GOOD GOD it’s FREAKEN cold outside!!

So, 2019 has started off with a very chilly BANG!
These temps may be cold, but as always, my job warms my heart.

Back from our Florida vacation.

The month began (or should I say continued) with wonderful breakfast/lunches/coffee on catching up with friends and colleagues. And started the winter session at College Lasalle  with a new batch of students, to a surprise worldly travel (which literally took me around the world and back). I feel so much gratitude that I get to do what I love every single morsel/moment/day. 

I jumped right into it and assisted for the 2nd time the John Molson School of Business annual MBA International Competition. To describe it, it was sort of like Dragon’s Den & Shark’s Tank all wrapped into one. What an honour to be amongst the prestigious panel of the judges. Not only was it awesome, these students are TRULY an inspiration to us! FANTASTIC way to start 2019!!!

Following that intensely inspirational week, was what happens every year at this time the
Wedding Shows;

Another form of inspirations, as always, I try to attend all of them. These are great way to stay in touch with the upcoming trends and fellow industry colleagues;

♥  Marions-Nous

♥ Divine Wedding Show 

Need to mention that I also managed to ‘squeeze’ in another industry trade show during that same week, this one was geared more towards
Corporate Events;

♥ M.E.R.C.I. 

And, just like that, I was off on a quick business trip to Vietnam. OMG talk about being on the other side of the world!!! Asia is somewhere I had never been, and for one of the first time, despite my many travels, I felt I was in a completely different conjecture. Talk about an out of comfort zone and cultural shock experience. (all good and strange). For now, enjoy my pictures …. Promise to write more on this experience in my upcoming TRAVEL TRENDS BLOG stay tuned.

I closed out the month with a trip to Ottawa for an annual Trade Show (yes folks there are many of these happening now – it’s that time of the year). This one is for meeting new &/or already established suppliers and continuing our industry education!! (learning is never-ending) Speaking of which on of our keynote speakers was Ms. Jann Arden !!! Got invited to a meet and greet with her after her AWESOME speech… WOW not only is she inspirational but a force to be reckoned with ….
Since I was there, I also managed a night out with high school friends that now live in beautiful Ottawa. Always nice to see them (and appreciate that they’ve taken time to come out) even though it’s been 30 some years since graduation…

Stay warm and dry! I’ll be back in February.

It’s a WRAP ~ Happy Holidays!

It’s a WRAP ~ Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone has had a lovely holiday season and that you’re all ready and excited to start a New Year! I know I am!

December was great, and, of course, hectic! Lol I started off the first and second weekend with two last weddings of the year that I planned. Winter weddings are just GORGEOUSLY magical. emotional and very mystical. Yes, folks 2 Winter Weddings… wondering if it will become a trend?!? Things that makes one think mmmmmm …  I digress … The planning did not stop there, within that two-week period, I also worked (executed) several Corporate Holiday Parties (which is often the case at this time of year). They all went off without a hitch! The funny thing is that this year most of these events happened one or two weeks in advance, then the usual crammed mid-December rush… (maybe another upcoming trend)

Also to note, the autumn session at College Lasalle, also concluded; including final exams, projects and all the corrections that comes with wrapping things up.

Made the time to see/host a few friends … LOVE LOVE LOVE just catching up with everyone.

Much to my surprise also got tons of love/gifts from suppliers – clients and students. (nice to be appreciated)

And then without missing a beat, I took a quick trip (with clients) to Dominican RepublicPunta Cana. No, it was not for pleasure, it was strictly business; site visits, tastings and some excursions (yes with clients). We basically stayed a total of four days; included three days of intense work (as I described previously) and had one day of much needed ‘recuperation’. (I kind of burnt to a crisp – ohy I will never learn) Speaking of excursions, we all got to the beautiful city of Santo Domingo. Wow love love loved it. This colonial city is very nice. I highly recommend the two- and half-hour trip from Punta Cana. If you want to read more about this, I invite you go to my online Travel Trends Blog (Suburban) and read all about it;

To close out the month, I to got to be a guest at several industry holiday parties. (yuppie – I’m usually the organizer and not the guest) Fun fun fun when I actually get to party!!!! To boot, I got to experience the the tribute band for ABBA -Mania (dinner and show) … WOW loved love loved it !!!! BTW I WAS the DANCING QUEEN in that era – love ABBA!  THANK YOU for this wonderful gift folks at the St. James Theatre !!

Once Christmas festivities where done with my FAMIGLIA … hubby and I will be ringing in the New Year in Florida for a few weeks. GOOD GOD we need this break!!! (I know we are not alone – like everyone else of course)

Please allow me to take this time to wishing you and yours all the best as the holidays wind down and looking forward to seeing you all in 2019!

It was Hurricane November this month!

It was Hurricane November this month!

What did I do this month? How about, what did I NOT do this month?! I don’t even know where to start!

November began with a visits, and food tastings at few new and renewed sexy spots:

(what I call ‘coup de coeur’)

♥  Doubletree by Hilton in Dorval

♥ SLK RD restaurant

♥ Henri Brasserie 

♥ Birks Hotel Montreal

Also attended our bi-monthly high school reunion (class of ’82), which is always fun and blows my mind on how every time we get together, it’s like, we are warped back in time (in other words, our high school years just stood still). It was St. Pius X Comprehensive High – I say ‘was’ because it got converted into a specialize culinary school… I digress….

Continuing my gallivanting, I attended a few trade shows this month;

♥ Elegant Wedding Show  first time held at the Grand Quai  it was awesome!!

♥ 1ere Salon de Cafés et Tisanes Colombiens, which was very good and small which made it intimate, and super interesting.

Got an invite to an industry holiday party, in which I was a guest (for a change) at the Sheraton Montreal. AWESOMENESS I tell you what a spread they put out for us!!! And what a great opportunity to catch up with industry friends/colleagues …

Then one of my destination partners invite us to an EXTRAVAGANZA of food experiences!!! Europa Restaurant  GOOD GOD from heaven food porn is putting it mildly!! OMG what an out of body experience. (MUST MUST MUST go) I’ve gone to a lot of restaurants but never had an experience like that before. WOWZERS!!

And last but not least (for this month anyways) I attend the annual Montreal Tourism Holiday Soiree this year it was at Le Salon 1861 (formally know as Espace Richmond)  all I got to say WOWZERS.

(side note; seems to be trending the conversion of churches into event venues)

It’s a few years now that I partake in this charity organization called Splash and Dash, an event to benefit children’s cancer, and this year’s theme was Canadian Olympic Athletes.  I’m either a “hero” or “celebrity,” so this year I was the placed as a celebrity. Also, I usually do the “SPLASH” portion which is swimming, however, this time I thought, I’m going try the “DASH” I mean how hard can it be running the laps with small children. Well OMG OMG I never again! LOL, OMG, I now can confirm I’m out of shape, I also learnt to never underestimated those kids!!! (lesson learnt, never going to dash again). Splash is my thing…

Speaking of partaking in a fundraiser, for the first time I attended with my family another charity event called The Boobie Bunch – Disco Bowling for Breast Cancer Fundraiser. What fun it was and what a great way to let loose and raise moneys to a great cause. Another side note – I also LOVED LOVED LOVED it that my brother’s family was there too (we don’t see each other as much as we’d like) …

OUFFAA is your head spinning yet?? I know mine is … and I’m writing this blog. I’m constantly surprised that I actually do all this) 😊 and yes LOVIN every minute of it!!

Ok, let’s continue; I met up with my Cancer Survivor WARRIOR WOMEN for brunch to catch up and support each other at all levels. (BTW they happen to be my high school classmates too) we do this every three to four months and it’s great.

Also, got ‘squeeze in’ some R&R at Bota Bota  with my mentee Annie. We called it our Christmas party and spoiled ourselves.

Speaking of getting spoiled Hotel William Grey sent me a gift certificate to try out their newly opened Luxurious SPA YES, I SPA’d it right away this time. Heaven sent I tell you …. (or should I say Zen Heaven)

Ohh by the way, in the minst of allllll this, I did work client events and prepared for upcoming client programs. At times we meet at their offices and plow out the infamous event logistics and details… However, occasionally, we decide to hold our meetings out of their offices for instance;

Now you may be thinking, she is doing all this I guess she wasn’t teaching this session!?!

Well allow me to clarify; YES I ALSO worked my 2nd hustle at Lasalle College . This month, by total coincidence, it was concentrated with industry speakers &/or venue/property site visits. And to boot one of my groups (I have 2 groups) of students worked on their final project which was creating and executing a REAL FUNDRASER event for the LCI Foundation. They where successful and raised $1,111.75 not to shabby considering they started with nothing!! CONGRATS to them – having a Proud Teacher Moment 😊

Speaking of education, I attended a course at the Intercontinental Montreal Hotel ; Masterclass subject on disaster preparation, not only do we need to be prepared for this more and more now a days. We always need to continue our education refine our expertise. Let me tell you I couldn’t wait till it was over!!! It the scenarios were so good and intense – it was a real eye-opener. OUFFFFAAA talk about stress… strongly encourage anyone to take a course like this!!!

Wrapping up the month was a lovely invitation from Tourism Laval  to attend a Laval Rockets  hockey game at our newly build Bell Centre Laval(my home turf). We kicked it off by starting our evening at the FANTASTIC newly opened 1909 Taverne Moderne adjacent to the hockey arena. In fact if you want to read more about my experience here is the link to my Travel Trends Blog in the Suburban News on line:

Upcoming is next month is another whirlwind of Corporate Holiday parties and two more weddings for 2018. Yes, there is TONS more to get done. However, I’ll save all that news for next month’s post!

OUFFF over and out!!! 😊

October my Month of ‘TRAVEL’

October my Month of ‘TRAVEL’ 

There’s a chill in the air and fall has arrived. I had a wonderful month with lots of travel and lots of talk of travel.

Let me explain…


I started off my month with a trip to Munich, Germany  and it was fantastic.  We happened to be there during the time they celebrate Oktoberfest. I loved it – it reminded me of Old Munich’s (Beer Garden) we once had right here in Montreal.

Then, met with a Rachel and Suzanne (wedding planner friends) for one of our breakfast get-togethers. Since we where all going to attend the same annual Travel Show, held at Mount Stephen, this year. This show was mainly for Corporate Incentive Group market and not for the leisure milieu. This means information given is on corporate group activities and/or team-building events.

Every year I get invited to Champlain College  to speak to future tourism students. I basically speak to them about the ins and outs on how to work with meeting/event planners. It is always a pleasure, and really fun, what a great day that was. My MOTO: I aspire to inspire.

Speaking of school, as per every semester my students at College Lasalle (and I have the privilege) to have speakers come to class for some inspirational discussions of our industry and/or we have class outings. Would like to give a shout out to the following ROCK STARS that did so; Elyna from Elyna Kudish Events and Tania Élizabeth from Centre des Sciences de Montreal.

Attended the annual Incentive Conference (in Vegas) where suppliers and buyers come from all around the world to learn and connect. What a FRUITFUL trip this congress is.

And YES attended another travel show in Montreal called; International Tourism & Travel Show. This time it was geared to a mix, of leisure and corporate groups. Of course, I went to see what was what (need to keep on top of these trends). It was quite interesting and jam-packed with travel agencies.

Continuing, my travel themed month, as I attended several luncheons regarding certain destinations where representatives invite you to presentations on exotic destinations.

Also, was treated to a live concert at the Rialto Theatre presenting an homage to Amy Winehouse … just WOW!!!

Was also invited to partake on a wonderful project. #HerStory . Christina Esteban Photography is one of the TOP 5 photographers here in Montreal. And once in a while, she’s inspired to give back to the community. This project is all about Women’s Stories … hence why it’s called #HerStory. Here are a few sneak peak pictures … stay tune for it!!!

Yes Yes I also worked, and executed two corporate client events at two different properties. (too bad I’m not allowed to reveal this with pictures.. I assure you they where SPECTACULAR!!

What I can reveal is that I was invited to a sneak peek site visit of the new Hotel Birks Montreal  … YES you are reading it correctly: Birks store has opened a Hotel, and let me assure you it’s UBER-GRANDIOS!!

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Wrapped up my month with a (by invitation only) annual wine tasting show; A Tasting of wines from Italy.

How apropos …. Chin Chin a Tutti!!

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Next month there’s a whole lot more going on, but we’ll worry about that then…

A warm and busy September

Hello my fellow readers! Hope the end of summer is treating you well. It’s been a terrific month for me, with lots of site visits and back-to-school excitement, not to mention closing up the month with a fantastic trip.

Started off the month with being a guest (for a change) at a wedding, ask me how refreshing that was. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE LOVE planning weddings and I thoroughly enjoy passing it forward by teaching/certifying future Wedding Planners; WPIC. However, it’s not often I get to be a guest at a wedding. In fact, the last time this happened it was at least 15 years ago!! And this year I have a total of 2.

Speaking of parties, I once again was privileged to spend a gala evening with the most sought after Industry event of the year!!! They TRULY outdid themselves once again!!  KUDOS!!!

As per usual I had a few client events I’ve executed this month. One (that I can mention) was at the beautiful McCord Museum, the others I cannot reveal due to non-disclosure-agreements I’ve signed with these Corporate clients.

As per usual I had a few client events I’ve executed this month. One (that I can mention) was at the beautiful McCord Museum, the others I cannot reveal due to non-disclosure-agreements I’ve signed with these Corporate clients.

I also got to spend a beautiful September day visiting sites in the picturesque Montérégie  area in and around the South Shore. If you haven’t been, you should definitely check it out, especially with the coming of fall.

At the end of the month I traveled to Munich, Germany short work trip.  This is where I will be meeting with potential suppliers and scouting out some properties for upcoming incentive trips for my groups, more in October.

I also got invited to a few cruise ships luncheons, yes you read correctly CRUISE SHIPS; Regant  and SilverSeas.  This my friends is a whole new world to me. A complete other segment in our industry. LOVED IT!! Thank you Sara DiRubbo for the invite and please contact her for any (and I mean any) Travel needs … she is one o the BEST.. Here are her coordinates: Travel Consultant  T:  514.342.9624 ext. 4625

In-between all my social and work engagements, I’m working on several new projects for clients, which is always a thrill.

And I’m excited to share that I’m a new contributing writer for the newly relaunched Laval edition of The Suburban Newspaper  (a.k.a UrbanLaval) . I’m super jazzed that I’ll get to share news and happenings of my home base of Laval. Look for my byline in coming editions!

A month of Celebrations – Connecting and Reconnecting

A month of Celebrations – Connecting and Reconnecting

Hello everyone! Can you believe it?? September is around the corner, not to mention back to school, and fall is a coming. It’s been a wonderful, busy, hot summer in Montreal – who could ask for anything more?! (ok I might want a beach – but hey, I can dream right?)

The month started off with a special celebration: my 32nd wedding anniversary. Hubby and I celebrated it with a small home cooked meal. It was cozy quiet and relaxing, perfect for us.

Another celebration was my second-year anniversary of Breast Cancer diagnosis. Went for my annual mammogram (2nd year) and got a cleared go ahead. Now I’m up every 6 months instead of 3. YES folks, I’m very happy about.

The first week of August was the end of the school’s summer session. The graduating students from College Lasalle and we collectively decided to have our own grad dinner. We went to Belle et Boeuf on St. Catherine… what a blast.

Then later that week, hubby and I went to the rescheduled El Dorado, Shakira concert, at the Bell Centre fun fun fun. (hadn’t been to a concert in YEARS !!!)

Then I had the opportunity to do a walking tea tour with Melissa Simard, owner and operator of Round Table Tours . OMG I had no idea tea was so complex and interesting. I learnt so so so much! I recommend it 1000%!!! Side notes; did you know that tea was contraband a long time ago here in Montreal?!?! WHAT?!? and there existed a black market for it WHAT?!? and that there’s a tea school where you can become a Tea Sommelier!?!  DOUBLE WHAT?!?! Just call Melissa and book it, you’ll see (and taste of course).

Then a few days later I finally got to attend Diner En Blanc Montreal. KUDOS to the organizers, well done and quite organized tons of music and wonderful atmosphere. Will definitely see you next year!!!

In the midst of all this “partying” (as some would call it).. I did tons of overdue connecting with family friends and colleagues that I hadn’t seen in awhile. This kept me so busy – I ended up having no time to do some over due spring cleaning at the house… oh well…

Then, out of the blue, I got an email from a colleague in Ottawa. He asked if I’d be interested in a quick site visit trip to non-other than Salt Lake City, Utah  … I said yes and did.  SLC is a very interesting city, very quiet and great space and place to go hiking in the spring – summer and skiing in fall – winter.

Here is a link to my Travel Trend article/blog in the Suburban News Online on it.

Once back, I attended a meet-and-greet soiree for Elegant Wedding – this was their way of celebrating and demonstrating where the new location for the annual Elegant Wedding Showcase will be this coming year in November. To boot it was a GREAT way to meet the vendors and potential new vendors… 

In retrospect, this was kind of a busy month – considering I declare this month a vacation month… go figure…

I’ll be back in September!

In the midst of summer

In the midst of summer

July has been a month that started off with full intention of taking care of ME, meaning I finally made use of all those lovely gift certificates I’ve received, which meant indulgence at a few spas including catching up with some friends. In other words, a month of much needed rest… yeah right! (not) LOLOLOL…

While the month began on a slower-paced note, it ended with bang bang bang, rush rush rush!!! (story of my life) … So this is how it went;

Side Hustle #1; with my teacher hat on it started with mid-terms and with prepping/organizing/coordination of a fundraiser event that my students from College Lasalle had to organize, as part of their final project. Which, by-the-way, was executed WONDERFULLY … KUDOS to them… YES I am one proud teacher.  And too boot, in the midst of all this, I also managed to squeeze in for them site visits and industry speakers.

Side Hustle #2;  On the Blogger / Influencer side, for the Suburban News online, I am writing a series on Montreal as a Festival Destination. Started with the one and only Cavalia Odysseo  OMG OMG GUYS you HAVE to go see this show it literally and figuratively transports you into the mystical world of horses. Then for the first time, I had another opportunity to checked out Just For Laughs  shows . OMGsh gut busting humor … To read more I share with you the link to my weekly blog;

Then as an ‘INFLUENCER’ I was invited to a luncheon at the newly renovated Belon Oyster Bar  yum yum yum all I can say is seafood porn – they surprised all of us with tickets to a Jazz Festival concert that same evening.. All I have to say is I LOVE living in Montreal during festival season!

With my REAL JOB; Being that it is time to start looking into preparing for the Corporate Holiday parties we ended up visiting some new options in and around town and the Eastern Town ships;

Wrapping it all up with a wedding that I had planned, and it was wonderful. However, I need to send a HUGE shout out to my niece Gabriella and one of my star students Catherine. Without them I would have gone nuts.. Not to forget the FANTABULOUS staff at Pointe à Calliere  !!


With all this going on I met with the Mexican delegation from a prestigious hotel chain for another upcoming event I’ll be doing in Mexico – very exciting! And with new clients am scouting other options for their annual meetings.

OUFFFFF so I wanted to rest … HAH what rest!?!?!  Hopefully in August?? Will let you know….

It’s June … Summer has begun!

It’s June … Summer has begun!

PHEW estas mucho CALIENTE or should I say it’s STINKIN HOT ….

If you hadn’t noticed, SUMMER IS HERE! I don’t know about you but I’m freak-in melting!! NO I’m NOT complaining. The weather has been hot and wonderful! And so has June.

Started off by attending an educational conference in Indianapolis, Indiana which by-the-way is a very nice quaint city. Yes, it’s small, but very nice. I had a GREAT time. you can read more about it in my Travel Trends weekly blog in a few weeks…

At times I am called upon to see a few newly ‘revamped’ properties – although I know these places well, it does happen that when they renovate or undergone an addition or two. I get re-invited to re-visit the “newness’s”. Allow me to share with you these newly refreshed venues;

(great to see their evolution in offering bigger better options) BRAVO!!!

Also attended a few Industry events:

I indeed worked this month by executing a few client events;

  • two-day client conference event at the William Grey Hotel  in Montreal
  • another two-day client conference event at the Complexe Capitale Hélicoptère in Quebec City
  • the other three client programs (workshop – congress – corporate BBQ) I cannot disclose due to NDA (non disclosure agreements)

As you can see, and contrary to what some folks are ‘presuming’ ….  I’m a busy busy planner… taking this moment to send out a THANK MERCI for my helpers and clients that are ROCK STARS!!!

Switching gears: when it comes to (my 1st SIDE HUSTLE) the classes at Lasalle College  , yes they are still ongoing. And lovin it!!!  I will admit that I’ve been quite busy teaching these future meeting planners by arranging for speakers, and site visits. (side note: this summer exceptionally I was offered to teach four nights straight(OUFFFAA)  .. let me tell you it’s an adjustment… however, YES I still love it…

Switching gears (again):  (my 2nd SIDE HUSTLE) Yes I have a few 😊. I was graciously invited to the official tent opening for Cavalia Odysseo  . All I can say is: WOW!! You can read more on it on my Suburban-News online Travel Trend Blog;

On a personal note the family FINALLY gathered for Father’s Day, which is nice.  Indulge me for a moment; my niece Gabriella did a humanitarian trip (with her school) to Cuba. Go ahead and ask me how PROUD of her I am?? I’m an EXTREMELY OVERJOYED Auntie (simply wanted to give her a shout-out!!!)

Hopefully the madness will slowdown in July… (need to take some much-needed time for me)

Please keep coming back to read my next posts and stay cool and ENJOY the sunshine!

A month of half and half

Spring has officially arrived, and I am feeling so rejuvenated with the warm weather and sunshine! Hope you’re all feeling the same.

The month started off for me with a little bit of R&R – I was on vacation in Florida for a few weeks (much needed break) I know some of you think I live this ‘GLAMOUROUS’ life, being wined and dine, jet-setting all-over the world. Granted it is WONDERFUL and I am THANKFUL. However, it is work and it is hard on one’s body and rhythm. So, when I get to ‘steal’ moments for some ‘me time’ I take it hands down. One NEEDS to unwind, and recharge and boy did I recharge. Came back rested, ready to RUMBLE and TAKE OVER the WORLD.

No sooner did I arrived home from vacay within 24hours I jumped on a plane to Germany  (life of a meeting planner and entrepreneur). Once we arrived, we where immediately whisked and shown around Heidelberger, Germany . What a lovely lovely place it is truly historical and warming. Stayed there for a few days to experience and indulge the local delicacies’ (ahhh the things we do for our client’s) YUMMO. On the third day, off to the city of Frankfurt. I will admit, I was expecting it to be a busy metropolis city. To my surprise, it was a city that was busy, however, it was not metropolis like. I found it smaller than what I expected. Having said this, it was quite refreshing and lovely to visit.

Once back in home, I began the summer session at College Lasalle  , what’s different this session is I have a FULL schedule (Monday – Thursday evenings). Much adjustment to do from my end. Oh yes, I absolutely LOVE what I do.

As every year at this time C2 Montreal (C2MTL) happened again this year. It was a wonderfulness full of out of the box mayhem, and yes, just as awesome, it truly gets better, better, better every single year. I have but ADMIRATION to this world-renowned conference. The keynote speakers get awesomer and awesomer the braindates and pods are sublime. And to boot I had my brush with GREATNESS; our first lady Sophie Trudeau and cleleb hip-hop guru Snoop Dog  just to name a few. As you can sense I’m basically a “kid in a candy store” … will let the pictures do the talking…

As for my primary work as a Meeting Planner; I of course had client’s events to execute. One example was the movie premiere of HAN SOLO (client’s client appreciation) all was so well executed kudos to the staff at the theatre. Easy peasy to work with.  Then of course the continuation of other usual monthly events for other clients…. As you can see the work never stops.

This month I did a few more site visits. Details to come on this.

And on a personal note, I had my three-month follow-up for my cancer journey, so far so GOOD!! Next one is in August… Speaking of journey’s, met up with two other BRAVE WARRIOR women for our moral support. The exchange is PRICELESS each of us brings experiences and help on our life after our Breast Cancer ordeals.

Speaking of cancer, recently got news from one of my former students and mentee (Sofia) that she was re-diagnosed with another type of cancer – WTF – she is only 23years old and now is battling her second diagnosis!!! OUFFFFAAA, all this to say that at the very last minute she was graciously invited to an event called Mommy x Me celebrating life as a parent and Sofia spontaneously asked me to be her guest … WOWZER … HONORED and HUMBLED I was… great event it was… Kudos to Sonia and Tuti…

So far June seems quiet, however, let’s see what it has in store (it’s not the first time that this happens and then BOOM things popup in big form).  Anyhow, no matter what, JUNE means SUMMER and upcoming warm weather is always great!  Enjoy, let’s not forget festival season is officially started in Montreal. See you soon!

a month of Worldwide Travel

a month of Worldwide Travel

All I can say is…. PHEEEEWWWW! Let me catch my breath because I’ve been here, there and everywhere this month! You may say; “ok ok ok Daniela you ALWAYS travel what’s the BIG WHOOP this month ?!?”

“Well yes, this is true, however, I have traveled on the average once a month, BUT, I never did a back to back to back to back… oufffffaaaaa….

After Easter was when I started my whirlwind destination adventures. First stop was on home turf. I went to the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel and partook in a conference for Meetings and Incentives (M&I), which was great. I am very proud of Tourism Montreal  for putting Montreal back on the map from a business perspective.

Got back home and BOOM the day after I left for Banff  / Lake Louise – it was super spectacular! OMG MY GOD heaven on earth for SURE. Yes yes of course we worked; did site visits, tastings, and took part on some very cool adventures. Although, both places where still in ‘winter mode’ and Lake Louise was frozen over it just took our breaths away. If it’s not on your bucket list .. it’s a MUST!!!

SPECIAL MENTION on the following properties;

♥ Fairmount Banff Springs  – what can I say … uber class act property with superb staff a true definition of hospitality

♥ Fairmount Chateau Lake Louise  – again one can only expect luxury with this superb property their staff and service define the word hospitality

I arrived back home on a Wednesday evening (had enough time to do the laundry) only to wake up and leave bright and early Thursday, Ottawa bound.  This time it was a ‘home’ made educational conference called:  THE EVENT. I say ‘homemade’ because it is a first time collaboration between MontrealToronto and Ottawa chapters. All I can say is KUDOS to the organizers It was fantastic – we accomplished so much a and I’m so excited for next year because it will be held here in Montreal. Left Ottawa on Saturday afternoon and headed home.

(are you getting tired just by reading this?? 😊 😊)

And the day after (Sunday) yes BOOM off to the airport heading for Great Britain (England). Once there they immediately took us to a SPECACULAR mid-evilish town called Stratford-upon-Avon, England  . We stayed there for a few days where we discovered what I now call “Shakespeare’s land,”. OMG WOW… what an experience! You know those medieval towns you see on TV? Well, it’s exactly like that in real life. Only WOWZERS, and when they say that the english countryside is spectacular …. OMGosh it TRULY is !!! We were privileged to experience a Shakespearean play – we also visited Shakespeare’s home and museum dedicated to him – went to the room where he spent time writing some of his masterpieces. WOWOWOWOW!!!

A few days later, as we were heading our way to the surrounding towns and we were given some wonderful tours of where they have the infamous English Gardens, Polo Matches and Horse Races… and it goes without say that we couldn’t through the country side by not visiting and experiencing some mid-evil castles. GOOD LORD, they are now luxury hotels. OMG OMG I did not want to go back home!!!!  And to wrap it all up before we took the train to London we experienced typical English tea in a typical English garden off of the castle’s grounds. ‘please pass me the scone’ (yes, I’m being cheeky)

Woke-up the morning after and off to take our speed train to SPECTACULAR London  . (love love the trains in Europe) Once we arrived we headed to our respective hotels where for the next three days, we talked business, went to the theatre where we saw the play MATILDA. We got wined and dined by some suppliers and we got to do the touristy thing; embarked on The Hope on Hop off Tour bus . And alas YES, I simply fell in love with London all over again. Ohhhhhh what a beautifully VIBRANT city it is. Although, I just cannot get over how many people are on the streets; at any time of the day, any day of the week, it’s packed. It’s unbelievable and yet not overwhelming at all….

After returning home the day after I had the privilege to appear on Global TV’s Morning News’s job segment with the one and only Laura Castella. Where we conversed on my work/profession and the industry… I was humbled by all the great responses I got from you all out there.


I’m exhausted tired and worn out …  we are off to Florida for two glorious weeks …

And YES I’m turning everything off!   I’ll see you when I get back!