A month of Mysticism Spirituality and Enlightenment

This has been an especially special month for me and it’s all because of the way that it started:

I once again went to Mexico to discover some new hidden gems (and BOY did I ever):

♥ Cuernavaca, Morelos; known as “The City of the Eternal Spring
(my words ETERNALLY yours)
♥ Tepoztlán, Morelos; “Known for being a Spiritual Center with Energy and Mysticism” (my words is just pure MAGIC)

Over all each town is approximately two hours from Mexico City, I went there in search of unique sites for my Incentive clients (something I am always on the hunt for). Through (my friends) Marie-Claude Bouffard & Ferdy Compeán at Meeting Place Mexico

Well, when I arrived, I was floored to find out that these were not only spectacular locations but incredibly mystical and spiritual places. I did not expect these wonderful discoveries; I mean the Haciendas alone where breathtaking:

* Hotel SPA Hacienda des Cortes
* Hostal de la Luz – Spa Holistic Resort
* Mision del Sol
* Hacienda Vista Hermosa

OMG OMG OMG you should see these properties, OMG, they were so enveloping with lushness that one WANTS to get lost in them … I’m telling you … the natural beauty took my breath away. Make no mistake; we were nowhere near the ocean.
However, the intense zenness and spiritual energy will overwhelm you. Imagine my surprise when suddenly found myself succumbing to this energy which re-aligned my mind / body and soul … this renewed clarity was overwhelming …WOW WOW WOW.

Needless to say I highly recommend this paraíso. What a privilege the universe gave me, GRACIAS.

It’s the end of the month and I still can’t shake how profoundly moved I got. So, if you, a group or someone you know is seeking a place of tranquility where they want to reconnect with their mind, body and soul have them call me, I will gladly oblige … I might even join them …ouff I WANT to sooo go BACK !!! (trust me … I don’t say these words lightly)

When I returned, I jumped right into Zoom Academie’s  weekend Wedding BootCamp workshop; this is where myself and the lovely Lyne Branchaud speak, over two consecutive Sundays about how to become a Wedding Planner. This workshop is given in French: << Conception et planification d’un mariage>>

That following Monday, I went Orlando, Florida for an annual association incentive conference, this is geared towards the Associative Planners in the greater North American incentive market. This is a very niche sector.
Orlando was perfect setting for this I was able to reconnect, meet new and upcoming vendors. I learnt about the upcoming conference technological trends. Imagine, I got to try the Google Glasses!! I’m officially a GEEKY trendy planner…

While I was gone .. my SUPERSTAR assistant Jennifer was holding the fort with four consecutive ongoing client programs: Medical Info Session / Client Appreciation Soiree / 50th Wedding Anniversary / Branch Grand Opening of a
Financial Institution
 … when I finally got back I did an Educational Workshop for our IT client.

During all this I managed to have a GREAT guest speaker for the Event Management class I give at College Lasalle; Gleb LaVcinema from La V Cinema – Cinematography is one AWESOME ARTIST and visionary check out his work here:

Also, on another Saturday ‘makeup class’ I brought my students on a walking tour via Sherbrooke Street where we visited several venues;

Beatrice Restaurant
The Ritz Carlton Montreal
Sofitel Montreal
Omni Montreal
Holiday Inn Mid-Town’s La Plaza
Hyatt Regency Montreal
Montreal Internation Jazz Festival

Yes folks … I’m very hands on and it’s all part of their education…

Too boot, that same Saturday, in the evening, we (the Wedding Planners Association and our partners) were invited to a wonderful soiree at a Private Country Estate:  Au Vieux Moulin  what a GORGEOUS spread of property (10 acres) … great setting for ANY form of events from Social – Incentive to Corporate!!

Yes, it was that time again for the WPIC  weekend courses, this time it was held here in Montreal at Concordia University … WATCH out world there are some ‘fiercely’ Certified Wedding Planners on the loose. (I’m proud of them)

That same weekend I was offered tickets to see Maroon 5 and since Jennifer is IN LOVE with Adam Levine it would have been cruel not to bring my SUPERSTAR to the outdoor concert – SHOUT OUT and THANK YOU to Val EVENKO!!

We (Jennifer and I) where invited at the ‘re-launch’ of the newly renovated AML Cruises boat NICE JOB guys !!!

I went on a site visit to L’Ile de Navark on Ile Carron, a place where we are planning a few upcoming client programs and a wedding – so stay tuned!

Had a lovely lunch at Buona Notte  with Gerry who represents the Equinox Resort property in Vermont… more to come on that too…

Speaking of luncheons; had the pleasure of reconnecting with Luis Sudano from the Intercontinental Hotel at their infamous OSCO Restaurant …YUMMO the risotto was just DELISH!!

Also did a site visit at the Chapiteau Eugene Chaplin 

That’s been my June… I hope yours was great too!

Call me the “FACILITATOR”

No no silly, I’m not a new Marvel superhero… “The Facilitator: Facilitating Companies (my clients) AND Planners (my colleagues) ACROSS the GLOBE!!” (although I must admit it does have a cool ring to it) …

While I do consider myself a multitasking maven, this month has been non-stop coordinating and, well, acting as a facilitator for a whole variety of clients and colleagues. Add a little bit of travel and you’ve got yourself one hectic month of May!

Normally I’m coordinating/helping my clients out, however, this month I’ve been getting last-minute requests from colleagues who live out of town (we are talking USA, across Canada, and from Europe). to help them out on their events happening here in Montreal. They’re missing bodies here – they cannot be present at these events so they’ve asked me to represent them. (yes folks competitors asking each other for some help … it happens all the time)

Over the years I’ve built relationships with competitors (this is when I do my traveling). And there are moments we call on each other for HELP … it’s very rewarding to be asked by a colleague to represent them in their time of need: For example, I recently went to the InterContinental to help with an associate’s attendees’ needs as they were checking out or facilitating to find a specific venue space for an upcoming medical conference for a small group of doctors etc … etc…

The summer session at LaSalle College, where I teach, has also started. This month I attended an event that LaSalle holds every year called “Enterprise” where Fashion Marketing students present their business ideas, similar to the “Shark’s Tank” concept. Also, because the Event Planning program falls under the Fashion Marketing umbrella, I get the pleasure attending the
fashion design students’ showcasing all of their designs. And if you know me: anything to do with fashion, I LOVE!!

I had two client appreciation events this month – they were for the same client but from different departments. I also did educational programs for them.

I had two client appreciation events this month – they were for the same client but from different departments. I also did educational programs for them.

I was lucky enough to have had a lunch with colleagues where I discovered the Bier Markt, a fantastic restaurant.

I also rediscovered Hotel Le Crystal Montreal .

And visited the newly renovated AML Cruise boat.

Because I was working constantly I didn’t do much traveling this month.

However I still made time to check out the wonderful Topnotch Resort in Stowe, Vermont. Was invited to experience the property and it’s a gorgeous place.

I’d like to give a shout-out to my assistant Jennifer – she’s awesome and has been helping me out a lot with last-minute stuff. Thank you so so so MUCH Jennifer!

The event season has officially begun. Can’t wait to see what June has in store!


I’ve been here, there and everywhere in the last few weeks.

My month of April went a little like this….

On April 1st I left for Cote d’Azur Nice/Cannes (I know… I have a rough job!). My experience began from the moment I got to the airport here in Montreal, where I was welcomed into the VIP Club Lounge courtesy of DELTA | KLM | AIR FRANCE | ALITALIA

Once in I was greeted with the BEST French Champagne, an assortment of French cheeses, baguettes and exotic fruits, also had the pleasure of tasting some freshly made French ‘amuse bouche’ … everything was classic and délicieux – ou la la.

Later, it was time to board the plane and to my surprise I was informed that I had been upgraded to First Class (WOW) …

Once all settled in I was (once again) offered some French Champagne as a welcome on board drink. Well by the looks of things, it seemed to me that I’d be drinking champagne all along on this flight … once the plane took to the air, supper was being served; lovely antipasto with a wonderful typical French entrée with complete table setting (ou la la). Once supper was over and all was cleared, once again was offered a choice of a night cap, more Champagne please, began to watch a movie and slowly fell asleep (my chair turned into a bed – sooo comfy) .. I was awakened with a typical French breakfast offering mimosa and mini French pastries.

Arrived in Paris only to run to catch our connection to Nice’s Airport Côte d’Azur, once we landed, we met up with my group, we were all delightfully surprised with a helicopter ride to the hotel (talk about living the life of the Rich and Famous) ou la la.

The rest of the trip on the French Rivirera was spectacular to the point it made me WANT to live there!

Alas, when I arrived back home April 6th, the morning after I took a plane to Toronto (yes another trip). I was graciously invited and hosted at this conference, I had the opportunity to meet / reconnect with some great suppliers and colleagues.

Left Toronto that Thursday (April 10th) only to wake up Friday (April 11th) to drive to Ottawa, where I was spending the weekend teaching 17 FABULOUS students for the WPIC’s Wedding Planners course. The students were awesome … I’m still getting thank-you notes from them. I’m truly overwhelmed with humbleness.

Monday morning (April 14th) I left Ottawa, drove home, unpacked, and got ready for my class that night at LaSalle College, where we were reviewing for final exams, which took place that week on Thursday (April 17th).

The week after I finalized/organized/coordinated the final details of my first pharmaceutical event, at the beautiful Hotel Sofitel Montreal Golden Mile, this medical conference was all about cosmetic surgery. I really learned a lot (one can become paranoid about ones appearance after that – ouff).

Within that same week I also consulted on a few upcoming Weddings and closed 3 more Incentive Programs I was working on. (see I do REALLY work folks)

On April 24th I left for Mexico. Once arriving in Cancun we were whisked away to the newly renovated Paradisus Resort in gorgeous Cancun, Mexico where we were wined and dined (the staff there is just wonderful).

After, our program was over we were invited to ‘experience’ for a couple of days (the soft opening) of the newly remodel Hard Rock Hotel in Riviera Maya … WOW.
We even got to see Jon Bon Jovi with his family pool side…

Another huge highlight of my month was when I received an email informing me that I’d been nominated for INDUSTRY BUILDER.
Another WOW moment … you have no idea how I’m honoured and humbled by the recognition by ones peers.

Landed in Montreal on the April 29th and from the airport I went straight to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts  to attend a Toronto Tourism soiree to network and reacquaint myself with their vendors.

And finally, the day after April 30th put the final touches on my client’s VIP Client Appreciation evening which began with a DELISH supper at Chez Epicier and ending the evening under the big top at Cirque du Soleil newest show KURIOS.

Hope your April was as rewarding as mine was! See you soon!

Catch me if you can …

March is here and spring has sprung (NOT (yet)).

I’ve called this blog “catch me if you can” because I’ve been going all over the place: what I mean specifically is traveling.

Early March my traveling began:

Started with an annual congress in Mexico City (it’s my second visit and WOW) … This Metropolis never ceases to amaze me. On the request of my friends and colleagues; Eleonora and Marcella of the Mexican Tourism office, I was asked to stay on a few extra days to get a personalized tour. Boy did they spoil me rotten (as any proud Mexican would). I was brought to discover the WONDERFULLY colorful artisanal outdoor markets and a tucked away secret place smack in the middle of this grandiose city called Xochimilco (it’s the Mexican Venice) OMG really OMG!!

I was invited to a familiarization tour of Trois-Rivières, hosted by Tourisme Trois-Rivières  it was awesome to discover the incredible history. The few days spent there we learnt another morsel of our province’s complex history… simplement MERVEILLEUX!!

Was asked to par-take in on a last-minute trip to New York City (love it there!) Stayed at the uber chic and sexy CONRAD Hotel just across the street from the FREEDOM Tower and the 911 Memorial … all I can say about this is INSPIRATIONALLY HUMBLING!!

I worked (YES I actually DO WORK 🙂 ) on a few day long conferences/workshops for my clients; they are the usual “lunch and learns” with “whole-day conferences” these took place at some of Montreal’s most beautiful venues; the Hyatt Regency and the Ritz-Carlton.
I also took some time to attend a local annual Industry symposium always held at the Centre des Sciences; “Momentum” this was for the corporate side of the meeting industry. I also had time for some ‘self-education’ and attended the newly formed M+IT University in Montreal at the Sheraton Center downtown regarding meeting industry’s future trends and the top 10 trends for the Incentive Market. (a planner’s got to be up to date with all this)

Every year Board of Trade of Métropolitain Montreal “Opération Retour à l’école” invites “ENTREPRENEURS” to go speak to some High Schools. These conferences are for the up-and-coming students that want to be future entrepreneurs. We go to sharing why they should all keep going to school and pursue their dreams. This is something that I do to give back to the community every year … hence my
catch phrase: “I aspire to inspire

For my upcoming Incentive Programs I had the wonderful opportunity to meet a few people from out of town properties:

 in Stowe Vermont                  Hotel PUR in Quebec City

It’s always great to connect with new vendors. (especially when I’m scouting new Incentive ideas for my client’s)

My classes at LaSalle College are slowly winding down – out of five classes two are finished and the rest are wrapping up by mid-April.

My class and I have had the honor of various speakers;

• Louis Sudano, from Intercontinental Montreal
• Patrick Lalonde, from Agence Apollo
• Randi Katz & Tony Picciuto, from The Directors Show Band
• Steve Merlin, from Event-ure
• Wedding set up at the Congregation Shaar Hashomayim; we where graciously invited by Jamie Silver from Celebrations

So at a glance one would think that March was busy?!?

WELL let me tell you April is looking even more hectic, especially when it comes to travel, but I’ll share that with you next month. Here is a hint: “je vais vous l’expliquer le mois prochain” wink wink – nudge nudge…. 🙂