A month of Celebrations – Connecting and Reconnecting

Hello everyone! Can you believe it?? September is around the corner, not to mention back to school, and fall is a coming. It’s been a wonderful, busy, hot summer in Montreal – who could ask for anything more?! (ok I might want a beach – but hey, I can dream right?)
The month started off with a special celebration: my 32nd wedding anniversary. Hubby and I celebrated it with a small home cooked meal. It was cozy quiet and relaxing, perfect for us.
Another celebration was my second-year anniversary of Breast Cancer diagnosis. Went for my annual mammogram (2nd year) and got a cleared go ahead. Now I’m up every 6 months instead of 3. YES folks, I’m very happy about.
The first week of August was the end of the school’s summer session. The graduating students from College Lasalle and we collectively decided to have our own grad dinner. We went to Belle et Boeuf on St. Catherine… what a blast.
Then later that week, hubby and I went to the rescheduled El Dorado, Shakira concert, at the Bell Centre fun fun fun. (hadn’t been to a concert in YEARS !!!)
Then I had the opportunity to do a walking tea tour with Melissa Simard, owner and operator of Round Table Tours . OMG I had no idea tea was so complex and interesting. I learnt so so so much! I recommend it 1000%!!! Side notes; did you know that tea was contraband a long time ago here in Montreal?!?! WHAT?!? and there existed a black market for it WHAT?!? and that there’s a tea school where you can become a Tea Sommelier!?! DOUBLE WHAT?!?! Just call Melissa and book it, you’ll see (and taste of course).
Then a few days later I finally got to attend Diner En Blanc Montreal. KUDOS to the organizers, well done and quite organized tons of music and wonderful atmosphere. Will definitely see you next year!!!
In the midst of all this “partying” (as some would call it).. I did tons of overdue connecting with family friends and colleagues that I hadn’t seen in awhile. This kept me so busy – I ended up having no time to do some over due spring cleaning at the house… oh well…
Then, out of the blue, I got an email from a colleague in Ottawa. He asked if I’d be interested in a quick site visit trip to non-other than Salt Lake City, Utah … I said yes and did. SLC is a very interesting city, very quiet and great space and place to go hiking in the spring – summer and skiing in fall – winter.
Here is a link to my Travel Trend article/blog in the Suburban News Online on it.
Once back, I attended a meet-and-greet soiree for Elegant Wedding – this was their way of celebrating and demonstrating where the new location for the annual Elegant Wedding Showcase will be this coming year in November. To boot it was a GREAT way to meet the vendors and potential new vendors…

In retrospect, this was kind of a busy month – considering I declare this month a vacation month… go figure…
I’ll be back in September!