooo awesome, I’ve said it before, and I have to say it again … when we get together it’s like we automatically warp back in time to 1982… LOVE LOVE it !!

Went to see my Rock Star Hockey player nephew Giuliano play. Tony and I don’t get to do that often,  we truly really want to, however, more times than none our schedules don’t work at times. Anyhow, this time we got to go to Victoriaville’s game. He did not end up playing (bummer) but no problem it was nice to see him in person and catch-up. It is soooooo nice to see the family rally around him for support…  

Again, to attending his games at times it is impossible due to my crazy schedule, especially this time of the year, with my clients’ Holiday Parties to finalize and organize last minute logistics and finals exams to prep for my students it’s not always easy to juggle it all.

Other great accomplishment to report; my brother finally (after much struggle with logistics) was finally able to open the Bistro YAYAYAYAY ….

He and his partners have been working/talking about it for a few years now and FINALLY it opened!!! 😊 You should go visit .. it’s called: Bistro Lachenaie, 1220 Av. De La Croisée, Terrebonne, Quebec J6V 1S8.  The sandwiches alone, are the BOMB. Yum Yum Yum!!!

As I’ve mentioned it’s the end of November and this also means wrapping up the Winter Session (aka) FINAL EXAM Time oufffaa the stress on both sides…..speaking of ‘wrapping things up’ the school session. I got a few thank you notes/thoughts and letters from some of my students expressing their gratitude (how sweet of them).

Here’s an example of one: 

Okay that’s a wrap folks and yes totally intended pun. See you next month, December.

It’s going to be quick and jolly kind a month HoHoHo. 😊