Time to unwind after a great first half of the year

Wow – I can’t believe summer is already almost over. It’s been busy but wonderful. I hope yours has been too?!
It started with my niece’s Gaby’s sweet 16th birthday as well as our 33rd wedding anniversary.
Good God in heaven time flies…
Summer session ended at Lasalle College with my graduating class doing their final project in the form of a Fundraiser Event. Considering they did no have much time they did a PHNOMINAL JOB and raised quite a bit of money, for the LCI Foundation, – I have to say I was very impressed with them!! And I guess they where with me ‘cause they spoiled me with a SPA day – thank you notes and goodies… (it’s nice to be appreciated)
Must say, August was a quiet month event-wise, however, behind the scenes it’s mayhem, constantly working on the details and now is the time for Corporate Holiday parties, if you can believe it!
We also decided to go on vacation for a few weeks. (this girl needs a break too) So, hubby and I made our way to Paris, London and a few places in Italy;
♥ Paris, France – in my travels I have landed at the airport many times, however, never was I actually able to visit the infamous city of lights, and boy was it WONDERFULLY SUBLIME. It did not disappoint.
♥ London, England – my 3rd time and hubby’s 1st LOVE LOVE LOVED it … (can’t get enough of it)
♥ Italia – FINALLY after 28 years, (yes you are reading it right) We finally went back to see the families we have there;
♥ 1st stop in Campobasso Here is where my husband has family that he hadn’t seen since 1976!!! Needless to say, it was a BLAST and BLESSING to reconnect with them …
♥2nd stop was in Calabria This is where I’m from and I too have family there. OH, what a great reunion it was… after 28years there was tons to reminisce over; sharing meals and local town festivals… BTW did I mention the beaches!?! The pebble beaches OMG OMG they where SPECTACULAR… hopefully I will not wait another 28years to go back!! (note to self)
Should you want to read more (details) about our trip’s adventures. Please go to my weekly Travel Trend Blog for the Suburban News online.
On a side note, and uber important milestone to mention; on August 19th was my 3rd year anniversary since my diagnosis of breast cancer … #fuckcancer

I closed out this month with an local Industry Trade show called Momentum and a FANTASIC Lenny Kravitz concert at downtown’s Bell Centre (!!!).
September means back to school, and the start of fall events, with tons of upcoming work assignments!!
We’ll connect then!
Au revoir – Cherio – Ciao a presto