A rock n’ roll kind of month MARZO ERA PAZZO

I need to take a few deep breaths… because if I thought March was a busy time, it’s got nothin’ on what’s to come for April!! But let me share with you my CRAZY March.

Happy spring! It’s arrived (even if Mother Nature hasn’t gotten the memo yet… it’s coming!). I kicked things off with WPIC’s  wedding certification course in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Followed by putting the final touches on the fundraiser I help organize: “Shades of Pink”  benefiting the Cure Foundation. The event took place on March 10th and was a great success.

Speaking of Woman’s Day celebrations, I was asked by my editor at the online Suburban Newspaper to contribute what being a woman means to me. Here is the link to the article I wrote hope you enjoy.

And because the wedding season is around the corner, there have been the usual vendor open houses, which I attended;

Also, made time for an annual industry trade show based in Laval; Salon de L’Evenement and had plenty of meetings with new and existing clients. (this is what I call meetings of the masterminds) Basically discussed upcoming incentive programs and trends … OMGOSH there’s a lot of things happening in 2018 and 2019.

Worth mentioning a re-visit of the newly-renovated St. Paul Hotel, it’s very nice, with simple, clean lines.

Was invited to a vernissage and show at Centre Mont Royal (CMR) , where we got to see fine art and fantastic singer.

In-between all that, I executed a couple of events programs for my corporate clients.

And on the Lasalle College side, I kept my students happy and busy with class outing via site visits;

Now is also the time of year for sugaring off, and I went to an industry event with clients at La Sucerie de la Montagne , which as usual the hospitality and food was STUPENDOUS, fun evening was had by all.

Then got Media invitations to more openings:

As I’ve mentioned at the start of this blog Marzo era veramente Pazzo (crazy March) ….

As for April, well, the MENTALNESS continues. I truthfully don’t know how I’m going to do it all, with all of the traveling I’ll be doing next month; it will be a total of four countries, 2 local and 2 international !!! OUFFFAAAAA

Guess you’ll have to come back next month and read about it.

Hey wait – where did February go?!

Hey wait – where did February go?!

Wow, what a month. I mean, I know it’s the shortest month of the year, but February really flew by! It came, and it went, and I didn’t even see it!

Started the month with certifying future wedding planners here in Montreal, with WPIC , which is always inspiring and fun. Lots of great students (soon to be certified wedding planners). It’s amazing on how the way the wedding planner industry is growing – it’s full speed ahead big time!

We also, executed three corporate client events this month, including incentives programs. BOOM this division is still GROWING at warp speed.

Also because, it is the season we attended few wedding and industry trade shows like Le Coeur Boheme.

FINALLY celebrated very late Christmas party with Annie (it was re-scheduled a few times due to our storms in January). We took full advantage of our self-indulging spa treatment at Ovarium SPA , which I highly recommend!

I’ve been working on a few larger projects happening at the World Trade Centre here in Montreal, I’ve been mandated to work/collaborate on a ‘trade show’ like event for an Artificial Intelligence (AI) agency. It’s the third edition of this event, and I’m honored/excited to be on board as a Brand Ambassador. It’s really where our industry is going!

The team is full-on working on a fundraiser; Shades of Pink to benefit cancer patients’. All the donations will be for the CURE FOUNDATION . It’s our first edition and it’s going to be lots of fun. We’re so excited.

February 4th being World Cancer Day  – my editor of the Suburban News Online asked us bloggers it we wanted to partake in writing about our personal experiences /journeys and I did … here is the link to my article here:

On the personal side; I had a few mini reunions with high school friends whom also went through breast cancer. We brunched, chitchatted and ‘compared notes’. In a twisted kind of way it was soothing. Speaking of breast cancer, I had my three-month checkup, at the Glen Hospital Cancer Breast Clinic and all is well!

The other mini reunion was with former co-workers; David and Karen … you know it’s amazing how after so many years (25 to be exact) we just picked up where we left off …. One of the many mysteries of life.

As per every winter there was an open house at Lasalle College  for the upcoming spring/summer/fall sessions, also had speakers come to my currant classes, to share their experiences on our wonderful industry – you know even though I know these speakers they STILL inspire me and my students too.

A few discoveries worth mentioning:

Mandy’s  (gourmet salads) all I can say is #saladporn

Ryu  (Asian Resto – new kid in town) YUMMO

1909 Modern Tavern in Laval’s Place Bell #sexiness to the max

And YES, it is that time of the year; as mentioned in last month’s blog, I’m proud to be on three Judging panels once again this year!!


March is going to be madness… but let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.

Until then, stay well!

It’s January and I’m already SPINNING

It’s January and I’m already SPINNING

Too boot, it looks like it will not stop. It’s going to be a hectic 2018!

Happy 2018 to all my faithful readers… and hopefully there are some new readers too!
I wish you nothing but health, happiness and great things for the New Year.

I started off 2018 with the second week of my vacation in Florida (after having been there for the last week of 2017). With friends and family. We were invited to spend New Years even with friends at their family’s Florida home good time was had by all … What can one ask for GREAT company – GREAT food – GREAT music and FIREWORKS…

Came back feeling like I’d been gone a month! I was super well rested and relaxed… which is a good thing, because since I got back, things haven’t stopped!

I came back and BOOM: five Incentives finally got finalized, been working on them for the last few months. YUPPIE!!  I’m working on 3 more (fingers crossed).

Assisted the annual MPI’s Board of Directors retreat in GORGEOUS Quebec City where Hotel PUR hosted us graciously.  (yes I’m back on it – and PROUD)

The winter session has begun FULL force at College Lasalle. (was given nine classes this session (most course are online) – ouff and I LOVE it)

Got invited to a few industry events;

I met a bunch of new suppliers, and reconnected with others – that is always awesome.

Some where in between I managed to squeeze in another mini St. Pius X High School reunion supper outing.. you know it’s amazing how even though we haven’t seen each other in decades we manage to pick up where we left off… BOOM!!

I’ve started to get prepared for the awards season in our industry (corporate, special events and weddings). In years past, I was asked to be on the judging panel, and I have the honor of being asked again. I also attended an annual conference in Ottawa to close out the month did I mention I just LOVE Ottawa.

I was invited to be on the organizing committee for the CURE Foundation  to help raise funds for cancer patients – very motivated to participate! Event is call Shades of Pink  happening on March 10th @ Plaza Antique –  If interested to buying the tickets here is the link of our event and/or call me.

Other than that, I have been UBER busy executing and getting event contracts; left, right and centre, which is great (I’m not complaining!) but I have been spinning with no stopping! No day off since I’ve been back as of Jan 7th …. Ouuu lalala.

Doesn’t look like February is going to be any different, and that’s okay.

I wouldn’t have it any other way!

It’s December roll the credits it’s a WRAP…

It’s December roll the credits it’s a WRAP

This is the last blog of the year, and what a tremendous year it was!!

Heartfelt, Thank You to all my followers and clients who have come back month after month to read my tales of adventure in being a Meeting Planner. To say the least this month was certainly one of them.

Started December, with a quick business trip to Rome, Italy. It was short, however, I managed to squeeze in a few moments of fun. Awwwwww Italia mia!!!!!

It was quite a fruitful trip, but, too short (had no time to shop). After spending two days in Rome, we headed out to a town called Trentino, Trento. This will be THE up and coming destination. It’s not far from Verona, and quite quaint. We explored the area; did tons of wine and bubbly tastings, and don’t get me started on the food, good god the food YUMMO-DELICIOUS!!!  I guess it’s normal … after all, we were in Italy. We also experienced other exciting things like; e-biking tour (electric biking) through the mountains, exploring castles, educating ourselves with the rich history of this mid-evil town. You know this trip was heavily accented on the arts. The client I have is just in love with all forms of art. Hence why we chose to discover Trentino. This town is simply rich in it; Trento is a mid-evil historical spot, quite art-centric. It is an excellent match for this clientele. Oh I forgot to mention how we got to Trento from Rome … It was by speed train. Oufff what an experience; the train was going 300 kilometres per hour and you don’t feel it.  Side note; you can read more about Trentino on my weekly travel blog in the online version of the Suburban.

Continuing the ‘it’s a WRAP’ theme; school session wound down, even though in the third week of November due to a teacher’s sickness, I was asked to take over a class that was threequarters in session. Sometimes one must do what one must do.

Ohhh let’s not forget my nine corporate office holiday parties, I coordinated and executed all in a three-day span!! Ask me if I was exhausted …. go ahead ask… ouffffaaaa. True most of them were held in restaurants so those were easy peesy. However, the others, logistics-wise, required that I needed to be there simultaneously. But, hey I LOVE this, and it turned out FABULOUS!!! Although, I will share that the day after I couldn’t walk, talk, nor think!!!  Exhausted, yes …. but wouldn’t trade it for the world.

The week before Christmas I made a point to spend it with family and friends, catching up and reconnecting with everybody due to our busy lives… Special mention and thank you to La Bullerie  for your excellent food and service. They made me look great… And if you haven’t gone there yet folks …  you should go eat there YUMMO!!

Speaking of catching up with friends. A former student Suzanna was kind enough to take me out to supper to thank me for mentoring her and helping her find her dream job… SWEET !!!

After all the festivities with the FAMIGLIA off we went to Florida for some well deserved R & R!!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season and the greatest of New Years!

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I’m supposed to be ‘winding down’ in 2017…

HOWEVER, there never seems to be a moment’s rest!! This is how my November was UBER jam-packed (again)!

It started off with the annual Splash and Dash  fundraiser, which in collaboration with the Cancer Cedar Centre, supports kid’s cancers. A former student asked me to get involved last year, loved my experience. What they do is invite local Heroes and Celebrities who can bring attention to the cause. Once we accept the challenge, the premise is a team relay type of activity. We either ‘splash’ or ‘dash’. I decided once again to splash. It was a great day for a great cause.

I’ve also been eye-ball deep in holiday corporate parties (9 to be exact)!! A few are at restaurants and the rest are at different venues and hotels across the city. When I say eye-ball deep, I mean with the details; contract negotiations, tastings with clients, décor options, scheduling timelines and setting up, you get the picture. These events aren’t large; however, the work is the work, it STILL takes the same amount of time to organize! And YES – LOVE MY WORK!!!

Invited to a VIP open house at Pole Productionsto explore VR (virtual reality), these are the options we are exploring on upcoming teambuilding projects for clients. Be warned VR is here and will not go away. (loving it) We then revisited; Skyventure – Le Rinque  – Ministry of Cricket …  all this is to decide which teambuilding activities are a great fit for clients needs. Of course, with this, we also HAD to explore a few ‘out of the box’ catering options like;  Zaika Indian and 57Cal  to name a few. I honestly have no idea when I can loose weight…

In the mist of all this, there was two industry luncheons one at the Montreal Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel  – the other was at the Hyatt Regency Montreal then a party at the Muse Grevin and the annual wedding expo The Elegant Wedding Bridal Showcase all with the local vendors.

I did the open house for Lasalle College for the upcoming session, along with a site visit at the Dix/30 of the Alt Hotel . I got a chance to visit a new quirky but interesting and delightful venue: Livart on St. Denis.

If that weren’t enough, I was once again judge for a Bursary program offered by one of the Association related to the Italian community. I do it every year and I love to give back. Also, had the opportunity to tour the newly opened C2  space in the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth. It’s amazing in there – you’re literally on top of the world right next to the sign and have incredible views of our city!

I encountered a new inventor that did something extraordinary with drinks: Ufrost , which is frosted shots of alcohol. They’re great for entertaining and for the holiday parties. YUMMO.

Got invited to two GRAND OPENINGs first one was at Lucielle Oyster Bar and the second one was the Jetée Alexandra in the Old Port, this will be  a great spot, news flash à here is where the large cruise ships will port. GREAT for Montreal’s economy!!

Internationally, speaking I helped organize a luncheon for Vienna and Berlin tourist boards (it’s kind of two-fold for me) I am concentrating more and more on Europe for my clients upcoming incentive programs, so why not help spread the word.

On a personal note, one of the best moments this month was a little mini high school reunion; St. Pius X Comp. High School … What fun, it’s been 35 years since we’ve seen each other, and just like that, we ‘traveled’ back in time reminiscing the good old days!!!

Nope I’m not done yet, (ouffffaaaa) soooo as if that wasn’t busy enough … guess what happened in the middle of all this!?! Well, halfway through November, I got informed (due to an emergency situation) I had to take over a class at Lasalle College. Boom – so now ‘till mid December I have a class to teach every single week!! YUP folks, (I truly don’t mind it) however, my schedule has to be re-set … this means I have to rearrange a few things. TRUE example of a month in the life of MONTREAL EVENT PLANNER …  😊

As you can see 2018 is looking very bright and getting to be busy busy, and for some reason (this coming year) it’s starting to be all about team-building activities. Things that makes one say mmmmmmmm…

Ok, I’m off to Rome, Italy for my last incentive trip of 2017. Will share with you all that next month…

WOW just realized there is one month left in 2017 – where did the year go?!?! 😊

Busy moi … NEVER !!!!

Busy moi … NEVER !!!!
(she said sarcastically)

October came and went in the blink of an eye, and added to this it was an emotionally taxing month as well;

Started off the month working in Toronto with an Association client’s AGM (Annual General Meeting). That weekend (well half of it, happened to be my Birthday weekend). Because I was working, I clearly could not properly celebrate.

Ohh but no worries, my friends spoiled me rotten and I managed and organized a nice birthday celebration the following weekend; it started with a night stay at the SPECTACULAR Quintessence Hotel situated not too far from Mont-Tremblant. (if you don’t know this place I implode you to)

After our 24hr R&R we headed home to change and get ready for our soiree at the Montreal Casino enjoying supper and cabaret show called QUEENS on Tour  … OMG you have to see it it’s FABULOUS and the food is SUBLIME…. GOOD GOD I forgot how much I enjoyed live shows!!!

Side-Note: it’s such a nice place for Corporate Holiday Office parties. (just sayin)

So that was a whirlwind Friday and Saturday… then when Sunday came around.. off I left for Las Vegas, Nevada to attend the annual educational conference for Incentives Programs. Which was quite enriching at all levels.. one of them was that I earned my Event Design Certification. BOOM!!

Once back, my trusty partner (and mentee) in crime, Annie Sioufi, spoiled me with a surprise Birthday Celebration at the newly opened High Tea experience at the Montreal Fairmount Queen Elizabeth Hotel.

And funny enough once again (in the midst of all this) I closed a few more contracts and did a few site visits. I’m starting the think I should travel more – ‘cause I seem to close contracts while I’m away! (things that makes me say mmmmm)

Special Mentions to:

♦ Chateau Vaudreuil new owners and big fabulous changes to come

♦  Vignoble du Ruisseau worth the trip chin chin – WOWZER

Once back from Vegas I immediately jumped in and gave the WPIC Wedding Certification  course that following weekend in Montreal.

Then threw myself into sourcing, coordinating, executing more client programs and too boot did some detailing on all the upcoming Corporate Holiday Parties I have in the works.

Once that week passed, BOOM, I flew off for the weekend to Halifax for another WPIC Wedding Certification course to up and coming future wedding planners.

As soon as I got back from Halifax, I had 24hours to get ready for my week of adventures in Guatemala .. OMG what a COUNTRY it is WONDERFUL and the POLITEST people I’ve encounter thus far!!! And the FOOD again GOOD GOD just SUBLIMENESS. You can read more about this place upcoming on my weekly Suburban News Online Travel Blog. Keep an eye out for it here is the link: http://www.thesuburban.com/blogs/travel_trends/

Upon my return from Guatemala, I closed off the month, with a trip to the Glen Hospital at the Breast Cancer Clinic . It was my 1st year anniversary since my diagnoses. Although it was a long 4 hour appointment… I was RELIEVED to get a clean bill of health! I can’t tell you how much of a relief that was – huge weight off my shoulders… (next one is in 3 months)

Yup … as you can see I was ‘not’ busy at all this month… Looking forward to a quiet November ….  (maybe not)

A busy month, to say the least…

A busy month, to say the least…

As the “summer” winds down, September seemed to be on super warp speed!!! WTH (What The Heck) happened?? It was uber crazy, hectic, wonderful, whirlwindishy kind of month!! No complaints just still catching my breath … I love my life as a planner!

Started the month off with the annual Grand Salon Marion Nous , thoroughly enjoyed it. And loved to reconnect with suppliers and see if there were any new trends that I did not know of.

Then of course it’s September so it was back to school time (fall session) at Lasalle College. I always love this time of year at the school – everything is buzzing with such excitement.

Also had the honor to address upcoming group of Tourism students from Champlain College .
What fun that was..

Have several client meetings and secured several more contracts.

Attended THE industry’s most anticipated Gala of the Year; HMI’s supplier and client appreciation night, and ohhh what a night it was.. KODOS, to the organizers once again.

Of course some site inspections where in order too this month:

♥ Mont VR virtual reality experience for team-building

♥  Reunion d Sens another space GREAT for team-building

♥  Club St. James great decor & refresh was done there

This folks was the “CALM” part of my month…
Oufffa, I truly don’t know where to start? (actually in reviewing my month, I don’t know how I did all this) You see this entire month consisted of many trips (more than the usual). Before I start, I really feel I need to reiterate a myth; please understand that even though I am being hosted at these great hotels and am wined/dined – yes it is true glamour. However, keep in mind that I am not on “my schedule” for these trips – I am on my suppliers’ schedule at all given times. This means its all work related. Remember, I’m there to scout new potential locations for clients Incentive needs. Now that we are clear.. Here are my month’s travel adventures;

First Stop and one of the highlights of my month was going to French Riviera Cote D’Azur Nice, France for my client’s Incentive program. I normally don’t participate, (because I cannot be everywhere at all times) however, this time (due to an opening in my schedule) I decided to attend, and I am so glad that I did. You see, for my clients’ INCENTIVE programs normally I coordinate and organize (with the help of vendors) all the logistical details involved and most times due to scheduling I cannot attend to see the final product being executed … however, this time it was possible to be present and see all the fruits of my labour come to life. It was a SPECTACULAR SUCCESS, I feel in LOVE with the place .. ohhhh and the weather was superb which made it to be a wonderful trip. Did I mention I fell in LOVE !?!?

Second Stop once back to YUL; within 24 hours, I was off to Quebec City with my partner in crime Annie. We needed to do a few site visits for some upcoming client programs we are planning in 2018;

♥  Hotel PUR  – hosted us and treated us like Queens – you MUST visit this property it’s sublimely wonderful
♥  Fairmont Chateau Frontenac  – visited the infamous Chateau perfection at its BEST nothing else to say
♥  Morrin Centre – great for conservative meetings
♥  Le Capitole  – always LOVE this place so versatile
♥  Old Quebec  – great for a stroll or treasure hunt teambuilding activities

Every time I go there I fall in love.

Third Stop I had just enough time to reset my bearings and off I went to Ocho Rios, Jamaica  on a FAM hosted by Moon Palace Resorts Jamaica and WOW do they know how to welcome you!! YaMon!! Talk about hospitality at its BEST. Not to mention it’s one SPECTACULAR resort; between the variety of restaurants to choose from, endless activities offered and the unforgettable excursion to the infamous COOL BLUE HOLE  – SUBLIMENESS is putting it mildly!! YaMon!!

side note:
Ohhh, and by the way while in Jamaica, I was coordinated, (yes simultaneously) 2 client events back in Montreal. YES these events went smoothly!!! (I thank the Event GODs and AWESOME suppliers)

Fourth Stop once back from Jamaica, within 24 hours, off we flew to Toronto for work on a client’s 2 ½ day AGM program.

another  side note:

during this time it was my Birthday…which truth be told, I did not really get to celebrate properly .. I will though in early October … YES folks, welcome to the Life of a Planner.

Special Mention: amongst all this CRAZINESS this month there is one Trade Show experience I NEED to share with you; ACCRO Montreal 2017  all I can tell you is WOWZERs. The future is here and coming FAST.. If you missed it … well you HAVE to attend next year!!! It’s all about Artificial Intelligence and more futuristic stuff. Just visit their website for more detailed information!!!

OOUFFF I NEED to catch my breath….
That is all folks… however, October seems to be shaping up to be just as busy … so stay tuned ….

Once again THANK YOU all sooooo much for all of your Birthday Wishes !!!!

It’s a small world after all!

It’s a small world after all!

It sounds cliché, but where did the month go? How is summer almost over? We barely even had summer, especially in Montreal, where it’s been a season of rainy, cooler weather.

Nevertheless, August was a pretty special month for me. First of all, it was our 31st Wedding Anniversary. We celebrated and yes we went out to dinner.. however on the day it’s self, I cooked – with all my traveling, I never get a chance to cook at home anymore so I cooked up a storm. Some of you may think that is crazy, maybe, but think about it … I get to go restaurants for work a lot, so the opposite is good for me, and to boot I LOVE LOVE to cook. Also as much as I am a social butterfly.. I do LOVE cocooning at home.

I participated at the annual open house Lasalle College holds for the upcoming sessions, speaking of which, the summer session is now wrapped up and I just finalized the corrections on the students’ final projects and exams.

We then I took some time off and headed to Florida for some RnR. There we did the usual walks along the property, beach-bumming, road-trippin, fishing on the Everglades, you get the picture..

Confession, even though it was vacay, as a TRUE entrepreneur, I did sneak in some “work” here and there; one day was dedicated to site visits (I realized that as often as I’ve been to Fort Lauderdale I never visited the hotels there.) So, I reach out to a colleague and arranged a day of site visits. Yes Yes I ‘worked’, truth be told, but, I can’t help myself, I am one to seize the moments whenever/wherever they present themselves. I digress, as you can tell I LOVE what I do … it is truly not work for me. I LOVE LOVE discovering my surroundings. Yes Yes rest assured I did unplugged and rested.

Now we come to the reason why I called this month’s blog “it’s a small world afterall” .  What I meant is that by a total fluke of life, I bumped into FOUR classmates that I graduated with in high school! I mean what are the chances? It was unbelievable! It started, with a post from Angie on social media, she stated she was at Pompano Beach. Seeing this, I immediately messaged her that I was there too and voila we met up and ended up spending the rest of the time together. (we’ve been friends on Facebook for years, however, we hadn’t actually seen each in over 35 years).. As we were catching up, a woman approach’s us, and she calls out my name, I turn around and BOOM there is another classmate on the same beach at the same time!!! It was Gemma!!! OMG OMG what are the chances … she explains she recognized my voice and had to come over to see if it was really me. DOUBLE BOOM!! I mean what are the chances!?! Needless to say we all spend our vacation together catching up and reminiscing. Then, one night, we were invited to Gemma’s condo for supper and TRIPLE BOOM!!! One of the other guests is another classmate from high school it was Mia!!!! Unbeknown to me Gemma had invited her to surprise us. Mia has been living in Florida for 20 years already!!! Well let me tell you “it’s a small small world” indeed. Wonderful evening spent catching up and reminiscing.. As if that was not enough, at the airport, on our way home, don’t I bump into one of my former bosses with his family heading back to YUL!! I mean really … WOW – GOOD GOSH GOLLY the randomness is unbelievable!

Ohhhhh, and BTW on vacation I so happen to closed Four Deals!!! Two were random calls that I closed then and there, and the other two I had been working on them already.  You know, I was thinking at this rate, maybe I should stay there and work from there. It seems to be much more profitable…

Last but not the least I have special mentions:

♥ Auberge du Lac Taureau, Lanaudière;
FANTASTIC for groups and family outings –a resort in it’s self. Read more about it on my Suburban weekly Travel Blog here

♥ M-BIO SPA – Hotel Mount Stephan;
   A MUST MUST try

♥ Patisserie Lasalle
YUMMO YUMMO – authentically Italiano

♥ Accro
A MUST MUST MUST attend event Sept 21,2017 link above

♥ Chapel Charm
Hidden GEM of a space, Charming, Cozy, Private, great for ANY types of occasions WOWZER

And finally, August was important to me because it marks the one year anniversary since my

Breast Cancer diagnosis. It’s an important milestone that shifted my life’s perspective.

OUFFFFFFAAAA so that was my month.     How was yours?

Summer, what summer??

Well, we’re right in the midst of “summertime” and no one can deny that Montreal is incredible in the summer (when it shows up). This month alone we had the International Jazz Festival  –  Just For Laughs Festival , and with the newly introduced Formula E-Car Racing  needless to say it’s hopping here in Montreal!!


I started off the month with a visit to the Le Monastere des Augustines stayed overnight. It was a very ZEN experience, what a great place to escape too, (side note: even though it was work related research – I FULLY took advantage of it). Located right in the heart of Quebec City (and you don’t feel it at all).  You can read more about this experience on my weekly online travel blog. Here is the link.

With my trusty partner in crime (Annie), we did some more R&D this time at Auberge Godefroy Hôtel-Spa-Golf in Becancour, Quebec. Once again, it was a 24hour stint. We explored and enjoyed every bit of zenness. It’s a very nice resort not too far from Montreal.  Again, you can read more about the experience on my weekly travel blog. Here is the link.

Continuing our R&D quest, Annie and I did a few more site visits;

► Navark on the Boucherville Isles (which gets better and better every year BTW)
► Le Club Forest and Stream in Dorval right on the water. WOWZER!!

With my classes we did several outing including;

♥ Centre PHi – unique
♥ Olympic Stadium  – newly renovated
♥ Evenko –  impressively gigantic
♥ The Ritz Carlton Montreal including the Residences – sublimeness

As you can deduce I’ve done a few field trips with the students this month too.

Amoungst all this I somehow, managed to squeeze in being a tour guide for the day. What do I mean? Well a out of town colleague form; Guadalajara, Mexico, was in town and it was his first time in Canada let alone in Montreal. How could I resist not to show off my GORGEOUS city to him?! So, off we went touring and of course we hit all the infamously iconic Montreal spots … tons of #montrealmoments where shared… BTW, he LOVED it so much I think he will try to move here …. BOOM

And YES of course I worked on events:  I executed a couple of client programs/events, managed a few consultations session (upcoming large incentive projects) and closed off the month off with a client’s employee appreciation party at Pointe A Calliere in beautiful Old Montreal. Although there was a lot of layers to this soiree.. it went extremely well and smooth. Bonus: we got to see fireworks at the annual Montreal Loto Quebec International Fireworks Competition that Saturday that night, England was being highlighted and it was quite a spectacle, as always.

Meanwhile the summer session at ilasalle and Lasalle College is winding down (which means vacation time for me – YAY!). Part of this was comprised of a Final Project that the students put on. WOW it was just a SPECTACULAR event. Keep in mind they don’t have much to work with and they pulled it off!! GREAT JOB!! It was themed “Beauty and the Beach”…  We also took the opportunity to have a celebrator graduation lunch together.

Lastly but not the least, for the first time ever I was a guest invitee on a podcast!!  What a PRETTY cool experience.  My sister-in-law, Lory, and Jason, her side kick, have this weekly podcast called SideKicks in the City – SorryNotSorry  as you can tell by the title it’s listen and view at your own risk and in my opinion it is FABULOUSLY cool!!

Here is the link should you want to watch it.


So as you have read this month was action packed with of lots of movement…

Hmmm… wonder what August has in store!

I predict some well deserved Rest ‘n Relaxation!!!

June adventuring – this my friends, is the life of a meeting planner!

Soooo Spring is gone (already – never saw it come) WOWZER, and now it’s Summer, BOOM, how did that happen?!?! Where was I?!?!

The month got started with WPIC  Montreal weekend course – Certifying Wedding Planners .. AWESOME Group with an AWESOME future … watch out Montreal the Wedding Planners are coming !!!

Then of course F1 Montreal Grand Prix every year I coordinate a client’s private events. It’s not very big and elaborate, however, quite fun. Every year during this time I help him with this … too bad I cannot share anymore the FABULOUSNESS of these fantastic parties. (I digress)

Also, coordinated and executed a few of my corporate client meetings programs this month too.. BUSY BUSY. Once that was completed, I left for a business trip to scout for locations in London. This trip was originally planned to happen last year. However due to my diagnose I had to postpone it while I was being treated. So GLAD I went what an eye opener it was!! London, England is just GORGEOUS place, I loved it sooo much I could easily move there (if asked to with the right offer)! You can read more in details about London via my online Travel Blog;

I came home from London and within 24 hours, I left for an annual conference where this year was held in Las Vegas. This one was all about Education for us Meeting Professionals. You know, I’ve gone to this conference every year, and no matter what, I learnt tons of ground breaking things. Too boot, I was even able to closed a few incentive deals that I’ve been working on. Ask me if I’m happy about this …. Well all I can say is cinching $$ cinching $$…

Speaking of Education; I can now understand when people ask me “Danie how do you do it!?!?”.
Let me explain; although I am traveling, I’m still committed to teaching, so, this time in order to fulfill my commitment, I arranged with the school, to give my classes online, via College LaSalle’s platform, pretty cool right? However, when there is a time difference, it means organizing yourself to get up at 3am every day (from London), basically, I set up all the alarms clocks available (which by-the-way I never need) to make sure I’d be up in time to give the classes. It was easier, when I was in Vegas I needed to be ready at 3pm (the complete polar opposite). Yes Yes, I’m crazy, however, I know how to pace myself in certain situations; I basically concocted a master plan of napping (which I never do normally) and got through it! KUDOS to me!!

For the rest of June I when I was in town, we got busy with site visits – attending industry events and somehow squeezing in a few overdue BBQ’s with friends!

Special mentions:
♥ Le Lunch  YUMMO a must
♥ Le Monastère des Augustines  ZEN is the word
♥ Ferreira Cafe  DELISH what more to say
♥ Musee Grevin  Wowzer
♥ Le Mount Stephan Hotel  LOVE it
♥ Marritott Dorval Airport Montreal  FANTASIC service and hospitality

PS: Ohhh and By The Way …. YES YES YES I got my license BACK !!!!!
I guess the 3rd time is a charm!!!

There are more travels in my future so be sure to check back again next month!