May- The month I got my BMW

May has been a tad trying, to say the least, however, as always, I trying to keep my head up and be as optimistic as possible. That’s the only thing you can do, right?
So this was a month where I did a lot of wishing and I got what I ‘wished’ for, which can be good and bad thing.
Let me explain…
I have always wanted to get a BMW, and this month, after losing my license (long story; here is the short version – got 5 tickets in a span of 2 years lost all my points), and failing my second attempt at the written exam. I basically ‘GOT’ my BMW wish and hubby reminded me; “Well Danie you finally got your BMW – bus, metro, walk.” GRRRRR. I’m retaking my written exam end of June so fingers crossed!! (OUFFAAAA boy do I NOT NOT need this!!)
I also wished I’d get to go to C2 Montreal, the annual high-end business conference held here in the city. And with my media credentials; thanks to my weekly Travel Blog with Suburban Newspaper online. It was a great experience. For this year, I decided to be an ‘explore’ and ‘observer’ so I can soak it all in. Next year, I will register for the Master-Classes, Brain-Dates etc… (although…I did sneak into some, just for a few minutes, and you could tell they were fantastic). Most of the 2 days I stayed in the Big Top where the main keynote speakers were, can’t express how exhilarating it was – gosh I’m so grateful!! (thanks universe for the opportunity). See you next year C@MTL.
The first two-ish weeks of the month I was still on vacation in Florida, meanwhile Annie (my partner in crime) ran a corporate event for me at Time Supper Club.
When I got back, summer classes started and am now teaching the usual Event Management classes at Lasalle College as well as the online version for ilasalle.
We were graciously invited to Hotel Carling Golf – Resort for the weekend .. it was very nice. It used to be a very prestigious property back in the day (celebs used to go there for reclusion) any how it is going to be renovated. We got a sneak peak of the new look .. all I can say is WOWZER ..
Then I got a last-minute call to go to help out in Vancouver to give the Wedding Planner Certification course of WPIC (the instructor whom was supposed to do it had a last minute emergency). So hoped on the plane and spent a weekend in GORGEOUS Vancouver. (couldn’t say no to that!!)
All in all we (Annie and I) did few sites with the added industry networking activities this month with the continuously added tireless detail work on upcoming projects for clients. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but thank God they’re spread out properly!
So, in the end, I got my wish to go to C2MTL,(this was the good part)
However folks, be careful what you wish for .. because I also got my BMW wish -> Bus – Metro – Walk!!! GRRRRR
Here’s to a MORE promising June!