Filled with Adventures – Accolades

October, was an exciting month and I loved, loved, loved it. The main reason I loved it so much is because for the first time in almost 2 years I headed to a new travel adventure in Quito, Ecuador . That was much fun and enlightening. Just the fact that I was able to travel again was exhilarating!! Of course, it goes without say I was scared – excited – nervous – uber anxious… in regard to the flight and the destination itself. And to my pleasant surprise all went well, so long we follow the rules that are implored to everyone. About the trip take a look at my pictures, which tells the story of this colonial city where there’s lots of churches – museums – chocolate factories and distilleries to discover. I even had the privilege of walking the centre of the earth called: Ciudad Mitad del Mundo (Equator Marker) it being on the equator and all. Here is the link to my Travel Trend Blog, should you want to read more about it:

The month continued with my online teaching, great group of students really enjoying them; love to see up and coming Event Planners (eager beavers) to do what they love to do. They inspire me so much and probably have no idea. Speaking of education, I was asked to represent College Lasalle at the Salon Education held this month at the Olympic stadium. FUN to see up and coming students and it was GREAT to get out and about (a bit of normalcy)

In the meantime, there has been a little bit of activity on the business side of things. Had opportunities to bid on a few upcoming contracts. Didn’t get them all – yup – you lose some you win some. But either way it is a good sign of things to come. I’ve been keeping up with the Zoom meetings and networking opportunities. Truth be told I’m really getting tired of this virtual stuff .. I really cannot wait to start in person meetings – we are made to be social beings!! And uber anxious to get this “monster pandemic” gone.

Since the pandemic began, it seems to me I’m being recognized and/or nominated as of late. You see, I found out that I once again have been nominated in two categories.  The fabulous thing is that it was not in my home province that I was recognized. That alone is an HONOR!!!!  The 2 categories are Mentor of the Year and Planner of the Year for MPI Ottawa’s Annual Prestigious Awards… WOWZERS!!! Goes to prove that your peers are actually noticing or looking at your work… who new??!! I don’t know who nominated me, but I would love to thank them very much. No folks, I didn’t win, however, just the fact that I was honored with two nominations in another province that is pretty spectacular to me!!!  Once again Congrats to all the winners.

Took advantage of the fall colours and went up north to my parents’ cottage for a few weekends. It did me good, I know it’s not busy for me, however, at times I need to get away in seclusion and just be with myself.  I love it there.  It’s saves me from my own sanity again and again even though I’m not going crazy it’s still my escape.

Cooking up storms and I enjoy every moment of it – just forgot to take picture of my creations…

Happy Halloween…

That is all for now – see you in November !!