A busy month, to say the least…

As the “summer” winds down, September seemed to be on super warp speed!!! WTH (What The Heck) happened?? It was uber crazy, hectic, wonderful, whirlwindishy kind of month!! No complaints just still catching my breath … I love my life as a planner!
Started the month off with the annual Grand Salon Marion Nous , thoroughly enjoyed it. And loved to reconnect with suppliers and see if there were any new trends that I did not know of.
Then of course it’s September so it was back to school time (fall session) at Lasalle College. I always love this time of year at the school – everything is buzzing with such excitement.

Also had the honor to address upcoming group of Tourism students from Champlain College .
What fun that was..

Have several client meetings and secured several more contracts.

Attended THE industry’s most anticipated Gala of the Year; HMI’s supplier and client appreciation night, and ohhh what a night it was.. KODOS, to the organizers once again.
Of course some site inspections where in order too this month:
♥ Mont VR virtual reality experience for team-building

♥ Reunion d Sens another space GREAT for team-building

♥ Club St. James great decor & refresh was done there

This folks was the “CALM” part of my month…
Oufffa, I truly don’t know where to start? (actually in reviewing my month, I don’t know how I did all this) You see this entire month consisted of many trips (more than the usual). Before I start, I really feel I need to reiterate a myth; please understand that even though I am being hosted at these great hotels and am wined/dined – yes it is true glamour. However, keep in mind that I am not on “my schedule” for these trips – I am on my suppliers’ schedule at all given times. This means its all work related. Remember, I’m there to scout new potential locations for clients Incentive needs. Now that we are clear.. Here are my month’s travel adventures;
First Stop and one of the highlights of my month was going to French Riviera Cote D’Azur Nice, France for my client’s Incentive program. I normally don’t participate, (because I cannot be everywhere at all times) however, this time (due to an opening in my schedule) I decided to attend, and I am so glad that I did. You see, for my clients’ INCENTIVE programs normally I coordinate and organize (with the help of vendors) all the logistical details involved and most times due to scheduling I cannot attend to see the final product being executed … however, this time it was possible to be present and see all the fruits of my labour come to life. It was a SPECTACULAR SUCCESS, I feel in LOVE with the place .. ohhhh and the weather was superb which made it to be a wonderful trip. Did I mention I fell in LOVE !?!?
Second Stop once back to YUL; within 24 hours, I was off to Quebec City with my partner in crime Annie. We needed to do a few site visits for some upcoming client programs we are planning in 2018;
♥ Hotel PUR – hosted us and treated us like Queens – you MUST visit this property it’s sublimely wonderful
♥ Fairmont Chateau Frontenac – visited the infamous Chateau perfection at its BEST nothing else to say
♥ Morrin Centre – great for conservative meetings
♥ Le Capitole – always LOVE this place so versatile
♥ Old Quebec – great for a stroll or treasure hunt teambuilding activities
Every time I go there I fall in love.
Third Stop I had just enough time to reset my bearings and off I went to Ocho Rios, Jamaica on a FAM hosted by Moon Palace Resorts Jamaica and WOW do they know how to welcome you!! YaMon!! Talk about hospitality at its BEST. Not to mention it’s one SPECTACULAR resort; between the variety of restaurants to choose from, endless activities offered and the unforgettable excursion to the infamous COOL BLUE HOLE – SUBLIMENESS is putting it mildly!! YaMon!!
side note:
Ohhh, and by the way while in Jamaica, I was coordinated, (yes simultaneously) 2 client events back in Montreal. YES these events went smoothly!!! (I thank the Event GODs and AWESOME suppliers)
Fourth Stop once back from Jamaica, within 24 hours, off we flew to Toronto for work on a client’s 2 ½ day AGM program.

another side note:
during this time it was my Birthday…which truth be told, I did not really get to celebrate properly .. I will though in early October … YES folks, welcome to the Life of a Planner.
Special Mention: amongst all this CRAZINESS this month there is one Trade Show experience I NEED to share with you; ACCRO Montreal 2017 all I can tell you is WOWZERs. The future is here and coming FAST.. If you missed it … well you HAVE to attend next year!!! It’s all about Artificial Intelligence and more futuristic stuff. Just visit their website for more detailed information!!!
OOUFFF I NEED to catch my breath….
That is all folks… however, October seems to be shaping up to be just as busy … so stay tuned ….
Once again THANK YOU all sooooo much for all of your Birthday Wishes !!!!