I will not lie it’s been quite a challenging month professionally and personally.

Professionally because there are STILL clients out there that really do not understand what we planners do. The worst part is that they have their own ideas of our profession even though ‘we’ constantly have to explain and re-explain it. I’m not mad about it is just so so sad that although Montrealer’s are sooo ‘avantgarde’ and yet they STILL don’t get what a Meetings/Event Planner does for a living … maybe they don’t want to get it. Solution is simply being patient and constantly educating them. Venting over….
Now on the personal side of things this year has been quite challenging with the many passings of many Family – Friends – Co-workers etc.… it’s an average of 1 or 2 per week – yes you are reading correctly. What is going on!!! OUFFFFAAA. talk about facing my own mortality.

Back to my work, been working hard on several corporate events, either on upcoming holiday celebrations and/or company anniversaries. I’m glad to see that people are willing to just celebrate… From 30 people to 300 people, it’s pretty cool that the COVID fear is slightly over – overall… Needless to say I’m lovein it. Speaking of events, I will share that the logistical part is always challenging in any given circumstances.
HOWEVER, at the moment OMG OMG OMG it’s all about uber short timelines, which is doable but, on the flip side the shortage of labour and supply chain is UNBELEIBALY nuts… and this is what makes our challenging job even MORE challenging… Keep telling myself we got this!!!

After some negotiating, I finally got approved to join the organizing team of COP15 https://www.unep.org/un-biodiversity-conference-cop-15 . It is a very exciting here in Montreal. We are welcoming over 15,000delegates from all over the planet. Keep in mind I am not organizing it all – no no – there are lot of parts to this event and there’s a lot of teams that go with these parts. No matter it is very exciting. With several teams already did some sites had meetings etc… This is happening in mid-December two weeks solid can’t wait. Will definitely keep you posted.

Speaking of sites did quite a bit this month; with new hotel openings in Laval. And invited to a few relaunching of either restaurant, special event spaces etc. this translate that the industry is slowly coming back to life. The only challenge is labour shortages, that everyone is experiencing. Oufffa universe help us please.
As for other outings we managed to also go to visit friends and see a tribute band giving homage to AC/DC what fun that was…
On the Teaching front, once again this year I participated at the Education Salon held at the Olympic Stadium. It was great to see people in person and there was a nice number of attendances too. Lots of high school students coming from all over the city and beyond. Another great thing to see. The week after College Lasalle had their open house which too was a success.
So as you can read it was a mixed but busy month… Happy Halloween everyone.

Let’s see if November will be busier?!?
Laters folks…