Like I mentioned in May the school summer session started and so far, sooo good, I’m really enjoying these Business Management students. Love them because there is an aura about them that impresses me continuously.
During this period had the opportunity to travel and scout out Egypt. Yes, Egypt and what an adventure that was. To start it is a GREAT destination with fantastic and iconic experiences. I strongly, strongly suggested you put it on your bucket list. However, please hire a certified guide or Tour Operator. Not because it’s dangerous, not all, it’s just a better option for logistical convenience. There is sooo much to do and see that if you don’t do this you may miss out on some treasures. Being such an exotic destination one can easily get wrapped up in the moments that you can miss out on other. Just trust me it is convenient. Egypt, well me tell you it is another world, and the heat was BALMING. For example, some of the days started at 50° in the early morning. So, you can imagine how hot it was the rest of the day. Having said this, it was sublime experience; the temples – pyramids – sphynx what awesomeness to be in the presence … one is just gobsmacked at the wonder creations before them at every visit… when there in front of these artifacts, you keep thinking how they did this back then?!?!?!?! I mean the temples were not only fabulous but build to perfection. What a mystery this is and not to forget those pyramids and sphinx WHAT !!!!!
Many still have strong opinions on how it was built without any sort of mechanical machineries. It would be hard today, so, imagine back then when it was simply human power (or was it- wink wink). Anyways, the great debates/mysteries continue amongst us the people.
Thank the lord for technology … I was able to do the classes online that week due to the time difference. So no one missed a beat .. technology at times is a god sent.
That basically wraps my month between classes and my Egypt adventure …. enjoy the pictures…
We’ll catch up in July….