Welcome Autumn

September, My birth month. I love this month so much. It is also the beginning of the fall season … love it when the trees turn into the fiery colors – the vibrance is AWESOME for me.

Besides being my birthday at the end of the month, it was a pretty much exciting month for a change.

New school session started. I got a bit more classes assignment to me than the norm. I guessing it is because there are more students signing up and I guess it’s also September which is usually the highest enrollment next to January. 

The new classes I am now teaching are in the Business Program and the Creative Industry Program curriculum. Which for my part means Customer Services, Management,  Careers in Management, Careers in the Creative Industries, and of course Entrepreneurship & Innovation. I must say it’s great, I am in my element and lovin it.

Realizing more and more, I truly enjoy paying things forward and the students (so far) are making it easy. Most are international students very eager to learn and like to challenge me at times… Their pretty cool students – (but don’t tell them it might get to their heads.)

Now regarding my event planning business, things have been going really well. Mostly sooth sailing with a ton of logistical planning, the only hiccup is lack of reliable staffing… welcome to the post pandemic era…. I digress…

We are continuing to go out and see our friends more and more to celebrate Friendships and Birthdays is important.

I did volunteer at a few annual fundraisers – I enjoy it very much and I see people giving back which is an awesome thing.

Also, attending a few annual conferences for continuing education in keeping up with the industry changing so much – yes, it’s challenging, and I am enjoying this growth challenge.

We where guests at a family wedding which hasn’t happened in a while – it is FUN to be a guest for a change…

That is all for now … see next month.