PANDIMONIUM or is it??

PANDIMONIUM or is it??

I say this ‘cause MAYBE it’s life telling us alllllll to SHUT/SLOW DOWN and take advantage of reconnecting with EVERYTHING !!!

I’d like to begin by wishing all my readers good health. Hang in there – we’ll get through this!
#rememberweareinittogether #stayhome #staysafe
This month has turned out to be about connecting and reconnecting due to this virus.

I spent the first part of the month working as per usual; site visits/client meetings/finalizing up coming event details and organizing the upcoming months work schedules etc.… etc… And THEN the INEVITABLE happened – CORONA VIRUS came to ‘town’ …. Well that put EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING into a tailspin of crisis/risk management mode. I am talking personally and professionally; personally, I had many conversations with my snowbird parents (in Florida at the time) as to where they should stay, or they should come back early?!?! Super super stressful to say the least!! Finally they decided to bite the bullet and come back early regardless of the risks… Thankfully I got them back to Montreal safe and sound, however, there was much prepping to do before their return; their house needed to be “warmed up” and make sure all the humidity was gone then of course getting them groceries, and cooking a batch of homemade soup for their return.. Coincidentally a week later our Prime Minister also ordered all boarder to shut down …and for all Canadians to come home!!!

♥ Let’s back track a little earlier this month had the pleasure and privilege to attend the EROS RAMAZZOTTI concert gifted to us (my clients and I) by non-other than Evenko… Thank you for the gesture EVENKO you made me look like a rock star to my clients and what a concert it WAS.

♥ A few days later, there was an industry event in an old church converted into a event space called Centre Saint Jax in collaboration with Le Monastere what a GREAT NEW space and WOW the entertainment was sublime!!!

♥ Also did a class outing with my students at the newly renovated W Hotel Montreal . Just sexier that before!! GREAT JOB team WHotel!!!

♥ I also became an official mentor for YES Montreal !! ASPIRE to INSPIRE

After those two first weeks …. EVERYTHING went HAYWIRE!!!! So, as of the 12 of March I basically decided to stay home due to this crazy virus. The first few days of self-isolation wasn’t so bad. Yes, it was and still is an adjustment … however, one has to do what one has to do:

♥ Lasalle College classes (which seemed like overnight) were all converted to online!! BOOM, of course it took some adjusting, however, we’ve found our “new normal.”

♥ Found myself cooking/baking up a storm: surf-n-turf, tomato sauce, chili, shepherd’s pie, apple pie, muffins, making bread, baking cakes from scratch, making jams, etc… etc… You see when I was working and traveling, I kind of never had time to properly cook, (which BTW is one of my TOP TOP PASSIONS) so it’s been really nice to reconnect like this. We also started our Spring cleaning!!

♥ Hubby now out of work, due to the virus, is too keeping busy with doing things around the home and reconnecting with the love of MUSIC, yes, he is a former musician. (he’ll kill me for saying this – kind of outing him)) ‘Built himself a makeshift music studio in the basement and his spending time creating song)

♥ Then our fur-baby Ballo (the dog) is a little overwhelmed (and happy) that we are now always home. I’m sure he is confused, delighted and wondering, “what’s happening?”

♥ Found my self uber bing watching Netflix and CNN – been doing it so much that I can now announce that I’ve watched the ENTIRE Netflix catalogue!! GOOD GOD in heaven what am I to do now??

♥ Amidst all this, I was contacted by com a renowned industry publisher to hear my views on what is currently happening and how much it is hurting the industry … here is the link:

So, in this time of uncertainty, events are all postponed and/or on hold… they’re not cancelled per say. I’m talking about all my local client programs/events; educational symposiums and workshops, as well as teambuilding activities, upcoming sales retreat, etc. etc… are on hold until further notice. This is my reality right now. I have no idea what we’re going to do in April.

Of course, this will pass, and we are all in it together (hope it is not too BIG of PRICE to pay)
Alas, we just must take this one day at a time… see you in April …