Celebrating the Holidays together

December the last month of 2024. Wow, where did the year go? It seems to have flown by.

Started off the month with a nice little getaway at hotel up north called Estérel Resort & SPA. The getaway was one night only. I have forgotten what a LOVELY spot it is… Very ZEN and calming. A little back story: about 2 years ago I had won a luxury all inclusive one-night getaway and never got the chance to use it. This winter was FINALLY the time, ahhhh what a treat this was. Even though it was one night, it was just what the ‘doctor ordered’ so relaxing, it felt like we were gone for a week. We took advantage of the thermal baths, got massages and treated ourselves to fine dining, including a delectable breakfast.

Once back needed to ‘tie-up’ loose ends on the school & business side of things. This means preparing to correct final exams and finalizing/reconciling all office year end paperwork.

Believe it or not somehow, we managed to squeeze in last minute outings with friends soooo much fun…

Meanwhile because it is Christmas period, we started preparing all the gifts; for clients and families (yes there was tons of wrapping). Thank GOD Tony is the wrapping WIZARD he did most of it. Due to last minute changes, we even ended up putting up the Christmas tree and decorations, I say last minute because the original plan was to do everything  at my brother’s this year. But, some logistical issues came up unexpectedly .. we offered to move it at our house … what a SUCCESS. Have to mention Alba’s cooking, my brother’s girlfriend, was divine. AND Dario’s generosity with TONS TONS TONS of food ….oh my goodness. But hey it’s the holidays and we are ITALIAN … enough said. In the end it’s all about LA FAMIGILA!!!  I thoroughly LOVE LOVE LOVE having everybody together no matter how crazy and dysfunctional at times both sides get.

Then the last days of December, we usually spend it quietly at home, and ring in the new year by watching TV just the two of us. However, this year we actually went out with my brother, his girlfriend (Alba), friends and the kids to a restaurant to bring in the New Year. It was sooooo much fun we LOVED it !!!

That’s it for now, wanted to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU for your support in reading my blogs. Wanted to wish you and yours a HAPPY New Year, with tons and tons of health!!!  See you next year.

Reconnecting with Family and Friends

November, ohhhh where do I start!!! A few more months and the year is over. Wow, how did that happen? When did this happen? Where did it go?

Oufff, needless to say this was a month full of good crazy and of reconnecting with some family and friends. I say reconnecting cause next month some of us are soooo busy we will not have the time to do so …

Caught up with friends. Starting with a mini–High School reunion supper … this is soooo awesome, I’ve said it before, and I have to say it again … when we get together it’s like we automatically warp back in time to 1982… LOVE LOVE it !!

Went to see my Rock Star Hockey player nephew Giuliano play. Tony and I don’t get to do that often,  we truly really want to, however, more times than none our schedules don’t work at times. Anyhow, this time we got to go to Victoriaville’s game. He did not end up playing (bummer) but no problem it was nice to see him in person and catch-up. It is soooooo nice to see the family rally around him for support…  

Again, to attending his games at times it is impossible due to my crazy schedule, especially this time of the year, with my clients’ Holiday Parties to finalize and organize last minute logistics and finals exams to prep for my students it’s not always easy to juggle it all.

Other great accomplishment to report; my brother finally (after much struggle with logistics) was finally able to open the Bistro YAYAYAYAY ….

He and his partners have been working/talking about it for a few years now and FINALLY it opened!!! 😊 You should go visit .. it’s called: Bistro Lachenaie, 1220 Av. De La Croisée, Terrebonne, Quebec J6V 1S8.  The sandwiches alone, are the BOMB. Yum Yum Yum!!!

As I’ve mentioned it’s the end of November and this also means wrapping up the Winter Session (aka) FINAL EXAM Time oufffaa the stress on both sides…..speaking of ‘wrapping things up’ the school session. I got a few thank you notes/thoughts and letters from some of my students expressing their gratitude (how sweet of them).

Here’s an example of one: 

Okay that’s a wrap folks and yes totally intended pun. See you next month, December.

It’s going to be quick and jolly kind a month HoHoHo. 😊

Work Work Work

As per every year October is a month of several industry conferences that are always during the Canadian Thanksgiving, so it gives me the opportunity to leave without missing a beat on things here in Montreal and this year was no different.

I truly enjoy attending this conference it is where I have learnt and continue to learn tons within our industry… Oh did I mention it happens annually in Vegas… Even though I’ve been there TONS. I manage always to discover new things to do there… after all it is a continuously evolving city… this time I discover the newly built SPHERE … OMG talk about AI trends… scary and fabulous all together…

Speaking of Loving my industry – they honored me with another shout out for “She’s GOT the Power” regarding women making waves in the Canadian Events Industry – WOWZER thanks EventCombo team!! Here is the link to the article : https://www.eventcombo.com/a/1113/top-10-women-in-leadership-shaping-canadas-event-industry?utm_source=Blog&utm_medium=Resources&utm_campaign=Top+10+Women+in+Leadership+Shaping+Canada%E2%80%99s+Event+Industry&utm_term=Explore+more    

Once back, I continued with my teaching and planning client programs.

And guess what … we celebrated another milestone birthday this time it’s on my husband’s side of the family… it was for my sister-in-law Lory. (she hit BIG 50) Their family organized a lovely intimate surprise party for her. It was just LOVELY.  You know it’s nice to have the opportunity to celebrate one’s milestone moment.

In the meantime, I did continue the negotiations and sourcing of venues for my clients. This year they decide ‘last minute’ to have the holidays parties – only on a smaller scale that usual… (these last minute decisions created a ton of work for me, only because this late in the game to book venues for the Holidays for semi-large groups, it is HARDER to find appropriate places for them because all has been booked already … but I digress and just do the job …  😊

Also, participated as per every year at several Educational Conferences in and around the Greater Montreal Area. As for the classes it’s more or less as per usual. I am however, finding it a little more challenging this session. The students seem to have run out of steam mid way through the Fall Session … this is just bizarre… I don’t know what’s going on wondering if it’s just me that’s noticing or something else? To be determined…

That is all for October .. see you next month – Ciao Ciao

Milestone Celebrations continued

Hello everyone, I must say September is my favorite favorite month out of the year. I just love the Fall season…  True, it’s also my birthday month, however, it’s really because it’s a colorful time of the year (and I LOVE colors).

It was quite a month busy finalizing all the details of my semi ‘surprise’ birthday party. Truth be told, I really felt awkward about the party, don’t like all that attention. but I convinced myself that it’s OK. Truth be told it was on my hubby’s insistence that it cam to be – EXTREMELY thank you for that.

It’s good to celebrate one’s life especially when it’s a milestone birthday. I was very very touched, of course. I felt such a privilege that everyone showed up and celebrated with me.  Even though I felt awkward. Again, I don’t really enjoy being the centre of attention, I’d rather celebrate other people &/or stay behind the scenes. I guess I’m a true planner.

Moving forward, speaking of planning, besides semi-planning my own birthday. I still have client events to organize. Gosh I REALLY love love love doing this even though it is physically and mentally exhausting at times. I love my clients, they’re very nice people, very kind, even though it gets crazy sometimes and that our industry has changed quite a bit after the pandemic.

Volunteered (as I do every year) for Friend4aCasuse’s Fundraiser Annual Golf Tournament. They do this tournament to raise funds for several non-for-profit organizations benefiting the autistically challenged.  And we where guests at 2 weddings back-to-back at what fun that was…

Being September, it is also the month that we started the fall session at LaSalle College. Hoof, what a heavy schedule I inherited. It’s not that I can’t handle it, it’s just that I’m not accustomed to 5-day teaching schedule. So, I have to juggle everything else in my life even more intensely.

This session I once again have 100% international students and am LOVING IT!! Basically, the breakdown is 6 groups of an average of 30 students per group. It’s nice and it’s great to see these young people coming to a new country and opened to learn it all. I must say seeing this inspires me somehow. What courage they have to do this…  WOWZERS and a BIG BIG HATS off to them !!!

That’s more or less, my September. I’ll see you in October. Ciao for now.

More Celebrations

August this year so we got together to celebrated Gabby my wonderful niece, her birthday, and OMG she’s now in her 20’s where does time go??? Also, we Hubby and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary!!!!  Now whenever I say it out-loud I realize that it is a long, long  long time and to me it doesn’t feel like it. To add to the fun, we went out with my niece and nephew for an overdue outing with them … We saw one of the shows Cirque du Soleil puts on every year….

OUFFFFF, I don’t know where the time goes but I do know it gooooooossss.

Why I called it a ’more celebrations’ month is because as I mentioned there was personal celebrations … but also professional ones.

The school summer session wrapped up. And by fluke of life this gave me the opportunity to fly out to Toronto and Las Vegas within the same week… both destinations were for conferences one was the annual CMEE  conference every year in Toronto where all the Canadians in our industry gather to network and celebrate each other…. and then mid week I ended up going to Las Vegas for the other conference and more exciting a Gala called Smart Women Awards, where I was one of the many women receiving an award … my category was for Entrepreneur of the year. Snazzy I would say… WOWZERS what an honor… (especially a Canadian Woman winning in the US Market … ceiling broken) BOOMMMMMM !!!  What a whirlwind of a trip it was. Came back exhilarated but exhausted ….

Once back right away it was back to reality and work work work … School’s fall session orientation for the teachers at the college. And my clients upcoming  events/programs for the fall + winter seasons too. OUFFF what a whirlwind comeback.

Yes, I know I don’t talk about my events a lot because this summer I usually am not busy. With events, I’m usually doing the wrap up paperwork preparation logistics wise in the paperwork situation so does not know events being executed. It starts usually mid to end of September, October, November, December, January, February. March. And then it stops in April again. May maybe, but very rare.

And that’s August. Looking forward to September, it’s going to be another BIG MONTH. Stay tuned…

Month of Celebrations

Boy, the summer is flying by fast without the great hot summer weather – it’s been raining I guess it’s always better than snow.

The summer session at school is going on strong and I have another FULL schedule and yup everything is coming along smoothly. I’ve said it before and will say it again …I truly have a lot of respect for my students, they are just WOW … you see 99.99% are international students and I’m sure they are struggling being in a new country with all the culture shock … and yet are managing to do everything. Hats off to them WOWZERS!!! 

This month usually means there’s a lot of birthday celebrations. It starts with my mom’s birthday, then my brother’s and then throw in a mix, of friends. This is a GREAT excuse to get together.

My brother had a surprise-ish birthday party with all his friends and family. It was a milestone birthday he turned 50…  then came my mom’s and we got together with the Caputo clan and lastly but not least we celebrated my niece Ariana who turned 15 on the Paduano side of the family. It’s always nice to get together with family.

The end of the month, everything starting to wrap up;  When I say everything, I mean summer school session; all has come to a close with final exams – final projects and for my Event/Meeting Planning it is the summer, so it is quiet for a change. (my corporate clients are off on their own vacations with their families)  

Which means I have a little bit of time to spend with friends and family work on other personal stuff, which is nice for a change.

Ciao for now – see you all in August …

June lightspeed force

Like I mentioned in May the school summer session started and so far, sooo good, I’m really enjoying these Business Management students. Love them because there is an aura about them that impresses me continuously. 

During this period had the opportunity to travel and scout out Egypt.  Yes, Egypt and what an adventure that was. To start it is a GREAT destination with fantastic and iconic experiences. I strongly, strongly suggested you put it on your bucket list. However, please hire a certified guide or Tour Operator. Not because it’s dangerous, not all, it’s just a better option for logistical convenience. There is sooo much to do and see that if you don’t do this you may miss out on some treasures. Being such an exotic destination one can easily get wrapped up in the moments that you can miss out on other. Just trust me it is convenient.  Egypt, well me tell you it is another world, and the heat was BALMING. For example, some of the days started at 50° in the early morning. So, you can imagine how hot it was the rest of the day. Having said this, it was sublime experience;  the temples – pyramids – sphynx what awesomeness to be in the presence … one is just gobsmacked at the wonder creations before them at every visit… when there in front of these artifacts, you keep thinking how they did this back then?!?!?!?!  I mean the temples were not only fabulous but build to perfection. What a mystery this is and not to forget those pyramids and sphinx WHAT !!!!!        

Many still have strong opinions on how it was built without any sort of mechanical machineries. It would be hard today, so, imagine back then when it was simply human power (or was it- wink wink). Anyways, the great debates/mysteries continue amongst us the people.  😊

Thank the lord for technology … I was able to do the classes online that week due to the time difference. So no one missed a beat .. technology at times is a god sent.

Click here to look at the PDF Dragon Den here

That basically wraps my month between classes and my Egypt adventure …. enjoy the pictures…

We’ll catch up in July….

Lots of movements at all levels

This month was the end of the Spring Session at College Lasalle.  MY work did not stop there then there is the process of correcting all the projects and final exams… (it was quite a task – but all got done in time)

The ‘wonderfulness’ of all this as a teacher is when you spontaneously receive a appreciation note written by one of your students .. WOWZERS – I cannot express to you how it helps me move forward, not that I don’t enjoy it but a written note from a student is AWESOMENESS to the MAX…

Click here to take a look at the PDF letter

Once all was entered and submitted, we headed off to Florida. You see originally, I was supposed to go alone for a week with a mission to ‘finalize’ the purging and cleaning of all things in the condo. This is due to my parents decided to sell it after owning it over a decade… (for me it was kind of bittersweet moment)

As stated, I was to go alone, however, my wonderful hubby ended up coming along which was really great cause we can accomplish TONS in a shorter amount of time… once all the packing and purging was accomplished (basically in a few days)… we turned it into a vacation and enjoyed it for one last time… was great and I soooooo needed the break Truth be told I was saddened by the thought of them selling it, but it is what it is,  it was spot. Being a few decades younger we would have bought it but at this point in our lives we decided to over come our temptation and just enjoy it one last time…. The plan is to travel more, with no commitments, and owning anything is a commitment.

When these intervals happen between sessions, I do my best to grab the time to take vacation if possible and if I don’t have any client programs/events going on at the same time.  

Moving forward, after the two weeks break, we came back, went straight into the day-to-day work mode. Attended an industry info session, started the Summer Session at the college. And Tony helped his brother with the landscaping work. We also, squeezed in a few milestone birthday celebrations including friends and family.

Going back on the session during the summer, it is extremely quiet (very weird for me). I usually go average of two or three days a week. This summer it’s, every day. What an adjustment it was and there is a TON of changes coming this Fall … meaning building construction, rebuilding, renovating at the school and an INFLUX of students this coming September, which is good for everyone. This is progress/evolution… stay tuned. 

That’s basically my month. June will be another exciting/action packed month. Can’t wait to share. 

We sprang into spring

April was another month of action-packed. Had a mini-High school reunion, which we haven’t done in awhile.

Began wrapping up the winter session at the college. and was able to ‘squeeze’ in inspirational Business speakers to come speak to my business students and hopefully help inspire them in the business world.

Our friends from the Dominican Republic sent us a nice little note of the ongoing shenanigans there they are sooooo much fun. Nice and inspiring to see people having fun and having no care in the world.

We also went out a few times with friends of ours. It nice to catch up and to change the pace. We also went to a fundraiser organized by “Friends 4 Cause”. All the benefits go to an awesome charity focused on Autism.

Since we wrapped up the winter session at school had a few weeks break so we took advantage and went to my parent’s condo in Florida. By doing so we killed tow birds with one stone; took time off and finalized the wrapping/cleaning up of the condo items left. Did this to get it place ready for future buyers. There were bittersweet moments, but it is what it is.

May here we come!!!

March Came & Went

Picked up the snowbirds (my parents) from the airport. As per usual the looked great that kind of weather looks good on them – alas it looks like it’s going to be the last year for them going down south in an extended period … traveling seems to be too much for them now. They’ve mentioned it is getting tougher and tougher for them to travel … it seems that it takes longer and longer for them to re-coop back to normal, it’s become quite cumbersome as of late. It’s too bad, but it is what it is, and it will happen to all of us. They did announce to us that they’re putting their Florida condo for sale, so it’s kind of the finally for them.

Due to different circumstances, like timing and other situations, we finally got to celebrate my husband’s February birthday in March.

Speaking of birthdays, we started putting the planning of my big day into full gear. I’m reaching a milestone and hubby wants to (or should I say insists) to celebrate me. My birthday is in September, and Tony insists to throw a party, so we’ll do it, but I really don’t feel the need for this – I’m happy just having an intimate celebration and escaping somewhere warm ….

Arianna my niece on my husband’s side, it’s not doing very well. Her situation is not good to the point she has been hospitalised, due to her autism diagnosis and is now being monitored by the specialists. (more about this later… once we know more…)

Great surprise I was awarded a Woman Entrepreneurship Award from the organization called Smart Women in Business!!!  WOWZERS this is very prestigious award. Even though this organization recognizes several of us in each category it is a wonderful thing. You know it’s nice to be recognized.

Easter came and we celebrated with our respective families. We hosted everybody. And FULLY enjoyed it. It’s nice to have the family together, really, really nice. For me it’s a warm and fuzzy feeling, to see my peeps and to catch up them. Family is important to me, very important.

That’s all folks, see you next month …