A month in the life of Montreal Event Planner

Happy Holidays to all

This month was usually calm. While the typical holiday periods my client’s holiday parties are in full swing and over…

Wrapping things Up

What a month, of November it was. Wrapped up a weeklong client conference... YES it was a success. I cannot…

October Madness

Low and behold, October came and went. Ouff what a month. In a good way super busy with all kinds…

Welcome Autumn

September, My birth month. I love this month so much. It is also the beginning of the fall season ……

Transitioning Seasons

Already August. WOW can't believe time is flying by summer is almost over 😲 It's been a busy month between…

Busy, busy, busy

Summer is finally here. Or is it? July was pretty busy again. I am working on logistical details regarding upcoming…

Hello June

June was quite productive. Worked on a client’s annual medical conference for a few days.     Attended a Continuing…


The month of May was quite busy and continued reconnection at all levels. After coming back from vacation bliss, I…

Showered in kindness.

Ahhhh, April another busy month and was showered with wonderful kind people. Continued to work on my client projects/programs for…

Activities Galore

Crazy month of activities -  the saying in Italian is;  ‘Marzo e Pazzo’ This month there was all kinds of mixed…

Recognition – thanks for the nod

February is known for the month of love. Well, I got exactly that a lot of love from all levels…


Happy new year happy everyone!! Wishing you all a new year of new hopes, projects, and wonderful adventures. I continued…

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