Birthday month – Happy Birthday to me!!!

Happy September everyone! Can you feel fall in the air? It’s lovely! September is my birthday month (the 30th to be exact) so happy birthday to all my fellow September babies!

I kicked off the month with the annual Wedding show Grand Salon Marions-Nous show that always takes place on Labour Day weekend!! And it was great, as always.

Did a few site visits (for upcoming client projects)
♥ Solotech event technology is come fast and furious peeps

♥ WestWood in Laval this was a site and tasting, let me tell you WOWZERS FOODIE heaven

♥ FAMILIARIZATION TOUR (FAM) all over the Eastern Townships
♥ FAMILIARIZATION TOUR (FAM) to New Delhi, India you will be able to read more about it in my upcoming Travel Trend Blog in the next few weeks
Then attended a few celebratory functions:
♥ Mercedes Benz Laval’s 30th Anniversary – CONGRATS once again

Once again amongst all these activities I belted out several client events;
(with the help of my ROCK STAR assistant Alma)
Students from College Lasalle have started to plan their final project fundraiser event happening end of November … exciting…

On a personal note, it was my second-year review for my Mammogram, and it was cleared. I’m so relieved and happy.

I’m currently/continuously working on upcoming client Sales and Incentive programs, plus lots of Corporate Holiday parties, if you can believe it.
Yes folks I’m once again spinning like a top with lots of projects coming…