Spring has officially arrived, and I am feeling so rejuvenated with the warm weather and sunshine! Hope you’re all feeling the same.
The month started off for me with a little bit of R&R – I was on vacation in Florida for a few weeks (much needed break) I know some of you think I live this ‘GLAMOUROUS’ life, being wined and dine, jet-setting all-over the world. Granted it is WONDERFUL and I am THANKFUL. However, it is work and it is hard on one’s body and rhythm. So, when I get to ‘steal’ moments for some ‘me time’ I take it hands down. One NEEDS to unwind, and recharge and boy did I recharge. Came back rested, ready to RUMBLE and TAKE OVER the WORLD.
No sooner did I arrived home from vacay within 24hours I jumped on a plane to Germany (life of a meeting planner and entrepreneur). Once we arrived, we where immediately whisked and shown around Heidelberger, Germany . What a lovely lovely place it is truly historical and warming. Stayed there for a few days to experience and indulge the local delicacies’ (ahhh the things we do for our client’s) YUMMO. On the third day, off to the city of Frankfurt. I will admit, I was expecting it to be a busy metropolis city. To my surprise, it was a city that was busy, however, it was not metropolis like. I found it smaller than what I expected. Having said this, it was quite refreshing and lovely to visit.
Once back in home, I began the summer session at College Lasalle , what’s different this session is I have a FULL schedule (Monday – Thursday evenings). Much adjustment to do from my end. Oh yes, I absolutely LOVE what I do.
As every year at this time C2 Montreal (C2MTL) happened again this year. It was a wonderfulness full of out of the box mayhem, and yes, just as awesome, it truly gets better, better, better every single year. I have but ADMIRATION to this world-renowned conference. The keynote speakers get awesomer and awesomer the braindates and pods are sublime. And to boot I had my brush with GREATNESS; our first lady Sophie Trudeau and cleleb hip-hop guru Snoop Dog just to name a few. As you can sense I’m basically a “kid in a candy store” … will let the pictures do the talking…
As for my primary work as a Meeting Planner; I of course had client’s events to execute. One example was the movie premiere of HAN SOLO (client’s client appreciation) all was so well executed kudos to the staff at the theatre. Easy peasy to work with. Then of course the continuation of other usual monthly events for other clients…. As you can see the work never stops.
This month I did a few more site visits. Details to come on this.
And on a personal note, I had my three-month follow-up for my cancer journey, so far so GOOD!! Next one is in August… Speaking of journey’s, met up with two other BRAVE WARRIOR women for our moral support. The exchange is PRICELESS each of us brings experiences and help on our life after our Breast Cancer ordeals.

Speaking of cancer, recently got news from one of my former students and mentee (Sofia) that she was re-diagnosed with another type of cancer – WTF – she is only 23years old and now is battling her second diagnosis!!! OUFFFFAAA, all this to say that at the very last minute she was graciously invited to an event called Mommy x Me celebrating life as a parent and Sofia spontaneously asked me to be her guest … WOWZER … HONORED and HUMBLED I was… great event it was… Kudos to Sonia and Tuti…
So far June seems quiet, however, let’s see what it has in store (it’s not the first time that this happens and then BOOM things popup in big form). Anyhow, no matter what, JUNE means SUMMER and upcoming warm weather is always great! Enjoy, let’s not forget festival season is officially started in Montreal. See you soon!