Warp speed kinda month

Hello everyone, Happy Holidays – I will tell you that this month I did not see pass by. BAM no break for the entire month… the day after we arrived from Florida it started FULL THROTTLE!!

I hit the ground running with the two – 10th year anniversary company event within that week. All the logistical work that I did in Florida came to fruition.

Sunday, I arrived from Florida and Monday I executed (with my team) the first event. Once that was done then we prepared for the second event for the same client on that coming Friday. Yes, it was intense but very successful!!

It’s very satisfying when people actually give you confidence to do facilitate their celebrations even though it was complicated all along the way and by complicated, I mean the indecisiveness of one’s client. What can you do, it happens, and it is part of our jobs as planners to reassure them. I completely empathize that sometimes they have to put a lot of faith in you and your team. What is important is holding their hand all the way through it with confidence.

Speaking of confidence that same Friday I had a client’s annual Holiday staff dinner party finished one and off to the second one. Talk about double booking!! Thank God it was at different time during the day. All done and completed without a hitch.

Then (the day after) Saturday came and BOOM – COP 15 started. After months of organizing, sourcing, and executing it was time to be in place and make it happen. As of December 3rd, all the way to December 20th my team and I worked 12 – 13-hour days nonstop. What an experience and fantastical conference!! One needs to understand or take in consideration that we, collectively, had only six months to organize it.  When normally it takes at least a good two years to properly put things together.  This massive conference consisted of basically 15,000 attendees on a daily basis, coming from all over the world. The United Nations was the machine / brainchild behind all this. And WOW kudos to them, they are one fantastic well-oiled machine. From the perspective of a planner, I was uber concerned about how everything was to come together with only 6months to do it.  I didn’t know how it was going to be possible?!? Well,  I was blown away by the entire organization and operation!!  The UN team that I was working with and all the volunteers – wow wow wow wow – how impressive!! Hats off, I was floored and learned so much it opened my eyes to the aspect of things. Meaning it’s an EXTREMELY very well-oiled machine. Yes, there where some hiccups, but considering all the logistics in this conference, OMG OMG it was awesome and what a dream team of volunteers!!! The superb attitudes of everyone was all that made the difference. Not to mention how much I learnt and the great people I met along the way!! Humble and Grateful to have been given this once in a lifetime opportunity. MIC DROPPED!!

And yes, yes of course somehow (exhausted and all) with the GRAND help of awesome hubby, spent time and hosted my brother and his kids for the holidays – god we love them!!!

See you next year!!