Busy, busy, busy

Summer is finally here. Or is it? July was pretty busy again. I am working on logistical details regarding upcoming client events and projects. So yes, I’m pretty busy….

I also have a few up coming business trips in;  August – September – October so far.  

All very exciting stuff will share a bit later, on the adventures.

On the school front I had the honor of inviting a series of speakers come to speak and share their knowledge to my classes. And as per usual it was awesome and very inspirational for them. Which is basically the end goal when I do this.

It was a month full of celebrations. One of my nieces turned 14 (she is officially a tween), my mom turned 81  and a wonderful continuance of gathering with friends to celebrate. Love catching up with everybody. Sometime reconnecting with friends is just what the doctor ordered. Including small day trips in and around the city and beyond.

As you can see much was happening in July, but it’s the quiet before the storm.

See you in August.