Hello my fellow readers! Hope the end of summer is treating you well. It’s been a terrific month for me, with lots of site visits and back-to-school excitement, not to mention closing up the month with a fantastic trip.
Started off the month with being a guest (for a change) at a wedding, ask me how refreshing that was. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE LOVE planning weddings and I thoroughly enjoy passing it forward by teaching/certifying future Wedding Planners; WPIC. However, it’s not often I get to be a guest at a wedding. In fact, the last time this happened it was at least 15 years ago!! And this year I have a total of 2.
Speaking of parties, I once again was privileged to spend a gala evening with the most sought after Industry event of the year!!! They TRULY outdid themselves once again!! KUDOS!!!

As per usual I had a few client events I’ve executed this month. One (that I can mention) was at the beautiful McCord Museum, the others I cannot reveal due to non-disclosure-agreements I’ve signed with these Corporate clients.

As per usual I had a few client events I’ve executed this month. One (that I can mention) was at the beautiful McCord Museum, the others I cannot reveal due to non-disclosure-agreements I’ve signed with these Corporate clients.

I also got to spend a beautiful September day visiting sites in the picturesque Montérégie area in and around the South Shore. If you haven’t been, you should definitely check it out, especially with the coming of fall.
At the end of the month I traveled to Munich, Germany short work trip. This is where I will be meeting with potential suppliers and scouting out some properties for upcoming incentive trips for my groups, more in October.

I also got invited to a few cruise ships luncheons, yes you read correctly CRUISE SHIPS; Regant and SilverSeas. This my friends is a whole new world to me. A complete other segment in our industry. LOVED IT!! Thank you Sara DiRubbo for the invite and please contact her for any (and I mean any) Travel needs … she is one o the BEST.. Here are her coordinates: Travel Consultant T: 514.342.9624 ext. 4625 sdirubbo@visionvoyages.ca
In-between all my social and work engagements, I’m working on several new projects for clients, which is always a thrill.
And I’m excited to share that I’m a new contributing writer for the newly relaunched Laval edition of The Suburban Newspaper (a.k.a UrbanLaval) . I’m super jazzed that I’ll get to share news and happenings of my home base of Laval. Look for my byline in coming editions!