Ahhhh, April another busy month and was showered with wonderful kind people.
Continued to work on my client projects/programs for the fall and wrapped up the classes for the Winter session at College LaSalle. Had another opportunity to organize a graduation ceremony for the online only students.
Industry networking events are trickling in more and more. This is a GREAT sign it basically means that the events industry is slowly and steadily coming back to life!! I said it before and will say it again this is nice getting back to the “norm” of things. ❤ ❤
Speaking of the “norm” we went out with friends to see and relive our youth by hear local bands playing homage the greatest hits of the 70’s and 80’s era…..
An we (hubby and I) wrapped up the month with a well-deserved wonderful vacation… Very much needed, got worn down with all the last-minute running around and fires to put out. I did not realize how much February and March took a toll on me. I felt I needed some me time and a vacation was a great remedy. Booked a last minute (10day) get away to the Dominican Republic in Puerto Plata. OMG what a lovely resort kudos to the support staff. It was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered, time for us to do nothing and regenerate the juices. Honestly did not want to come back….
See you in May …