Intense Party month of July
Hi everyone welcome to my monthly blog for July …. OUFFFFFFFAAAA what a month it was for me!!!

Started with and early morning phone call from my brother informing me that he is at the emergency!!! So, of course, I immediately went to assist and help him on whatever needed to get done that week. Needless to say, it was much juggling – back and forth trying to help out and managing his day-to-day affairs as best I could. And of course, the PANDEMIC complicated matters a little more. In the end, the pain he felt was a result of a complication of a hernia & ulcer operation he had a few years ago. It was the mesh that was placed during that operation that somehow someway during the healing process it intertwined itself with the intestines and that is where things got painful so much, so he rushed himself to the emergency. This was resolved with a quick non-invasive operation, and all is good now thank God.
That following week was one my niece’s birthday, she turned 12 years old we surprised her with signage in front of the home. We couldn’t attend the birthday party due to covid, so we compensated in that way.
The ‘joys’ of the PANDEMIC ().
This month I actually started to do some ‘work’, we ended up doing a few site visits at a new hotel here in Laval Times Hotel the other was Jardin Montreal. It was nice and at the same time it felt odd, not having done a site visit in such a long time…
Speaking of more work, I did the usual industry zoom meetings from destination spots all over the world. Yes, folks for now, it is STILL my reality. Hopefully things will get back to some sort of normal. I will confide to you guys that for me it will take another year or so before the incentive part of my business will properly start.

Speaking of properly starting I am starting to go out more, visited friends and colleagues, meeting them at restaurants/cafes or simply in their backyards. What fun it was nice actually see humans (in person) and to be back to some sort of normality (whatever that is nowadays)
Then a few weeks later the July Birthday celebrations continued… With my brother’s – our mom’s and close family members. And yes my baking/cooking obsessions continues…
And since I NEED to get out and traveling (by plane) anywhere still seems too complex right now, we decided to do a few road trips like heading north to Tremblant to get away for a few weekends. Yes, it’s getting hard to be home 24/7 I’m starting to realize that I’m getting a little stir crazy… Don’t get me wrong I love, being home and all am TRULY enjoying it especially during the summer. However, trips to the supermarkets and malls are not as exciting anymore, I am realizing that I NEED a change of scenery too. So, if I can take small road trips and get out on the weekends it’s really great and it’s really appreciated…
See you all next month … ciao for now