Crazy month of activities – the saying in Italian is; ‘Marzo e Pazzo’
This month there was all kinds of mixed stuff from industry event celebrations to having family over for Easter including going out to celebrate friends …
What I am saying it is almost a back to normal back to regular kind of routine month before you know what happened….
Started with my speaker series for my students (at College Lasalle) that began with people from all industries coming to inspire the classes. From: Customer Service Management to Entrepreneurship to how being a well-balanced Manager is. Some speakers where online and some came to campus in person. The students LOVED LOVED this experience.
Too boot they also participated in Business Week event which is an annual networking event organized by the school to help up-and-coming Business Graduates students find their places in the Business World … FUN FUN FUN.
I also worked and executed some client programs in between the industry events. It was jammed packed for the month of March.
Then Easter came, we had a wonder family gathering to celebrate. With a mix of outing with friends
Ouffff it flew by we are already welcoming the month of April – let’s see what next month will bring see you all then…