The month of May was quite busy and continued reconnection at all levels.
After coming back from vacation bliss, I jumped right in with conference and the beginning of summer school session.
But first it was my mother in law’s 90th Birthday and of course we celebrated this – what a feat when I grow up, I want to be just like her 😝
As I mentioned the summer session started at College Lasalle this time the classes, I’m teaching have nothing to do with Event Planning but have to do with Business Management Program. Yes, it’s quite a different mind set but I will stat I’m loving it and it’s a great change of pace to teach during the day.
Left for an annual conference in Gatineau, Quebec. It’s a conference called THE EVENT, which is all about education and networking. Once again it was great, great conference and it was great to see my peeps (finally).
In between all this I got invited to do several renovated properties for ‘refreshed’ site visits and a few renovated terrasse openings. (uuuuhh how Montreal) That was fun too – nice for things to get back to the norm.
Speaking of norm C2 Montreal. Another wonderful and innovative conference happened and this year I was part of the organizing team. What an honor MERCI C2MTL team, honored I was wow, wow, wow.
Squeezed in some time to catch-up with a few more of my girlfriends/colleagues. I’ve been introducing the to this now quaint tea house run by a mother and daughter duo – called CRATIVI-THE. I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone… I love that place. It has a wonderful spectacular vibe and is very authentically delish.
Back to College Lasalle they had their yearly Open House, this is to invite future students to come visit and see if they would do their studies there. Speaking of studies, every year the College has a Dragons Den like contest for future entrepreneurs. It comprises of the students in any program that have/think of opening their own company or have invented some service or product and they pitch it to the Judges who are outside businesspeople. (just like the show on TV) The goal is to encourage entrepreneurship amongst the school. Who ever wins this round they move on to the finals, which are held in Tunisia, (also a Lasalle College school) isn’t this cool?!? What a wonderful opportunity and challenge for them.
That’s it for this month of see you next month.