It’s January and I’m already SPINNING
Too boot, it looks like it will not stop. It’s going to be a hectic 2018!

Happy 2018 to all my faithful readers… and hopefully there are some new readers too!
I wish you nothing but health, happiness and great things for the New Year.
I started off 2018 with the second week of my vacation in Florida (after having been there for the last week of 2017). With friends and family. We were invited to spend New Years even with friends at their family’s Florida home good time was had by all … What can one ask for GREAT company – GREAT food – GREAT music and FIREWORKS…
Came back feeling like I’d been gone a month! I was super well rested and relaxed… which is a good thing, because since I got back, things haven’t stopped!
I came back and BOOM: five Incentives finally got finalized, been working on them for the last few months. YUPPIE!! I’m working on 3 more (fingers crossed).
Assisted the annual MPI’s Board of Directors retreat in GORGEOUS Quebec City where Hotel PUR hosted us graciously. (yes I’m back on it – and PROUD)
The winter session has begun FULL force at College Lasalle. (was given nine classes this session (most course are online) – ouff and I LOVE it)
Got invited to a few industry events;
- Divine Bridal Luxury Wedding Show
- Old Montreal Wedding Show open house
- Agence 4 Saisons Showcase Show
I met a bunch of new suppliers, and reconnected with others – that is always awesome.
Some where in between I managed to squeeze in another mini St. Pius X High School reunion supper outing.. you know it’s amazing how even though we haven’t seen each other in decades we manage to pick up where we left off… BOOM!!
I’ve started to get prepared for the awards season in our industry (corporate, special events and weddings). In years past, I was asked to be on the judging panel, and I have the honor of being asked again. I also attended an annual conference in Ottawa to close out the month did I mention I just LOVE Ottawa.
I was invited to be on the organizing committee for the CURE Foundation to help raise funds for cancer patients – very motivated to participate! Event is call Shades of Pink happening on March 10th @ Plaza Antique – If interested to buying the tickets here is the link of our event and/or call me.

Other than that, I have been UBER busy executing and getting event contracts; left, right and centre, which is great (I’m not complaining!) but I have been spinning with no stopping! No day off since I’ve been back as of Jan 7th …. Ouuu lalala.

Doesn’t look like February is going to be any different, and that’s okay.
I wouldn’t have it any other way!