A judgemental month (haha, haha not really…)

I didn’t know what else to call this month’s blog because I’ve been asked to be a judge for four different events; a couple of Wedding Shows in Ottawa, a Special Events show in Toronto, and at an Industry Achievement Award Gala in the USA. What an honour it is to be asked, especially that they are out of the Quebec region. Understand that these are massive markets, so it’s quite humbling to have been picked out and asked to partake in this.. a WOW moment for me.

Earlier this month, I travelled to Quebec City , to reacquaint myself with the properties out there .. Heard there were many changes with renovated venues so I had to see for myself. (this is the part of my work called “Research and Development”). Quebec City did not disappoint.. it was awesome. To BOOT I finally got to visit/see the Ice Hotel, which I’ve wanted to see for years. Got there via the train, what a great comfortable way to travel, VIA Rail you guys ROCK. So, this mission was a success!! You see, I have couple of clients wanting to do their conferences there and I needed to be sure it was a good fit. Quebec City your NEVER disappoint!!

Also, I signed a few contracts this month; two more Weddings and three more Incentive Programs (some of which may be taking place in South America and Europe). Ask me if I’m EXCITED!!

On the school front it was Teacher Appreciation Week this month and I got a few nice things from students. I LOVE them too.

Let’s talk Colombia  … YES I went there this month and WOW. Located at the northern tip of South America, is a country of lushness with towering mountains and coffee plantations and culture GALORE.
A bit of background: Colombia was one of the three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others being Ecuador and Venezuela). About the safety question: one of the first things people ask ‘is it safe there’, YES it is SAFE. However, like anywhere else in the world, you need to be ‘alert’/’aware’ of your surroundings.

Let’s start with the city of Bogotà  a sprawling, high-altitude capital. It’s also home to very interesting museums including the Museo Botero, showcasing the art of Fernando Botero’s and the Museo del Oro (The GOLD Museum), displaying pre-Columbian gold pieces. OMG folks you if you only have time to go to one of them I recommend the Gold Museum … it is NOT to be MISSED. Since you are there, there is a Cathedral that one MUST see. It is a day visit, to the infamous wonders of Colombia the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá. Approximately 2-hour bus ride, it is often referred to as the salt underground Roman Catholic Church. Built within the tunnels of a salt mine 200 metres underground. SUBLIME.

Cartagena  is a port city on Colombia’s Caribbean coast. At its core it has the infamous walled Old Town, with 16th-century plazas, cobblestone streets and colourful colonial buildings. Where to stay you ask? Well, there are so so so many hotels to choose from; starting with the typical big brand resort styled ones to the independent boutiques styled ‘haciendas’ … OMG every time I did a site visit I wanted to STAY. The locals are so warm and welcoming. I’m telling you It’s so pretty and quaint you cannot be helped but to be transported into time. Also, one can even go island hopping via different boat options are the nearby shores of Isla de Barú, Islas del Rosario and Islas San Andres, just to name you a few.
They are known for their coral reefs and scuba diving. The added bonus of the wonderful tropical climate (averaging 90F), the city is a popular beach destination, with a modern and accessible airport. BUCKET list item !!!

Can’t believe March is right around the corner. See you then!