Cabarete Life

A month has gone by, and no one yet hired to do the logistics work I came down to the DR to do …

Not a bad gig – however, I am beginning to miss home … ‘living’ and working in Cabarete was quite educational for me… in a GREAT way!! Even though I worked approx. 30-40 hours a week in paradise. I still was able to get a glimpse of regular life there.

WOW it is quite eye opening. Example, we could have taken advantage of the restaurants and the all-inclusive buffets nearby. However, we opted to do our own grocery shopping and prepare our meals as we would back home…. We figured why not adapt to the day-to-day life there.

It was great and hubby found himself in his element. He basically ‘took over’ the day-to-day things while I was busy working …  This scenario/situation was great for me (and him) cause after a full day’s work – I wanted to just chill, and it kept hubby busy.

Even though my work was not physical demanding it was mentally draining … this is due to getting used to all this newness around me and to boot teaching online. So not having that extra responsibility was FABULOUS !!! It basically made the transition easy for me in immersing myself to the day-to-day life of working  in  Cabarete.

I did manage to ‘steal’ some time for me. We  went for early morning walks along the beaches before my day started.  I took advantage of this as much as possible. What surprised me the most was how many fellow Quebecers I encountered there?!?!?! (they seem to be everywhere lately)

To my surprise there where many expats; Canadians folks from Ontario, Winnipeg, Newfoundland. Also, from Europe, Italy, Germany to name a few.

All fantastic joyful people. Of course, they are joyful!!! Who wouldn’t be they are retired and living their dream in the Caribbean !!!  What else can one ask for?

Ok back to work see you in March. Hopefully I’ll be back to my own reality by then.


Hope you all had great festivities, much Family time and of course tons of food.

This time of the year we all tend to get together and enjoy our close ones more that the usual time…

This January was not the case for us … parents in Florida (snowbirds).

The winter session began at College Lasalle.

Spontaneously, hubby and I went to Cabarete, Dominican Republic. I had to work and fill in for a 8 weeks on a project my team and I organized due to lack of manpower… (this ‘lacking of ‘ manpower thing seems to be the norm lately)

What can I say things happen and we just deal with it by making dew the BEST  we can…

Don’t get me wrong we did spend time together with our respective families at Christmas and it was wonderful… it was just sudden and new to start  2024 in the DR without seeing them ….

Yes, we were in paradise. And yes, we took advantage full advantage of it … more my hubby than me – I worked 90% of the time… Not to bore you all with too much detail; due to labour shortage in the DR with my DMC (event partner/supplier), they lost a key employee and couldn’t find someone to do the logistics in time for our clients 8-week Incentive Road Show Program. So, I needed to step in while the search went on ….

It was beautiful location they set us up in a wonderful Airbnb (my first time experiencing this) and it was paradise … Only difference was worked 7days a week, all most 14hour days for my client’s incentive program and then in between I taught my business program classes online… God bless my students and their patience with this situation.

Small price to pay but all worked out fine (except I was exhausted after the 8week gig…) Like some one said, “the show must go on!!!”  😊

No complaints, however, what an experience it was it being so last minute. This is when you learn how resilient one can be. Because sometimes one has to do with one has to do.

So once again I wanted to wish everyone a VERY VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, all the BEST in HEALTH and LOVE and of course NEW ADVENTURES.

See you in February

Happy Holidays to all

This month was usually calm. While the typical holiday periods my client’s holiday parties are in full swing and over the top this year was extremely quiet. Wondering if it is a sign of the coming year? In the meantime, I took a well-deserved R&R did absolutely nothing for a change.

However even though I did not organise client events this meant I was able to (finally 😝) attend all the Holiday parties I got invited to … it’s nice to be a guest for a change…

And boy did I celebrate from my networking groups – supplier’s annual ‘thank you for your business parties and the school’s staff party. I got my fill and love it… CHEERS !!!

This year, winter started with a BANG …. 1st snowstorm of almost 30cm it’s been a cold wake up call. Having said this it ended up we had a ‘brown’ Xmas no snow and it doesn’t’ look like we will get any of that white stuff till maybe mid January.

I do tons of ‘catching up’ on my selfcare I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. It was very very cathartic.

The second half of December became a little busy with the corrections of exam and tying up loose ends with all the aspects on the professional and teaching side of 2023. I’m now working/preparing for January. And it’s going to be an exceptionally different kind of month. But I’ll tell you about it once I’m there.

Meanwhile as I celebrated with my small FAMIGLIA the holidays, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a VERY MERRY XMAS & a VERY VERY HEALTHY WEALTHY NEW YEAR!!  Xoxo ❤ ❤

See you all in 2024.  😊

Wrapping things Up

What a month, of November it was.

Wrapped up a weeklong client conference… YES it was a success. I cannot take the credit for it alone … the TEAM I worked with helped TONS… they are the ROCK STARS – I’m speaking of the suppliers, without them can’t do much….

Attended another great educational conference this time here in Montreal. Love to continue my education on my industry… there is so much innovation coming and some here already … the hard part is the minute we think we got it, and we are ahead of things BAM there is something new to learn again. It is great but it also moves uber fast too that one head can spin quickly… Thanks to technology and innovation….

More meetings with my regular clients and potential suppliers. The landscape of my industry has changed soooooo much since COVID …. It’s almost like starting over and over and over again … I’m not complaining it’s just a much faster pace with short lead times … BIG adjustments in organizing these events are changing by leaps and bonds and it’s an adjustment for the suppliers too ….  I guess it’s a sign of the times.

For the school front, ended up inheriting a new class (midway through the session) class content is easy but not pleasant for the students I’m sure … I became their 3rd teacher within 8weeks …. Too boot it’s online even more difficult (very impersonal).  Moving forward tweaked and worked on midterms plus the final projects for this session… Boy it’s a lot of work however I truly truly love this sharing and educating our future workforce &/or entrepreneurs and am always humbled when they share their appreciation back … YES, I still aspire to inspire…

On a personal front continued our get-together with friends and colleagues for the holidays – it’s nice to catch up with folks before we delve into our Holiday stuff with our families… we had the honor of attending one of our good friend’s 1st grandchild’s baptism. Speaking of family, I helped get things done for my parents annual ‘snow-birding’ adventure in Florida.

See you next month…. 😊

October Madness

Low and behold, October came and went. Ouff what a month. In a good way super busy with all kinds of stuff.

Started of with a wonderful trip to Thailand. Yes Thailand, specifically Bangkok, Phuket and PhiPhi islands. First stop was work related in Bangkok for a client’s conference then once that wrapped up, we thought since we are already halfway around the world might as well explore the region, so we opted to go to Phuket and PhiPhi islands just AWESOMENESS.  

Should you be interested in reading more about this trip here are my travel blog links in the Suburban Paper the online version of the news:

Thailand, Bangkok:

Thailand, Phuket:

Thailand, PhiPhi:

Thailand’s Food:

With school, this session turned out to be quite busy with last minute classes assigned to my already busy schedule. Let me tell you what a learning curve it is for me … having said this I do love it.  Speaking of learning every year if my schedule permits it, I partake  at the Salon de l’education, which is basically a trade show held at the Olympic Stadium every year to offer up and coming students’ educational options for their future. Again, I LOVE doing it.  You know there are so many options for the younger generation it’s mind-blowing.  

As if that wasn’t enough, my team and I executed a few more client events and wrapped up our event conferences season all at once. Now, slowly but surely, we are reconciling all the paperwork involved;  postmortems, surveys, and everything else in between. Speaking of conferences, not only do I organize them, but I attended them too. You know not only do I love attending them because I learn new trends and applications. I also connected with my colleagues, with tons of networking opportunities these conferences offer … I LOVE my industry… 

That is all for now see you in  November….

Welcome Autumn

September, My birth month. I love this month so much. It is also the beginning of the fall season … love it when the trees turn into the fiery colors – the vibrance is AWESOME for me.

Besides being my birthday at the end of the month, it was a pretty much exciting month for a change.

New school session started. I got a bit more classes assignment to me than the norm. I guessing it is because there are more students signing up and I guess it’s also September which is usually the highest enrollment next to January. 

The new classes I am now teaching are in the Business Program and the Creative Industry Program curriculum. Which for my part means Customer Services, Management,  Careers in Management, Careers in the Creative Industries, and of course Entrepreneurship & Innovation. I must say it’s great, I am in my element and lovin it.

Realizing more and more, I truly enjoy paying things forward and the students (so far) are making it easy. Most are international students very eager to learn and like to challenge me at times… Their pretty cool students – (but don’t tell them it might get to their heads.)

Now regarding my event planning business, things have been going really well. Mostly sooth sailing with a ton of logistical planning, the only hiccup is lack of reliable staffing… welcome to the post pandemic era…. I digress…

We are continuing to go out and see our friends more and more to celebrate Friendships and Birthdays is important.

I did volunteer at a few annual fundraisers – I enjoy it very much and I see people giving back which is an awesome thing.

Also, attending a few annual conferences for continuing education in keeping up with the industry changing so much – yes, it’s challenging, and I am enjoying this growth challenge.

We where guests at a family wedding which hasn’t happened in a while – it is FUN to be a guest for a change…

That is all for now … see next month.

Transitioning Seasons

Already August. WOW can’t believe time is flying by summer is almost over 😲

It’s been a busy month between the 20th Birthday celebration of my wonderful niece, Gabby plus our 37th wedding anniversary. Time is going by, and we are living our best lives…. ❤

We also celebrated a friend’s housewarming with an impromptu BBQ. Congrats Richard and Meagan on you new home and engagement GOD BLESS you both!!! 

Continual work on the logistics with client upcoming corporate BBQ – Teambuilding annual events always a challenge and fun wrapped up into one… 🎉🎈🎁

Speaking of clients, went on a few business trips: Montego Bay, Jamaica, and the city of Toronto.  Finalized some outstanding contracts and celebrated once again the come back of our beloved industry Great time was had in connecting with everyone. You know it’s nice to see the industry come back however it is NOT THE SAME much much has changed… Still, it was nice to see everyone, and to see that slowly all is fully back.

The Fall session began at the college, and all is wonderful there… Wanted to also mark my 7th year anniversary of being cancer free.

That is all for now my friends speak to you next month!!

Busy, busy, busy

Summer is finally here. Or is it? July was pretty busy again. I am working on logistical details regarding upcoming client events and projects. So yes, I’m pretty busy….

I also have a few up coming business trips in;  August – September – October so far.  

All very exciting stuff will share a bit later, on the adventures.

On the school front I had the honor of inviting a series of speakers come to speak and share their knowledge to my classes. And as per usual it was awesome and very inspirational for them. Which is basically the end goal when I do this.

It was a month full of celebrations. One of my nieces turned 14 (she is officially a tween), my mom turned 81  and a wonderful continuance of gathering with friends to celebrate. Love catching up with everybody. Sometime reconnecting with friends is just what the doctor ordered. Including small day trips in and around the city and beyond.

As you can see much was happening in July, but it’s the quiet before the storm.

See you in August.

Hello June

June was quite productive.

Worked on a client’s annual medical conference for a few days.

Attended a Continuing Education Conference.

Did some site visit for upcoming Holiday parties (yes, it is that time)

Had supplier meeting luncheons.

At school, College Lasalle it was MidTerm time, and invited guest speaker to inspire my Business Management program students.

Overall, it was quite busy and fruitful; currently working on logistics planning for quite a few upcoming fall/winter client conferences.  Also collaborating/working on several newly attained projects that hopefully will come to prosper. Speaking of new projects, planning a few business trips on the other side of the world, into new horizons and adventure…

Let’s not forget more outings with close friends.

That’s about it, for June everyone… stay tuned..


The month of May was quite busy and continued reconnection at all levels.

After coming back from vacation bliss, I jumped right in with conference and the beginning of summer school session.

But first it was my mother in law’s 90th Birthday and of course we celebrated this – what a feat when I grow up, I want to be just like her 😝

As I mentioned the summer session started at College Lasalle this time the classes, I’m teaching have nothing to do with Event Planning but have to do with Business Management Program. Yes, it’s quite a different mind set but I will stat I’m loving it and it’s a great change of pace to teach during the day.

Left for an annual conference in Gatineau, Quebec. It’s a conference called THE EVENT, which is all about education and networking. Once again it was great, great conference and it was great to see my peeps (finally).

In between all this I got invited to do several renovated properties for ‘refreshed’ site visits and a few renovated terrasse openings. (uuuuhh how Montreal) That was fun too – nice for things to get back to the norm.

Speaking of norm C2 Montreal. Another wonderful and innovative conference happened and this year I was part of the organizing team.  What an honor MERCI C2MTL team, honored I was wow, wow, wow.

Squeezed in some time to catch-up with a few more of my girlfriends/colleagues. I’ve been introducing the to this now quaint tea house run by a mother and daughter duo – called CRATIVI-THE. I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone…  I love that place. It has a wonderful spectacular vibe and is very authentically delish.

Back to College Lasalle they had their yearly Open House, this is to invite future students to come visit and see if they would do their studies there. Speaking of studies, every year the College has a Dragons Den like contest for future entrepreneurs. It comprises of the students in any program that have/think of opening their own company or have  invented some service or product and they pitch it to the Judges who are outside businesspeople. (just like the show on TV) The goal is to encourage entrepreneurship amongst the school.  Who ever wins this round they move on to the finals, which are held in Tunisia, (also a Lasalle College school) isn’t this cool?!?  What a wonderful opportunity and challenge for them.

That’s it for this month of see you next month.