Zoomy and Zooming along this hot hot hot July

Wow, what a hot and humid month it has been. Hope you are all doing well and staying cool, safe as well as healthy.
Started off the month with Canada Day celebrations… truth be told, we didn’t do much LOL but we still celebrated in our own way!
For July, I helped celebrate a one of my niece’s birthday social distance style.

And speaking of social distancing, Zoom took me all over the world this month: meetings in the Cayman Islands, Lake Como, Mexico, Jamaica, and Thailand… virtual travel is the way to getting things done, at the moment, of course.
Other online activities included: Entrepreneurial Masterclasses, Podcast Interviews, Supplier Strategy sessions. Yes folks you can now understand why I called this month ZOOMY!! I am keeping busy attending all these meeting exchanges to see if I can integrate and/or pivot them into my business model.
Link to ipib – PodCast episode #3
Yes, the Zoomy situation continues. It infiltrated into the school front. My students had a Final Project Fundraiser to do and WOW am I proud of them!! Don’t get me wrong there was TONS of DRAMA, however, they proved to be quite a talented group! I must say: I was surprised that, with all the social distancing, they where able to pull it off CONGRATS!!!!
Link to interview on their project – PodCast we appear at 1:56:00
Too boot they surprised me with love and gratitude, sending flowers, cards and gifts.
On a personal note, I finally had my laser eye procedure, this is to avoid getting glaucoma (because I have Type 2 Diabetes). It was fast in and out with in 30 minutes!!! Kudos to our front-liners!!!
Ohhhhh yes, I have not slowed down on the cooking and baking front!! Look….
AND I actually FINALLY had my hair situation taken care of – WOOT WOOT… YAY!!
YES YES we where super safe and wore our masks.

I’m blessed to have had over all good month of July, of course, I had my ups and downs, like everyone I guess…. Anyhoot, wishing you ALL to stay safe and ENJOY this wonderful summer!!
AND WEAR YOUR MASKS – it saves lives !!!!
Come back to read my next blog in August!