Action Packed 

April was an action-packed month virtually speaking, of course.

Hello Y’all … how are you guys doing?

Myself? I am ‘living the dream’, yup being a tad sarcastic, considering the situation we are in collectively. However, I am aware things can be sooo much worse.

As mentioned above, it has been quite an action-packed month. Starting with Easter celebrations extremely sparse socially distanced …so it is safe to say that it was not your typical traditional Easter at the Caputo / Paduano household. It is quite frustrating, but it is what it is. Eventually we will get back to whatever the new normal will be.

The second week of April was time for my seasonal Tire Change

Then was invited to be on a panel discussion for the annual conference called THE EVENT their was a segment that was all about the certifications we have attained over the years and its importance. It was appropriately named; “Alphabet Soup” it is in reference to the bunch of letters next to our names (also known as acronyms). Which basically represents our blood sweat and tears we worked towards for our beloved industry.

Then there was a travel trade conference called Luxury Expo yes of course it was done virtually. This is great because we are trying to stay in touch and slowly to rebuilding/hanging on to our contacts/contracts that are in-limbo in our devastated industry. This trade show covered the destinations like: India – Greece – New York – Middle East – Cambodia, to name a few. (GOD I MISS TRAVELING)

Was also interviewed by EventPros podcast “Personally Professional” to discuss my journey as a Planner and Entrepreneur, here is the link.

And here is the link to the written article on Contract in COVID times:

Went on a “2 day” virtual FAM tour with the gracious invitation from Tourism Kelowna. WOWZER, we got tons of gifts from their world-renowned vineyards. Needless to say, it was educational, and we had a nice array of wine tastings.  ChinChin!!

As if that wasn’t enough, I also took part of a fun fun Team Building activity … cookie decorating virtual context – here are the pictures you be the judge!?!

At Lasalle the winter session has wrapped up and so has the final exam corrections. Surprisingly enough, in the midst of all this, I was asked to be a Guest Speaker for two classes … pretty exciting. Because I actually got to school and do it in front of the students live!!! Understand, we were not allowed to go to school since COIVD … So technically it has been a year since I’ve been physically there. WOW what a weird eerie feeling it was, and I realized how much I MISS it!!!

Like every year at this time, I am part of a judging panel for the Ottawa Wedding Awards like everything else, it is virtually done. Another thing I did is Mentoring several future aspiring entrepreneurs. LOVE this so much and love getting feedback for it too ASPIRE to INSPIRE!!

Good evening Daniela,
How are you?
Thank you so much for helping me throughout the whole entrepreneurship contest. You were always there for me. You were always responsive and willing to help. Thanks to your guidance, I received the second prize! I am extremely grateful, Daniela! It was my honor to have you as a coach.

I am working to continue Agence Flyless. I plan to apply to Lab culturel

But I need to find a partner who has Canadian citizenship or permanent residency. Do you know anyone who would potentially collaborate with me? Maybe your students or somebody who participated in the entrepreneurship contest?

Thank you so much and have a great day,

I am continuously keeping in touch with friends on a weekly basis. Regardless, if they are industry friends, or school friends, friends are that friends.  (they keep you sane somehow)

On a personal note, I got my 1st vaccine YAY!!  Ballo, my fur baby, finally had his overdue SPA DAY, yes, I am still cooking tons, walking everyday for a few hours and basically, taking advantage/enjoying the much-needed Vitamin D.

The last week of April unfortunately my dad was hospitalised for his heart once again. He has arrythmia and required hospitalization. The Doctor request he stays there to help rectify this condition.  (hoping it will be a short hospital stay). Side Note: the staff there are AWESOMENESS – due to COVID we cannot visit him, however, we can call and get updates … those nurses are wonderful!!

As you can read, April was jam packed considering COVID situation!!  I don’t know what May will be like. Stay tuned, hope it will be good at least with the weather … speak soon guys love you thanks for reading!!!