Shhhhhh QUIET month of May

Shhhhhh QUIET month of May…

Well, it’s been a chill month, not surprisingly. I have not been working in events at all, however, I have had a many industry related Zoom Meetings; I dubbed it ‘Zoomying’😊 And in the mix of all this zoomying; there has been some what of what I would call R&D work, exploring, discussing and analysing options on what would be the new norm as “virtual events”…. we will see what comes of it.

Speaking of the new norm; I actually attended a Virtual Networking Event coming out of our capital city Ottawa. To say the least it was interesting, you I was curious on how this would be executed and what my experience would be like… and it was GOOD!! You see, I am kind of in a situation where I do not really know what to do at this point!! Do I sit and wait, or do I do something!?! There is TONS of chatter on PIVOTING or doing everything VIRTUALLY …. obviously due to the circumstances there are not any events happening … nor will they in the next few months or year…😲 ☹ AND I TRULY do not know what to do. I am on the fence and weighing all my options… I feel uselessly helpless, but I know one thing for sure, that for now, it is what it is. Circling back to zoomying, this is where when I see upcoming virtual activity and/or events, I do my darndest to attend. Also, mostly to stay in touch with my eventprofs peeps and to see what options are out there for clients (and me).

Another outlet I’ve been fortunate to partake in is Industry … They are from the US – they have reached out to planners (from all over) to see what is going on or what is everyone collectively doing during these trying times in our beloved industry?!? Here are copies of my contributions.

Early May was my Mother in law’s Birthday (87yrs old god bless) and a week later was Mother’s Day, so we celebrated both our Mom’s in exercising a proper social distancing. It was GREAT and sad-ish (all in one) due to we couldn’t actually hug and stay too long as we usually would… Speaking of being social via social distancing  I’ve been also catching up with friends via the social media platforms too.

Ohhhhh BTW I’m STILL cooking and baking and I’m STILL LOVING LOVING LOVING it!!!
Guess my diet is on hold for now. #dietwhatdiet #quarantinecooking
And speaking of food we are taking advantage of picnicking along our beautiful shorelines here in YUL…

May 11th was back to school, yes Summer Session is continuing only difference is it is online. I feel bad for the students… do not get me wrong they are wonderful!!! However, they did not sign up for online classes, but right now they do not really have a choice… I am TRYING my BEST to make the lectures interesting and exciting for them. You they chose to do the campus classes … and they don’t like this online situation, but it is what it is, and we all need to make the best of it.  Speaking of making the BEST of it … I was invited to be a guest speaker at another school: College Laval, this is a private High School in a Zoom meeting format (see why I’m dubbing this zoom stuff Zoomying 😝😊) What a GREAT experience and as ALWAYS I ASPIRE to INSPIRE at anytime!!!

On a health note, to my surprise got the call that the small medical procedure that was scheduled pre-COVID19 and then postponed was green lighted … I was grateful and humbled to get it done (you see with all this going on I thought for sure I may fall between the cracks …but no … too boot it was quick… in and out. I AGAIN was SUPER GRATEFUL to get it done and the frontline staffers at the Glen Hospital were awesome. I was soooooo grateful that I had to write a heartfelt thank you note and have it published in the Suburban online News health section … if interested in reading it here is the link.

Wanted to give a shout out to kindness; my neighbours, clientele, and suppliers for being selfless during this time showering us with masks – gifts and lots of support!!

WE NEED to just keep taking things one day at a time. I will see you soon. Please stay safe and well!!!
Sending you all Virtual HUGGS and KISSES!!!!