A judgemental month (haha, haha not really…)

I didn’t know what else to call this month’s blog because I’ve been asked to be a judge for four different events; a couple of Wedding Shows in Ottawa, a Special Events show in Toronto, and at an Industry Achievement Award Gala in the USA. What an honour it is to be asked, especially that they are out of the Quebec region. Understand that these are massive markets, so it’s quite humbling to have been picked out and asked to partake in this.. a WOW moment for me.

Earlier this month, I travelled to Quebec City , to reacquaint myself with the properties out there .. Heard there were many changes with renovated venues so I had to see for myself. (this is the part of my work called “Research and Development”). Quebec City did not disappoint.. it was awesome. To BOOT I finally got to visit/see the Ice Hotel, which I’ve wanted to see for years. Got there via the train, what a great comfortable way to travel, VIA Rail you guys ROCK. So, this mission was a success!! You see, I have couple of clients wanting to do their conferences there and I needed to be sure it was a good fit. Quebec City your NEVER disappoint!!

Also, I signed a few contracts this month; two more Weddings and three more Incentive Programs (some of which may be taking place in South America and Europe). Ask me if I’m EXCITED!!

On the school front it was Teacher Appreciation Week this month and I got a few nice things from students. I LOVE them too.

Let’s talk Colombia  … YES I went there this month and WOW. Located at the northern tip of South America, is a country of lushness with towering mountains and coffee plantations and culture GALORE.
A bit of background: Colombia was one of the three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others being Ecuador and Venezuela). About the safety question: one of the first things people ask ‘is it safe there’, YES it is SAFE. However, like anywhere else in the world, you need to be ‘alert’/’aware’ of your surroundings.

Let’s start with the city of Bogotà  a sprawling, high-altitude capital. It’s also home to very interesting museums including the Museo Botero, showcasing the art of Fernando Botero’s and the Museo del Oro (The GOLD Museum), displaying pre-Columbian gold pieces. OMG folks you if you only have time to go to one of them I recommend the Gold Museum … it is NOT to be MISSED. Since you are there, there is a Cathedral that one MUST see. It is a day visit, to the infamous wonders of Colombia the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá. Approximately 2-hour bus ride, it is often referred to as the salt underground Roman Catholic Church. Built within the tunnels of a salt mine 200 metres underground. SUBLIME.

Cartagena  is a port city on Colombia’s Caribbean coast. At its core it has the infamous walled Old Town, with 16th-century plazas, cobblestone streets and colourful colonial buildings. Where to stay you ask? Well, there are so so so many hotels to choose from; starting with the typical big brand resort styled ones to the independent boutiques styled ‘haciendas’ … OMG every time I did a site visit I wanted to STAY. The locals are so warm and welcoming. I’m telling you It’s so pretty and quaint you cannot be helped but to be transported into time. Also, one can even go island hopping via different boat options are the nearby shores of Isla de Barú, Islas del Rosario and Islas San Andres, just to name you a few.
They are known for their coral reefs and scuba diving. The added bonus of the wonderful tropical climate (averaging 90F), the city is a popular beach destination, with a modern and accessible airport. BUCKET list item !!!

Can’t believe March is right around the corner. See you then!

A great start to 2016 January

Hi my faithful readers! Happy New Year!
Here’s hoping 2016 brings you nothing but happiness, prosperity, and wonderful things.

It’s been a pretty quiet month, for the most part, as it often is in January;
Went to Ottawa for the annual conference specifically focused on the Association market.
I have a number of Annual Sales Conference RFPs floating around the destinations being considered are
between:     Outaouais
                      Eastern Townships
                      Quebec City 

Side Note: these are basically repeat clients whom are always looking to do different destinations for their annual programs &/or events in the upcoming 2016-17 season. Don’t be fooled even though it’s repeat business and a well oiled machine (on my part) it STILL needs sorting out.

I attended two great Wedding Shows this month:
small-heartMarions-Nous  at Place Bonaventure

small-heartThe National Wedding Show  at Palais des Congres in Montreal

small-heartSpeaking of weddings .. this past weekend via WPIC
 I certified another batch of Wedding Planners right here in Montreal.

In case you were wondering, on the teaching front it’s been extremely quiet this session. Only have one online class at ilasalle and two classes at Trebas Institute’s newly created Event and Show Management  program. Yes I LOVE it !!

I also attended a few openings this month:
small-starChecked out the Renaissance Hotel downtown and OMG it’s so gorgeous – it’s super modern and sexy and wow! It’s very Montreal. They even hired graffiti artists to do their wall art. “ouu lalala”
small-starMy husband and I also went to the La Sucrerie de la Montagne in Rigaud. SUBLIME experience and we met a beautiful wolf (yes wold) Lulu what a sweetheart!!

small-starLastly Fêtes des Neiges  they had a ROCKING  DJ, tasty Food Trucks, adventurous Dog Sled Rides, Fierce Tubing, a FABULOUS Ferris wheel, Winter Ziplining (yes ziplining in winter) – it was EPIC and FANTASTIC. Great family fun young and old.

Stay tuned for February, which is shaping up to be a very busy month. See you then!

Winding down; thank yous and being appreciated

December is a busy time in all levels of the spectrums in my life;

Spectrum from my Personal Life & a bit of Business:

I also took some time to help move my parents into their newly purchased condo in Fort Lauderdale FL … (yes of course I took the opportunity and squeezed in some sales calls) My parents just purchased a condo, (a few months prior) they did not officially ‘move in’ yet, so the decision was made to drive down and make it official. We worked out all the logistics and off we went southbound. Being that I can’t help being entrepreneurial, I took this opportunity and booked myself some sales calls/follow up meetings with newly acquired Incentive clients from FL. Yes I did manage to keep up with my “work” in my newly found poolside office. (wink wink nudge nudge)

Florida was quite a fruitful trip, I’m pleased to say that I closed three deals on outbound Incentive Programs.. (which is awesome, if I do say so myself).


Before leaving I HAD to tie up some loose ends…

Spectrum from my Teaching/Tutor/Instructor:

On the all the teaching fronts, the classes at WPIC – Lasalle and ilasalle were all winding down with final exams.. side note: I MUST mention this past Fall session I had one of the BEST BEST groups of students to date!! (I think the feeling was mutual – they showered me with their gratitude … (it’s nice to be appreciated))

Spectrum from my meeting planning company Montreal Event Planner:

Planning-wise, it was just uber hectic so much so I hired a few freelancer to HELP me execute my clients’ Holiday Parties.. Logistically all was done and in place before leaving. I just needed ‘bodies’ to coordinate and ensure all execution would go smoothly at each event. It was a total of six Corporate Holiday Parties this
year (record breaking yes), however, some have been scaled down quite a bit … if one considers and compares it to the previous years … signs of the times .. maybe?!? (we will see …)

I would like to take a quick moment to thank them:
You guys are awesome and very reliable … again HEARTFELT thank you …

And from the other side it was also my turn to received thank-yous from different levels
From clients, schools administrators, as well the students, it’s very nice.
I don’t always get a nod – so I’m appreciative and proudly share these moments…


To close out 2015, I have to say that I feel extremely grateful… grateful for my very patient Hubby, Family and Friends.. Also want to express my gratitude to the GODS and UNIVERSE for everything ..

Wishing you and you’re the best end to 2015, and looking forward to seeing you all in 2016!

So that we’re clear…

It might have looked like I was busy busy busy with certain things this month, like teaching and more teaching, and while that was true (it was a month that was very heavy on education). Please understand I had a lot of other things going on too.

Let me explain:
As most of you already know I’ve been teaching at Lasalle College  for years now (seven, to be exact), and I also certify future Wedding Planners from the wonderful WPIC weekend program. Granted I have been tweeting a lot lately about this.

However, you all have not seen all of the other work that I’m doing behind the scenes for my Montreal Event Planner company:
My (freelance) team and I have been BUSIER than usual working my corporate client programs. I unfortunately can’t tweet much about it due to a NDA (non-disclosure-agreement) I’ve signed. So understandably I cannot show pictures nor can I tweet about their inner workings. I can (and am) mentioning it now. Not only did we do several Corporate client programs, in addition, we also executed portions of a city wide Pharma Health Fair exhibitions.

This year I had to hire more help for longer than the norm (yes it is a GREAT problem to have). Even though I did facilitate and organize all the logistical aspects of these Annual Sales Meetings, I wasn’t able to physically be there during the client program execution process, due to them all happening with in the same week. So, this is what went down: hired teams to simultaneously execute my clients Annual Strategic Sales meetings in Quebec City, in the Eastern Townships and in Mont St-Saveur (all of which were 2-3 day long conferences). Excellent teamwork – BRAVO to them !!

In the midst all of this, I had the privilege to attend a one day FAM tour of Laval . It was nice to get reacquainted with my growing city.

Also took advantage of a standing invitation to spend some time at a SPA (yes I was able to “steal” some downtime for a weekend). The invite came from Eastman Spa  … ahhh, it was sublime all wrapped up in nothingness and relaxation. A very much-needed rest even though it technically was research for work.

To cap off the last weekend of November, off to Ottawa I went to certify (yes more teaching) a few up and coming WPIC’ers (a.k.a. Wedding Planners)… I just LOVE LOVE LOVE doing this and of course LOVE you too Ottawa

Going back to the classes I give, I need to thank all the vendors whom graciously took time out of their busy schedules to allow my students to visit their wonderful properties, and let us not forget the AWESOME and inspirational industry speakers who came to share their passions about our beloved industry. HUGE HUGE SHOUTOUT to them:

Venue Visits for my classes

Centre Mont Royal
Ritz Carlton

Loews Hotel Vogue
Atelier d’Argentine
Queen Elizabeth Hotel

Hotel 10
PMG Group La Plaza Downtown

Special Guest Speakers for my classes

Nathalie Mailhot
Public Speaking Coach

Tony Picciuto and Randi Katz
from The Directors Band

Michael Jordan Sciortino
from XO Production

Sybille Brault
from Tourism Montreal

Adam Bultz
from C3Events

Brahm Mauer
from Brahm Mauer Bar Services

Rachel Stephan
from Senov

George Thomas
from George Thomas Entertainment

I’ve been working on three new client projects and five more Incentive Programs for the New Year. (YEAH BABY !!)

Next on the menu is office holiday parties galore (almost one a week), but wow, is it going to be fun! Tell you about it soon!!

BOOM: Collisions of my universes and a HEARTBREAKING loss

BOOM: Collisions of my universes and a HEARTBREAKING loss

Ouff… talk about my universes colliding… Ouff!


I started October with a BOOM:
Attended the annual educational conference (in Vegas) that I go to every year,  came back, I rested for one day (not really, but anyways), and I then had to manage a quadruple weekend booking. What does that mean you ask?? Well, basically I was all over the place…

Worked a 2 day annual Health Fair for a client’s  Association on Osteoporosis.

WPIC in Montreal  weekend class to give.
Finished the Saturday class and went straight to my client’s 25th anniversary event that I organized at the Ritz Carlton Montreal

SHOUT OUT to my team (annie & Taline) who handled things until I was able to take the lead (worked till 2am)! Got up the next morning (Sunday) to give the WPIC day 2 class… (ask me if I was exhausted).

As if that wasn’t rough, the following Monday I began work on another client program (symposium) that so happens to have uber-crazy hours. It was a city-wide Congress held here in Montreal – the job asked us to get up at 3am to man the logistics involved for these symposiums that were held all over the downtown core. My portion was a three-day back-to-back (-to-back) PHARMA program – twice at the Intercontinental Montreal Hotel and the last one at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth.

This craziness continued with the usual classes being given and business meetings needing attention (how I survived it I still don’t know…).

To cap off my ghoulish month, the last weekend of October I flew to the Maritimes for another wedding planner course, WPIC in Halifax.

Need to give a shout out mention to a GREAT new additional activity at the Old Port of Montreal Montreal Zipline  – my team and I did it and WOW just WOW … what a great addition to our already wonderful Old Port..

In the midst of all this, I noticed that my beloved dog Max was getting weaker and weaker… we brought him to the vet for a routine check-up and was informed that he had become anemic (his blood count dropped drastically from a normal 35 to 17). I/We couldn’t believe it … went for a second option and in fact not only did they confirm what the first vet told us but his blood count (within 24hrs) went down to 10!!! So, basically his own system was attacking itself… there was no hope. 😦 We had no choice but to put him down… HEARTBROKEN we are!!
Rest in peace my Boohh… thank you for choosing us and giving us so much joy for the past seven years… 😦

September my worlds collided (in a good way)

Remember how last month I told you that my final quarter of the year would be mental?!!
It’s so mental… you have no idea how mental it is! The rescheduling alone has become work a full time task this is usually not the norm in my day-to-day. But hey, I’ll pull through! (I’m a planner after-all)

September began with the return of school – the academic year at LaSalle College iLasalle  is off and running… turning out to be a BIG session
this fall …

This month I traveled, quite far, reached North of 60 I went to the Yukon (yes the Yukon) and people’s response was “Why?” my answer was “Why not?” There is a lot of natural untouched gorgeousness, up there and GOD it did not disappoint. While we were there, they brought us to visited Dawson City (North of 60 to be exact). This town brought me back to the GOLD RUSH Klondike era. JUST WOW, so this is how it started!!! They put us in the BEST hotel in town, were once upon a time it was THE town’s bordello that is now converted into a lovely Inn (just gorgeous!).

Got back home, stayed a day in Montreal only to turned around and fly to Vancouver for the weekend to replace a WIPC Instructor – Monica who usually does it had a speaking engagement in Jamaica.
(she too has a “rough” life)

Meanwhile, the work keeps getting done:

  • we are working on a 25th wedding anniversary that is coming up in October
  • as well as a three-day VIP conference that I won’t even be there for it (this is why one surrounds oneself with a reliable awesome TEAM) I’ll be in Halifax, but that’s another story…
  • working on the final details on a large Annual Corporate Sales meeting coming up this November
  • lastly (for now) the usual Corporate Holiday/Christmas parties are starting to trickle in

To top it off at it was my Birthday … I felt the LOVE from you all … so much so my phone died a few times that day due to the frenzy on the medias …  HEARTFELT THANK YOU again !!!
Let’s keep the momentum going! BRING IT ON October!

Ohhhh August, August, August

I don’t want my title to have a negative slant to it… in fact, August was awesomely great! Despite this year’s bleak first three quarters, the last quarter is proving to be BOOM BOOM UBER MENTAL!

First off, my month started with my 29-year wedding anniversary with my husband Tony. Happy Anniversary (such a patient man… in regards to my professional life)

We were off to an annual educational conference this year in San Francisco for the meeting industry. I try to attend it every year – it’s sooo enriching to me and my business. My husband was able to come along since it falls right at the same time as his work vacation. The timing was perfect, and we are finally traveling together (YAY!).

What we did is turned it into a vacation/business-type of thing; sometimes even though I’m on holiday, I’m still “on” and always on the lookout for new properties/venues and activities to do. I call it “Research and Development.” So, after the said conference we took a road trip (with a rented car) and headed north from San Francisco coastline all the way into the state of Oregon . OMG seriously OMG it’s gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! Why don’t we know more about this place … WOWOWOWOW… Seriously, they should promote this place more. Everyone knows the coast of California is beautiful… however, no one hears about the Oregon coast… WOW it’s just as gorgeous. The landscape is different and spectacular. At some point we continued our road trip to another state: Seattle, Washington . WOW another beautiful and fabulous discovery; due to our time schedule we were only able to stay for 24 hours. Having said this, once we dropped off the car rental, we took advantage and did the tourist thing all over this VERY VERY PRETTY CITY. We saw the famous  Space Needle, had a Tete a Tete picnic along the waterfront, did the Hop on Hop off Trolley Train, (you get the picture).

The morning after we then headed to the train station where we were Vancouver, BC  bound. Boy were we excited! Once we arrived and settled in our hotel, we headed out to discover this glorious city. Yes, we did the typical tourist things: toured Canada Place, rented bikes in Stanley Park, took the ferry to beautiful Victoria , took an all-day tour bus to Whistler , enjoyed the nightlife and dined in Gastown, and yes I managed to squeeze in a few site visits to some hotel properties.

Conclusion: we (hubby and I) managed to do the entire Pacific Rim from top to bottom, and it is just BREATHTAKING. Doing this, one can appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature… I know it’s cliché but hey, it’s something one NEEDS to put on one’s bucket list… just a MUST DO (humble thank you, universe).

As if that weren’t enough, I came back on Saturday and went back to work… the following Saturday I put the final touches on a Destination Wedding I was coordinating. The grooms were from Toronto  and came to get married here in our BELOVED Montreal . WOW what a day it was… such a GLORIOUSLY GLORIOUS wedding. The LOVE that was in the air was electrifying… I NEVER get tired of this stuff… even though the schedule was a “MENTAL” one for me:

  • started at 6am
  • wedding party ended at 1am
  • got home by 2am
  • slept approx. two hours
  • left for the airport at 5am – last-minute business trip
  • arrived in Mexico City at 11am
  • needless to say I was EXHAUSTED!!!

YES I ended up going to Mexico City  (on business for a full week Sunday – Sunday). I usually don’t do a full week, however a client needed and wanted to do it then and there, so as per the norm I complied (we were going to do this anyway, but it was just a question of when). Well the when came and off we went. Although it sounds very glamorous (and it is) it was a lot of hard work. For the first half of the week, we basically did back-to-back hotel site visits (this was to see where we could do the next  Incentive program for my clients). When we were done in Mexico City we then took another plane to Ixtapa, Zihuztznejo , to once again see what it had to offer for an upcoming Incentive program. WOW what a pleasant surprise! It was the complete opposite of the hustle and bustle of Cancun, for example – it’s calm and quiet with a beautiful coastline. Easy decision was made and the deal was closed… YEAH BABY!!!!

So you’d think: OK that would be enough “action” for this month right? NOOO – came back to YUL and dove right into a few large projects I have coming up this last quarter:

  • Sweet 16
  • 25th wedding anniversary
  • Annual (3-day) sales conference
  • Annual (3-day) general meeting
  • Fundraiser Wine Tasting
  • Few corporate holiday parties
  • Logistical planning on three upcoming Incentives
  • Several speaking engagements
  • School Fall Session preparation

Just to name a few … all to be executed by year’s end … OUFFFF… your head is probably spinning and you’re thinking; “She is nuts…,” right?

Well, it’s the nature of our business… sometimes it’s all and sometimes it’s nothing. When it’s all, we take it on FULL FORCE (to make up for the nothing).

August has been busy busy busy, and September doesn’t look any different. However, I TRULY wouldn’t have it any other way… #lovemywork #lovemyjob #thankyouuniverse #keepitcoming

Month of SPAS and EDUCATIONAL experiences

Despite the fact that July didn’t see a lot of actual event execution, it was a great month with weekly spa visits (I lead such a difficult life, don’t I? LOL) and lots going on with my classes at LaSalle College

The SPA experiences:
As I mentioned, it so happened this month that once a week there was a spa experience for me (some client-related, and others just for my own sanity!).
I got the feeling that maybe the universe is also trying to send me a message – I received two invites to spas, and decided to (finally) use some gift certificates I had already:

  • Started with some much much needed “ME TIME” at AmeriSpa  in L’Hotel Le Crystal. (such a great place)
  • Got an invite from WPIC Ottawa Chapter  for an education session being held at Spa Nordic, in Old Chelsea, Quebec  (it’s worth the 2-hour drive from Montreal)
  • Used another one of my gift certificates at Spa LifeForia   – this one is at the Dorval Sheraton Hotel Airport (just fabulous)
  • Lastly, believe it or not one of my clients wanted to switch it up and have a planning session for an upcoming conference at Bota Bota  in Old Montreal (yeah baby – I like their thinking)

The Educational experience:
As I mentioned before, this month was one of education. Let me explain: Due to the summer holidays the summer session at LaSalle College makes the term is shorter. However, “we” still have to complete the allotted said time. So I decided to do this on two Saturdays;

As a scheduling “phenom” I also had the honor of hosting multiple speakers this month for the benefit of my students … basically exposed them to different aspects of our industry, which we don’t always have time to explore in class. Special SHOUT OUT & BIG THANK YOU to you all:

I organized a bicycle food truck tour with clients via TourdelaTable .
You know, every time I do this I get to know another part of my beautiful Montreal #mtlmoments – this time it was the other parts of the Lachine Canal. We did it on bikes and the perspective is quite different. We ate, we learnt, we exercised … we had a blast, thank you Mellissa! You ROCK!!

And last but not least an important mention to the organizers at Cavalia.
WOW thank you so so much for the VIP treatment you gave us … your team ROCKS it!!
It was a TRULY BREATHTAKING SPECTAULAR show … my clients are going.

While there may not have been a lot of execution of events, it was a month of planning sessions and brainstorming (with a little R&R too – finally). Next up:

Kia Ora

OMG … I DID IT way way down under on the OTHER side of the world .. hint; “Kia Ora

June was a month of adventure (to say the very least!).
However, I was quite busy with ‘normal’ events and engagements on home turf.

Organized and executed a summit meeting for one of my many prestigious clients at none other than “la GRAND Dame” Ritz Carlton Montreal  – they are such PROFESSIONALS and it’s wonderful working with them.

Within that same week was also the GRAND PRIX F1. Hubby and I were privileged to attend the “F1 Party” at the Ritz Carlton (it  was nice).

Then the morning after, I whipped myself together to instruct a new batch of future wedding planners for WPIC  (Wedding Planners Institute of Canada).

And if that wasn’t enough, right after that … we honored with tickets to see Mr. SCARFACE himself Al Pacino   (interesting at best, he was all over the place lol!).

On the school front (Lasalle College), I invited a wonderful guest speaker (and friend) to share her experiences with my students, Nathalie Mailhot.

Ouff just writing about this I realize and understand how people wonder how do I manage all this stuff!!!

However, my BIG ADVENTURE began when I travelled wayyyy down under  on the other side of the world for business.
As you know by now, I travel quite a bit. This is all in the name of research and development. I’m basically always on the “hunt” for new exciting destinations for my growing Incentive business.

Well this month by far (pun totally intended) was truly a SPECTACULAR place:
New Zealand  was my destination and what a destination it was; True, it’s quite a long trip but it was worth it; started with YUL to LAX, pretty much an uneventful normal 6-hour east coast to west coast flight. Once in LAX we were provided access to the VIP Lounge (OMG what a lounge it was). Not only was it LARGE and SPACIOUS but it had everything one wanted;

Modern outside terrace spaciousMovie Room
Comfy Lounge areaDining space
ShowersBistro Space
Media sectionSleep/Rest Space

Etc…. (I could go on but I think you get the picture)

I’m telling you: WOW! You see, once we got to LAX we had a long long long layover so the VIP lounge was PERFECT; we worked a little – drank and ate – watched a movie – took in some air – drank a little more – ate a little more – networked a lot – did some more drinking and ate some more food …

Then the time came that we needed to board our plane Air New Zealand   – what a fantastic, fantastic, airline. From the staff to the comfy business class pods – WOW! Like someone said to me; “honey once you fly Air New Zealand  there is no turning back!!!” (SO SO TRUE). This flight was 12hrs long and I did not feel it (slept like a baby – ate and drank like a queen).

Once we arrived in Aukland, New Zealand, we were treated to all kinds of activities and adventures…

To start we where whisked away via Excalibur Cars to a marina where we boarded the largest SuperYacht to one of the islands nearby; Waiheke Island, New Zealand

Once on the island we took a Skyline Gondola Ride up one of many surrounding mountains, had a gourmet lunch and where immediately encouraged to engage in Lugging. Here is an example of what was like:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df1fT0Ut2v4

Once all that was done we were picked up by helicopters and roamed the wonderful mountains of New Zealand   – the views of these mountains and water were breathtaking (ahhh to be back there).

The Heli landed on a summit where there were several Land Rovers Defenders  waiting to take us on our next adventure.

We drove through the mountains and water (literally) somehow ended up ‘digging for gold nuggets’ in this stream … we eventually worked up a thrust and appetite where we were brought to one of the many vineyards out here;  Mudbrick Vineyard and Restaurant  not only did we drink they also prepared a feast for us to eat. Ohh and for ‘desert’ we went to a wine cave where some wine tasting was required; Stonyridge Vineyards  (we really where drinking the wine, but I digress…) Fun Fact: it’s amazing how many wineries there are considering their climate.

Once all was done we headed back to the hosted hotel Sofitel, Queenstown for some down time to either shop, rest, or all of the above.

So one would think, “WOW Daniela, that sounded like a GREAT time.” Well yes it was absolutely … however the “adventures” continued. We were once again whisked off by plane hopping from island to island to discover more marvelous places. We were invited to board a speed boat from Auckland Jet Boat Tours Ltd. to cross the waters onto an area where more adventures awaited; some of us went zip-lining and some of us went bungy jumping – YES, bungy jumping all set up around the infamous Kawarau Bridge Bungy (43m)

Guess what I ended up doing??? (Hint: it’s related to the blog’s title) Well here is the link to show you:

OUUUUFFFFFFFAAAAA – I STILL don’t believe I REALLY did that!?!?!

Ok, back down to “earth” once all that excitement was done and over with, we went to visit Hobbiton Movie Set Tours  in another part of spectacularly wonderful New Zealand it’s a small town called Rotorua  . This is where movies like the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings were actually filmed (I felt I was transported into that time). They turned it into an official visitors attraction for people to come visit from all over.

WOW what a great place this is… incentive clients: hope are you reading this?!?
And now it’s going to be quiet till end of July. So shhh! See you soon!
R&R time …. “Ka kite ano” y’all …

Logistics and Familiarizations

This year the month of May is the start of many things for me:

  • Three out of six client Incentive Destination Programs are completed – shout out and a heartfelt THANK YOU to my partners out there for making this happen. For me this only means I NEED more of these contracts to re-fill.
  •  Finalizing a three day Sales Conference for a new client happening in November this year.
  •  Getting RFP’s for three upcoming Fundraisers happening in 2016.
  •  Finalizing all the logistics for an upcoming client’s AGM in September.
  •  Sourcing for clients’:
    Corp. BBQ’s,  40th Birthday,  Party Sweet Sixteen,  Golden Wedding Anniversary
  •  Started teaching the summer session classes at Lasalle College  (cont. Ed.) and iLasalleCampus (online/webinar)
  •  It is also the beginning of my Wedding Season; one of the weddings’ I’ve been planning is for an incredible couple who live in Toronto but are getting married here in Montreal. We spent a few days together this month doing a pre-wedding photo shoot, cake and meal tastings, working out floral arrangements. They are having it at the Old Port … I know I’ve said it before, but my god, Old Montreal is the perfect setting for weddings!

Yes this month I also managed to squeeze in some Business Travel;

  • L’Esterel Resort – it was a familiarization trip and it was awesome because spouses were able to attend. WOW it was nice to rediscover it … (I had already done some client programs there in the past and to get reacquainted it was a great reminder) During this time I got to meet up with industry friends that I haven’t seen in awhile. Wonderful time was had by all. The staff at l’Esterel Resort  is PHENOMENAL!!
  • Speaking of GRAND I also was graciously invited to Grapevine, Texas (Forth Worth) for another familiarisation tour. It was a great experience. I saw REAL Cowboys (with real guns) in an authentic typical Texan town, with majestic Horses and fabulous Cattle … yes it’s TRUE, when they say everything is bigger in Texaseverything is bigger in Texas! I’m really looking forward to bringing groups there. It’s just EPIC !!
  • Lastly, I went to the NAV Centre in Cornwall for a day … WOW not only did I discover a new property to bring my delegates … We also where privileged to experience the (with the simulators) how to be a traffic control tower operator …. this was AWESOME!!! (rest assured I will not be change careers any time soon … just sayin’)  Little known fact about the NAV Centre: is a privately run, not-for-profit, that owns and operates Canada’s civil air navigation system, employs approximately 1,900 air traffic controllers and 700 technologists. It has been responsible for the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic in Canadian air space since November 1, 1996. NAV Canada manages 12 million aircraft movements a year for 40,000 customers in over 18 million square kilometres, making it the world’s second-largest air navigation service provider by traffic volume.

It’s been a fabulous start to the warmer season (finally) and I can’t wait for June. See you then!