Hello everyone, I must say September is my favorite favorite month out of the year. I just love the Fall season… True, it’s also my birthday month, however, it’s really because it’s a colorful time of the year (and I LOVE colors).
It was quite a month busy finalizing all the details of my semi ‘surprise’ birthday party. Truth be told, I really felt awkward about the party, don’t like all that attention. but I convinced myself that it’s OK. Truth be told it was on my hubby’s insistence that it cam to be – EXTREMELY thank you for that.
It’s good to celebrate one’s life especially when it’s a milestone birthday. I was very very touched, of course. I felt such a privilege that everyone showed up and celebrated with me. Even though I felt awkward. Again, I don’t really enjoy being the centre of attention, I’d rather celebrate other people &/or stay behind the scenes. I guess I’m a true planner.
Moving forward, speaking of planning, besides semi-planning my own birthday. I still have client events to organize. Gosh I REALLY love love love doing this even though it is physically and mentally exhausting at times. I love my clients, they’re very nice people, very kind, even though it gets crazy sometimes and that our industry has changed quite a bit after the pandemic.
Volunteered (as I do every year) for Friend4aCasuse’s Fundraiser Annual Golf Tournament. They do this tournament to raise funds for several non-for-profit organizations benefiting the autistically challenged. And we where guests at 2 weddings back-to-back at what fun that was…
Being September, it is also the month that we started the fall session at LaSalle College. Hoof, what a heavy schedule I inherited. It’s not that I can’t handle it, it’s just that I’m not accustomed to 5-day teaching schedule. So, I have to juggle everything else in my life even more intensely.
This session I once again have 100% international students and am LOVING IT!! Basically, the breakdown is 6 groups of an average of 30 students per group. It’s nice and it’s great to see these young people coming to a new country and opened to learn it all. I must say seeing this inspires me somehow. What courage they have to do this… WOWZERS and a BIG BIG HATS off to them !!!
That’s more or less, my September. I’ll see you in October. Ciao for now.