Let’s Party Month 

This month was a festive month I have my husband’s – nephew’s – both uncles in Italy’s and several friends’ celebrating their birthdays. So, ask me if we celebrated? YES, of course we did. And since most restrictions are being lifted very slowly (for now) things are getting back to ‘normal’. Meaning we either gathered at home with family or went out for supper with our friends… all in the spirit of celebrating them and our ’freedom’ FINALLY

On the school front, I’m teaching Entrepreneurship and Innovation classes. Yes, indeed, it is different direction in the type of course I usual give, but I do love it. It’s not that I don’t want to teach the event management classes anymore. It’s that there isn’t enough student enrollment to open up the program. The Entrepreneurship class is an elective for the students, which means I get to experience all the different student profiles from different said programs. Surprisingly it motivates me, it refreshes my outlook. I also look forward to their Final Project presentations. I say this because, I’m fascinated on what they come up with. It’s basically a whole new world for me. And I feel like I have my own dragon’s den contestants coming to life the entire session. Entrepreneurship is so different from planning events and for me it is quite a refreshing direction.

Speaking of different direction, since the pandemic hit us, I decided to get involved more and more with the schools inner activities and committees. And one of the committees working on is an annual  regional entrepreneurship contest that the school has every year. And a final project on the education of indigenous culture. WOW what a challenge this is and I’m loving it . I am the event organizer needless to say it gets my event planning juices going. (finally)

This month was also teacher appreciation day/week at school. And this time I surprised by lovely, sweet heartfelt messages from my students.  Boy is that touching. You need to understand that it is not every day you hear or learn what your students really think/appreciate about your teachings. And when they actually take time to thank you. WOW!!  Honestly, being able to pay it forward is truly something I enjoy and love. I love to see the new generation take over our industry or go off into other things with my ‘help/guidance’.  Once back from my short trip. Went into full gear mode with my students. We went to the McCord Museum to get inspiration on the Indigenous culture. The reason for this is because one of my classes have a mandate to work on a FINAL PROJECT event related to this. What better way to get inspired?

Regarding the industry, my company is still a little bit on hold. Although, I am actively in-touch with my clientele. And yes, we discuss planning to meet next month and start moving forward with the possibility of starting to do incentive programs. On a positive front, someone on LinkedIn challenged our industry to ‘re-introducing’ ourselves on the professional front. This was brilliant idea… and of course I participated.

I also signed up for a few upcoming industry congresses that are finally going to happen. Despite being re-scheduled several times in the past few years… So March into April things are starting to open up. Fingers crossed it stays this way.  

Speaking of normal, it looks like I’m going to start traveling again, on the business front that is.  It goes with out say, that there are extra steps imposed to this kind of travel. Anyhow we adapt even if we do not like it.  The good new is that I might actually be heading to Halifax – PEI – Puerto Rico – India and Thailand (fingers crossed). Will keep you posted. That is all for now see you next month …

A fresh start in January 2022

Wishing everyone the HAPPIEST of NEW YEARS and tons of health

The year started off with a lot of ups and downs. Parents left for Florida to not only become snowbirds again but also to see what was happening with their condo; you see because of the government travel restrictions due to the pandemic they haven’t been able to travel for the past 2 years. Too boot they had a court-case they needed to be present for and had no means of preparing for it. So, I volunteered and headed there to help put it together. When I say putting it together, I mean bringing my laptop and getting the proper internet to be able to connect and be present for this hearing.

I will not lie it’s been quite an ordeal getting ready and then being there. I say ordeal because the media paints a picture of how Florida is in shambles at the moment with this pandemic… However, once I got there, fearing the worst, it was the complete opposite of what we heard… SHOCKER… what was being reported that COVID was not taken seriously there. Instead, it is almost just like here!?!?! HUHHH?!? Don’t get me wrong I was pleasantly surprised and happy that things where pretty much like here in Canada. One less thing to worry about.   I will share that the weather wasn’t great, it was cool not cold like back home however cool enough that I only was able to go to the pool 2 days out of the 9 days there. However, my time was mostly spent running errands for my parents and that same week College Lasalle’s winter session started. Began teaching all of my classes online… No time for beach-bumming that is for sure.  So, the “the beach life” like I usually do never materialize. It is what it is.

I am happy that school started, and that I was given MORE classes to teach finally…. There are also new projects the school is working on and I’m on some of those committees. I must say it is exhausting simply because getting back into the swing of things after 2 years of nothing was an adjustment none the less. But I’m doing it!

I also fulfilled my promise to some of my ROCK STAR students I’d treat them to lunch to thank them for their hard work during the event we did together.

Once back from my short trip. Went into full gear mode with my students. We went to the McCord Museum to get inspiration on the Indigenous culture. The reason for this is because one of my classes have a mandate to work on a FINAL PROJECT event related to this. What better way to get inspired?

I hope you had a good start to the New Year! Sending you only good vibes for 2022.

Can someone say “chaos”?!

The year wrapped up with a hectic month, to say the least. It was quite chaotic in the sense that I had a lot going on with my family, I was planning a quick getaway, and school was finishing up.

In December I did a quick trip to Costa Rica and it’s such a beautiful place. Thank GOD I had that escape because of what was coming up: it’s a good thing I had a break and a vacation for my mental health. Let me just say that it’s very draining taking care of elderly parents. And I do LOVE them to death.

I finally got to do an event in December. It was for Lasalle College, and I helped plan luncheons for all the departments. These luncheons where spread over a two-week span during their lunch hours. Each department had their luncheon within the school’s restaurant. This year exceptionally it was done this way so we could still celebrate and respect the COVID19 restrictions at the same time.. Oufff that was quite challenging but great.  What was great too that I was able to recruit some of my students to help and work off some of their internship hours. Even though we worked hard for those 2 weeks. We also got to taste the food that was served yummo… wonderfully prepared gourmet lunches by the College’s graduating chefs.

On the Planner front…. I did have meetings with clientele and suppliers – all in hope we can get events off the ground and in motion for April and May coming…

Unfortunately, Christmas gatherings were odd again this year because my niece got Covid so the family couldn’t all get together. But, as always, we made the most of it.

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Happier SAFER New year… see you all next year!

Gains & Losses Kinda Month

Hi everybody and so another month concludes November was a pretty intense and interesting for me.

Interesting because there was a lot of insight, intergrowth, and reflection and this came about because once again we had another month of deaths.  Also, the unexpected passing of my beloved little fur baby Ballo (he was 12 years old) I loved him so and was my TRUE partner (we where with each other 24/7) due to the pandemic so you can imagine my devastation….

Ballo  2009 – 2021
The most difficult thing of having you is saying goodbye…
We loved you your whole life and we will miss you for the rest of ours…
We are taught that angels have wings…true… however, the bonus is when they have 4 paws…
This is where our journey together ends and yours begins running around with your buddies  
I stroked your nose and kissed you as you take your final rest we love you tons.
Send our love to your buddies Max – Bowzer and Celestino… until we meet again..

However, this being said life goes on… had my usual incentives travel zoom meetings and several contracts that materialized. They are the annual sales meetings that I prepare per usual only this time with the logistical changes due to COVID regulations.  Yes, folks it is slowly but surely picking up – fingers crossed people fingers crossed.

Was quite busy on the school front. Besides my online classes, we held the bi-annual Open House for future students to come and signup for their courses. Was invited to be a keynote speaker at one of the Tourism classes. And we launched the Entrepreneurship Contest (dubbed as lion’s den) for the upcoming year. How exciting!!!

For the Holiday Celebration, I was asked to help out the staff at the school’s restaurant LaClasse to help man the registration for the school’s holiday party. This year was slightly different logistically speaking; it was decided to break it up into a 2-week span and have departmental luncheons. This is because we can’t have our annual big bash of 400pple in one place. Although it was GREAT the unfortunate thing is that not everybody could attend. Due to the labour shortage. Boy this pandemic is really affected a lot of things at a lot of different levels (it’s incredible) …

I also helped out at a bowling fundraising event for the following organization Friends4acause what a success it was they quickly sold out the alleys and raised quite a bit of money. I guess people really miss going out and they of course believe in the cause.

I actually attended a few events, (let me tell you it felt weird and good at the same time. One was a Book launch of one of my dear friends and the other was an homage concert for Elton John what fun that was !!!! Good god I miss socializing…

And YES, I’m still cooking up a storm with some baking here and there.

So that was my November in a nutshell. Let’s see what December has in store…  OMGosh I just said December …. so, this means 2021 is almost done!!!

Filled with Adventures – Accolades

October, was an exciting month and I loved, loved, loved it. The main reason I loved it so much is because for the first time in almost 2 years I headed to a new travel adventure in Quito, Ecuador . That was much fun and enlightening. Just the fact that I was able to travel again was exhilarating!! Of course, it goes without say I was scared – excited – nervous – uber anxious… in regard to the flight and the destination itself. And to my pleasant surprise all went well, so long we follow the rules that are implored to everyone. About the trip take a look at my pictures, which tells the story of this colonial city where there’s lots of churches – museums – chocolate factories and distilleries to discover. I even had the privilege of walking the centre of the earth called: Ciudad Mitad del Mundo (Equator Marker) it being on the equator and all. Here is the link to my Travel Trend Blog, should you want to read more about it:

The month continued with my online teaching, great group of students really enjoying them; love to see up and coming Event Planners (eager beavers) to do what they love to do. They inspire me so much and probably have no idea. Speaking of education, I was asked to represent College Lasalle at the Salon Education held this month at the Olympic stadium. FUN to see up and coming students and it was GREAT to get out and about (a bit of normalcy)

In the meantime, there has been a little bit of activity on the business side of things. Had opportunities to bid on a few upcoming contracts. Didn’t get them all – yup – you lose some you win some. But either way it is a good sign of things to come. I’ve been keeping up with the Zoom meetings and networking opportunities. Truth be told I’m really getting tired of this virtual stuff .. I really cannot wait to start in person meetings – we are made to be social beings!! And uber anxious to get this “monster pandemic” gone.

Since the pandemic began, it seems to me I’m being recognized and/or nominated as of late. You see, I found out that I once again have been nominated in two categories.  The fabulous thing is that it was not in my home province that I was recognized. That alone is an HONOR!!!!  The 2 categories are Mentor of the Year and Planner of the Year for MPI Ottawa’s Annual Prestigious Awards… WOWZERS!!! Goes to prove that your peers are actually noticing or looking at your work… who new??!! I don’t know who nominated me, but I would love to thank them very much. No folks, I didn’t win, however, just the fact that I was honored with two nominations in another province that is pretty spectacular to me!!!  Once again Congrats to all the winners.

Took advantage of the fall colours and went up north to my parents’ cottage for a few weekends. It did me good, I know it’s not busy for me, however, at times I need to get away in seclusion and just be with myself.  I love it there.  It’s saves me from my own sanity again and again even though I’m not going crazy it’s still my escape.

Cooking up storms and I enjoy every moment of it – just forgot to take picture of my creations…

Happy Halloween…

That is all for now – see you in November !!

Semi-busy month this month.

September is one of my favorite months of the year not only because it’s my birthday but also because of the fall colours.

Regarding school, it’s business as usual, the online classes continue this semester I have five classes and I loving it.  Out of the two groups I have, one is on their last semester and the second group is brand new and I/m loving their enthusiasm!! You see when it’s brand group their eagerness and excitement is contagious. Which encourages me to share my passions and my knowledge of this beloved industry.

Yes, the Zoom/Teams meetings still going strong. The show must go on!! And it’s lovely to see my industry colleagues (even though it’s not in person yet) thriving and doing the best we can considering the situation at hand. You see unfortunately not many people have survived the COVID situation and when I say situation, I mean workwise our industry has been damaged BIG TIME to the point people have lost their jobs and/or positions have been abolished due to closures of businesses – I’m telling you the industry had taken a WOPPING hit these past few years due to the pandemic. It is a sad sad situation, for now. Hopefully, I myself could hang on to it a little longer.

It has been a fruitful month with lots of harvests; tomatoes, fruits, salads, peppers, cabbage, etc. etc… I am busy jamming and preserving all these beautiful, delish gifts from mother nature. Yum Yum!!

We also journeyed up north for a few weekends it is usually lovely however at this time of the year with those vibrant colors it is lovelier. Also, took the time to meet finally meet friends (face to face) for either brunch or lunch. What a pleasure it was. (I haven’t seen these people in person) So it was nice to do so. It’s amazing what this pandemic did to our perspectives and taught us how precious life is.

On the event planning side, I got to help out at an annual Golf Fundraiser Tournament event that was held on a Saturday at Piedmont Golf. BOY I forgot how fun these tournaments can be!!!  I also realized I was in my true element – I loved it – I also enjoyed the fact that it’s nice to not have the responsibility of running an event and help executing it with full heartedness. Yes, I love love loved it.

Still cooking up a storm. And I must confess I am STILL loving it!!!!

Wrapping up the month with my Birthday Celebration on the last day of September. This year (because we are allowed) I invited my close-knit family; my parents – my brother and his kids to celebrate. What fun it was. It had been such a long time since we gathered all together. Again, the thing the Pandemic has taught me…. 

Lastly, in early October I’m going on a FAM (familiarization tour) to Quito, Ecuador. This will be my very first business trip since the Pandemic started. I will not lie, I am anxious nervous happy excited all in one but I can’t wait. Will share my experiences next month with you.

Take care – Stay safe – Speak soon…

A month of HiGHS and LoWS

A month of HiGHS and LoWS… what I mean by this is that I had to attend quite a few wakes/funerals. (6 to be exact) It was a month of losses, friends, family, and colleagues. When this happened this time, it forced me to reflect on my own mortality and truly take stock and appreciate everything that life has given me thus far. I don’t mean to be philosophical nor cliché, however, in times like these I can’t help to be grateful of my life; loved ones, friends, co-workers, employees so on and so forth. And to evaluate my gratitude for everything, and I mean everything that has happened so far. Yes, the good the bad and the ugly. Sending out prayers to everyone that have been dealing with some sort of lose in their lives….

That was the lows, now there was plenty of highs too.  For instance, it was my 35th wedding anniversary when I reflect on that, I think oh my God WOWZERS 35 years that’s a long time. But honestly it doesn’t feel like it at all. The plan was to celebrate and to go to Indonesia for this milestone. However, due to the pandemic, we couldn’t do it, oh well. We did, however, celebrate in small ways, with family friends for drinks, at restaurants, picnics, etc… Then the day after it was one of my nieces birthday, she turned 18….  Oh my God where has the time gone. She’s legal and all grown up!!  I cannot wait to see this young lady flourish!!

Speaking of celebration, we celebrated ‘life’ with friends, families, extended family. Simply because we FINALLY CAN 😊. During our 18months (or so) of the pandemic isolation and with the vaccine available it has enabled us to socialize ‘liberally’ always with caution.

As for my Event Planning business it is still dormant. However, I was hired by the school’s Director at LaSalle College to plan BACK TO SCHOOL event. We where on uber tight schedule 6-7 weeks this did not give us much time. Too boot it was to be a hybrid event, due to the pandemic. (of course, I took the challenge!!) The restrictions where enormous and complex for this situation and it was very new to everyone involved. As the Project Manager and I had to make decisions based on the government’s constant changing rules. Not an easy task. You need to understand to organize and execute a Hybrid event adds tons of other variables we where not accustomed to as meeting planners…. However, when you work with great – professional – fantastic suppliers it does ease the process to execute this event flawlessly.  PROUD moment!!!

Ohhh yes, I did the usual zoom industry destination meetings which I’m working with clients to possibly start the travel itinerary. This is if Canada opens up and other countries allow us to come.

Amongst all this the third week of August symbolized five-year anniversary for me since my diagnosis of breast cancer as much as I want to celebrate and am grateful for this.  I am STILL nervous about it coming back … behind in my mind I’m always cringing, always worried.  I do try to calm it down, taking it one day at a time… it is not easy once you’ve been touched by this horrible disease it basically changes your entire perspective on things and you stay marked for life. Don’t get me wrong, I am a positive person!! However, I’m still secretly petrified by it.

Moving forward, yes, I am still cooking up a storm… here are some pictures. YES, I still enjoy this tremendously and am very thankful for all this.

And believe it or not, somehow someway we managed to squeeze in a quick get-a-away. It was a four-day vacation. We ended up going to a spot called Sandbanks. It’s a National Park here in Canada. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW.  We where shocked, my husband and I could not believe that we had this paradise only 4 1/2 hours away from where we live. Let me explain, we kept hearing about this place and wondering if it was really “all that”.  Well folks YES, IT IS … I swear to you it was very much like if you were in Florida!! Only thing difference is no salt water and no palm trees, other than that guys it was spectacular true we had fantastic weather 30+ degrees which helped. And the water was so warm 80+degrees, for me this was warm enough go in and enjoy it. OMGOSH I could not believe the paradise that we have discovered and to boot it is next door to Quebec!!! The only thing is that the hotels are not near by. Account for approximately a maximum of 45 minutes drive to and from the beach.  But trust me, it’s worth it. Those three days actually helped me so so much!! We returned fully relaxed. I will do a write up on my Travel Trend Blog in the next few weeks. Here is the link:

So folks that was my month of August with lots of highs – lots of lows – much ups and much downs.

But overall wonderful … see you in September!!

Intense Party month of July

Intense Party month of July

Hi everyone welcome to my monthly blog for July …. OUFFFFFFFAAAA what a month it was for me!!!

Started with and early morning phone call from my brother informing me that he is at the emergency!!! So, of course, I immediately went to assist and help him on whatever needed to get done that week. Needless to say, it was much juggling – back and forth trying to help out and managing his day-to-day affairs as best I could. And of course, the PANDEMIC complicated matters a little more. In the end, the pain he felt was a result of a complication of a hernia & ulcer operation he had a few years ago. It was the mesh that was placed during that operation that somehow someway during the healing process it intertwined itself with the intestines and that is where things got painful so much, so he rushed himself to the emergency.  This was resolved with a quick non-invasive operation, and all is good now thank God.

That following week was one my niece’s birthday, she turned 12 years old we surprised her with signage in front of the home. We couldn’t attend the birthday party due to covid, so we compensated in that way.
The ‘joys’ of the PANDEMIC (☹). 

This month I actually started to do some ‘work’, we ended up doing a few site visits at a new hotel here in Laval Times Hotel the other was Jardin Montreal. It was nice and at the same time it felt odd, not having done a site visit in such a long time…

Speaking of more work, I did the usual industry zoom meetings from destination spots all over the world. Yes, folks for now, it is STILL my reality. Hopefully things will get back to some sort of normal. I will confide to you guys that for me it will take another year or so before the incentive part of my business will properly start.

Speaking of properly starting I am starting to go out more, visited friends and colleagues, meeting them at restaurants/cafes or simply in their backyards. What fun it was nice actually see humans (in person) and to be back to some sort of normality (whatever that is nowadays)

Then a few weeks later the July Birthday celebrations continued… With my brother’s – our mom’s and close family members. And yes my baking/cooking obsessions continues…

And since I NEED to get out and traveling (by plane) anywhere still seems too complex right now, we decided to do a few road trips like heading north to Tremblant to get away for a few weekends. Yes, it’s getting hard to be home 24/7 I’m starting to realize that I’m getting a little stir crazy… Don’t get me wrong I love, being home and all am TRULY enjoying it especially during the summer. However, trips to the supermarkets and malls are not as exciting anymore, I am realizing that I NEED a change of scenery too. So, if I can take small road trips and get out on the weekends it’s really great and it’s really appreciated…

See you all next month … ciao for now 😊



Hi everyone, oufffffaaa what a month June was….

Started quiet enough with a few typical industry destination meetings. Which I learnt so so much and it’s having me DESPERATELY wanting to travel more and more. But alas, for now it will have to be virtually. Yup we are STILL in Pandemic mode here in Canada – even though hubby and I are fully vaccinated – The Canadian government has been cautiously giving the green light and allowing some re-openings even though another variant is at large!! STILL is scary!!!

School is still forging ahead online and am LOVING it!! A few more weeks left for the summer session and then hopefully we will be physically back on campus?!? (fingers crossed)

On the personal front Hubby and I are trying to figure out some vacation time and where to go exactly… I’m pretty opened to go out west or out est within our beautiful country … all that is left to do is hunker down dates!! (yes the pandemic has effected vacay dates too) GRRRRRR!!!

However, having said this we did celebrate Father’s day with family and celebrated St. Jean Baptiste and some life’s milestones with some friends, all socially distanced of course.

Also found time to discover new spots in and around our beautiful city. Also found time to discover new spots in and around our beautiful city. Picnics along the water are a staple for hubby and I. Weather it’s along the water or in parks we truly love these escapades TONS. It is incredible how a small change of scene does wonders to the mindset. (especially since I’ve been home 24/7)

Then near the end of the month BOOM BOOM BOOM my brother rushed himself to the hospital!!!  And I went into sister help mode – tended to his every need (with the help of Mom and Dad, his kids and girlfriend) We assisted his post operation recovery… It was basically a complication from another operation he had done a few years back – WOW didn’t know that could even happen…. Live and learn!! And a few days after this, my husband gets into a car accident – it was a fender bender and he is alright, thank GOD !!! However, talk about intense moments one lives through!!! I know such as life😊..

And yes yes I’ve been cooking up storms trying new recipes and returning with old ones… I truly LOVE being Daniela homemaker !!! (and I’m a self proclaimed FEMINIST) how ironic is that !!! lololololololololo 

Well that is it for now hopefully July will full of vacation adventures that I can share with you .. stay tuned!!

Just another manic Month-day

Just another manic Month-day

Another month living under the covid situation in my life and industry. I am making the best of it and hanging in there. It does help/encourage me when I attend industry meetings; basically, what I’m doing is staying in touch with client’s + suppliers virtually. And participate in the travel trade shows. For instance, this month I ‘virtually visited’ parts of Europe. One week I was all over Greece another week I was all over Italy and another week I was partaking in a FAM Tour exploring South Africa. YES, this makes me want to travel even more – I do miss traveling. Its kind of sort of torture at this point.

On the school front I did some mentoring and have my online classes that are coming along. I have four classes this summer session. Which equates to a grand total of 6 hours!! Very little I must say. Buy, I can not and will not complain it could be so much worse.

I am also still cooking up storms and loving every minute of it. Including my 2-hour daily walks with the dog. While listening to my music on Spotify. At this point I’m thinking: “I’m living the life” of course I miss working my events/meetings – I miss coordinating and organizing all my clients’ incentives programs. (and boy do I miss the $$$) However, for now, it is what it is!! The are still restrictions some have been lifted but we are far from back to normal. My prediction is that by the time things actually back to whatever the new normal is going to be, it will be a while … I’m guessing probably the second quarter of next year!! ☹

Due to this free time, I am finally doing some gardening!! Ohhhhh yes, I totally love gardening. I actually forgot how much I love it!!! You see before COVID I would be traveling for work all the time. So, I would not have time to get my hands dirty and garden. Now I am able to plan out my planting and do some much needed upgrading in the back yard.  How therapeutic this was, I loved, loved, loved it.

It was my mother in law’s birthday, so we celebrated it COVID Fashion. Socially distanced.

Due to all this time I have to spare I also was finally able to go up north where the family cottage is … Another, thing I missed out on due to my busy work schedule. SIDE NOTE:  I’ve missed that place sooooo much!!! I used to go there every weekend in my youth….  Hope to continue the tradition with my niece and nephew ….

Overall, another quietish month with many good things – thank the Lord because it could be so much worse….

Hope to see you and hear from you next month goodbye for now.