A LOVE-ly and busy February

A LOVE-ly and busy February

Happy February to all my readers! I hope you have had a great, productive month, you stayed warm, and you had a LOVE-ly Valentine’s Day. We celebrated by ordering in some sushi. YUM YUM!!

I’m still teaching at College Lasalle even though my hours DRASTICALLY were reduced due to lack of student signing up for certain programs. Oh well this is my reality right now.

Speaking of teaching and loving it … I spontaneously got some student love – it’s nice to be appreciated…

Even though my teaching hours got cut, I am busy with special projects that the school requires help on.  Because of this, I am pretty much keeping busy and to my surprise learning another type of hustle: Coaching our future entrepreneurs!! There is one thing I’ve come to realize during this pandemic – one never knows the opportunities that are out there, it just takes us to be opened enough to welcoming them, even though I do not know where this is heading. However, I do know these are great opportunities, and I am loving the journey!!

Then BOOM one day to my surprise, one of the committees I sit on asked if I’d partake in emceeing the virtual event we are working on? And of course, I accepted (I mean how cool is this!!)

This emceeing ties into the Global Student Entrepreneurship Contest we are currently coaching them on. It is an international competition, done every year, for up-and-coming young (student) Entrepreneurs and Lasalle College is one of the many colleges participating in this! FUN FUN FUN!!

A bit of background: this competition happens every year and to put it in perspective the approach is very much like the TV program Dragon’s Den &/or Shark’s Tank, only difference is at the collegial level.  I’m excited and honored to have been through the process with them.

Speaking of emceeing – guess what… I was asked if would like to co-host an upcoming workshop for one of MPI Ottawa’s virtual events. And I did…

Come to think of it, mmmm, is the universe trying to tell me something??

Will my new hustle be emceeing? And or Coaching Entrepreneurs? Stay tuned….

Ok ok I digress… and as it has become the norm (for now).  I have attending several virtual industry meetings. Yes, folks, I NEED to keep up with all the changes/transformations my industry is living right now. And of course, it is nice to re-connect with my industry peps from all over the world.

Small side note: normally these meetings are held at the actual destinations like Hawaii – Croatia – Cape Town – New York – Arizona – etc. you get the picture and since we cannot travel, it is now all done virtually…. (ohhhhhh how I miss traveling… sigh)

Yup, I’ve continued to cook and am now exploring new recipes – trying to get out of my comfort zone. With all the restraints happening we need to challenge ourselves at times.

And because February is a uber busy Birthday month for our families. We celebrated, at a distance, my Hubby – Nephew – Cousins and Uncles all via Zoom/Messenger.

On a personal note, I will share that I am starting to become a mush-brain… lol… BOY I can’t wait for spring so I can get out more and change the scene. I guess like most people, I’m just going through the motions and taking things day by day, yes, I am UBER UBER thankful and grateful with things right now…  Because I am aware that it can be so much worse.

With this in mind I wrapped up the month with a WONDERFUL surprise from a ROCK STAR REMAX Real Estate Agent Salvatore Orfeo, you see, to thank me for a few referrals I sent over to him. I received a GOURMET DELISHOUSNESS of a gift basket … YUMMO…

Stay healthy and safe, my friends, and see you in March!

Welcoming in a New Year

Welcoming in a New Year

Happy 2021 everyone! I know it was a strange 2020, so here’s hoping things only go up from here!

On January 1st I got a cake and smashed it to “smash out” 2020. I don’t know if it worked (lol) and I’m not trying to be negative – I thought it was a fun way to welcome a New Year.

Luckily, this winter, my parents decided not to go to Florida… thank goodness! I think it’s safer that they stay here closer to us. I’m hoping (so are they) will get their vaccine first.

I started a new session at Lasalle College with the online school this month. However, the pandemic did and is hitting the school hard too. What I mean is that from March to Dec 2020 I was lucky enough to have 15hour week teaching schedule and as of January till Summer 2021 it was drastically reduced to 6hours a week…. OUCH indeed…. (I guess it could be worse). But on an brighter note I am getting involved with special projects the school has … for instance pedagogically speaking revamping classes and becoming a coach for the new Entrepreneurship program offered – fun fun fun…

Believe it or not, I’ve gotten a few referrals for weddings. But how do you plan a wedding when so many vendors are unsure about taking bookings?

I’ve been slowly restarting the online Zoom networking/industry meetings which includes making new industry vendor contacts from all over the planet again. Sometimes we got to do what we got to do to keep up with the industry. Needless to say, I still meet with my ‘GIRLS’ either every week or other week to keep our sanity in check.

On a personal note, I’m still walking every other day or so. (it’s freakin BURRRRR cold)

And yes I’m still cooking my heart out, and probably gaining weight in the process unfortunately!

I did loose weight before COVID so hopefully I haven’t gained it all back.

All in all, I’m looking forward to a better year. Wishing all my readers, friends and family the best for 2021.

Zoom-bie kind a month

Zoom-bie kind a month

It’s a Zoom-bie attack!

Ohhhhh boy what a month (actually a year) of the living Zoom-bies meetings!!

In other words: my month was filled with Zoom meetings! Whether it was with colleagues or friends, I made contact (through the screen) with a lot of different people. I am like a Zoom zombie these days – I miss seeing hugging and shaking hands with people and the face-to-face thing toooo!!

However, believe it or not, I did do some traveling:

♥ Australia
♥ Thailand
♥ Indonesia
♥ Latin Countries
♥ Puerto Rico

Yes yes of course it was with the utmost safety measures – virtually speaking ..

Also kept up with my networking throughout December, and I made new contacts with some future travel partners. Indonesia here we come!!

The session (classes) at Lasalle College have wrapped up and the students successfully graduated. Watch out world a new BATCH of Meeting Planners are on the loose!!

Unfortunately, it looks like this coming January’s winter session will not begin… due to the pandemic there has not been many students signing up (so the school will have many cutbacks). I am however, waiting to see if I will be teaching the online classes for ilasalle; this is Tutoring work slightly different than the teaching gig.

Speaking of teachings, I attend a virtual course myself needed to sharpen my virtual meeting skill for my clientele – Proud to announce that I am now officially a VEMM (Virtual Events & Meeting Management)

As for the Christmas parties clearly it quite quiet these days with a twist instead of getting together with meals and music with dancing… Many clients have opted to generously give out gift cards for food and online shopping and other treats, which was very nice option considering our pandemic situation…

I myself got spoiled from my students with thank you notes and gifts!!

Which brings me to an UBER UBER quiet Xmas … no family gatherings and food overload!! Just drop off gifts and quick socially distant visits… and YES I continued to cook and bake …

To sum up my year much reflection was done … here is the link to my thoughts:

I hope you all have a safe, warm, and wonderful holiday season, and I wish you only the best for 2021. See you next year!

Message from the universe: it is Time for Recognition Daniela

Message from the universe:  it is  Time for Recognition Daniela

Oufffaaa what a November!! I cannot believe we are heading into the last month of 2020 soon. Hope you have all been keeping well and staying healthy. Myself I’m STILL taking my daily 2hour walks with my furbaby Ballo….. super soothing….

Work wise this month was sort of a carbon-copy of last month, with a lot of online classes, including one that I’m taking for myself re: updating my platform knowledge for upcoming online planning events with tons of behind-the-scenes learning. (YES, I’m pivoting)

Also, been attending tons of meetings for destination options for my clientele in regard to their Incentive Programs (which will be restarting sometime next year (maybe in the 3quarter))

Went out on a limb and invited virtual guest speakers for my students – went GREAT and an inspiration to them.

Speaking of my future Event Planner ROCK STAR students – WOWOWOWOW this group jus BLEW my mind with the final stretch of their Fundraising Final Project and the success they had with it.

They made me PROUD and are officially Meetings/Event Planners ROCK STARS – WOWZERS!!

Since I have THE TIME now, I am helping to curate a School project called Coach’s Corner at Lasalle this is a competition-based workshop for future entrepreneurs starting a business. – similar to Dragons Den or Sharks Tank concept.

Believe it or not, I have gone to quite a few places… virtually speaking of course: the Caribbean, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Ireland, Greece, and Florida to list a few. Fun fact, if COVID was not here I would have travelled to all these spots this year… alas I will digress…

YUP – I am still doing tons of cooking and baking…

All in all, it’s basically business as usual… just in a virtual world… YES I miss the in-person exchanges…

This brings me now to the Title of this month’s Blog … TIME for RECOGNITIONS

Interestingly enough there is a common thing that has been happening and has been flattering and pleasantly surprising. This year 2020 seems to be THE year that I have been receiving so MUCH recognition for my overall work over the years. It is down right out of the blue!! I mean people from all over the industry are coming out to congratulate me on work I have been doing and have done!! It is almost like having lifetime achievement moments!?!?!?!

I mean did an in-depth interview with local media mogul Jamie Orchard as well as a number of Podcasts in regard one career paths. Too boot, I was honored and given an award for my work by my industry peers (share it with you last month). I MUST admit, this is WONDERFULLY exhilarating and so very unexpected. I mean being recognized for all my work is a flattering and humbling experience and it does come at a weird time in our industry’s state … what I mean is that most people/peers I know are losing their jobs and our beloved industry has been devastated … I guess it boils down to one of the IRONIES of life. Come to think of it there is another layer of bizarreness because it is almost like receiving all of these accolades makes me think is my career now over?!? Do I need to change focus!?! OMGOSH I’m not ready for this  … joking aside it is quite flattering, nonetheless.

Coach Jasmyne L’inspiratrice à https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajm6rZrVRZI&feature=youtu.be

The Second Act Project à  https://www.thesecondactproject.ca/sapstories/planning-for-the-unexpected

Stay well, stay happy, and most importantly stay SAFE – I will be back in December.

A spook-tacular October – pun TOTALLY intended BOOOOO

A spook-tacular October – pun TOTALLY intended BOOOOO

The month was pretty action-packed, believe it or not. I was busy with work stuff, school obligations, and I had some stuff going on personally too. Let’s start with work…

I went on a 3 day virtual FAM (Familiarization) tour to Prince Edward Island (PEI) It was amazing! Every day we had activities that kept us engaged and it was TRULY fun even though it was virtual. You see, they sent us a big box ahead of time that had lots of local specialities: chips, chocolate, an Anne of Green Gables hat with the hair, autographed cook book from Michael Smith, sand and shells, and even a virtual reality visor for your phone to go on tours and feel like you’re actually there. This “event” really made me feel like I was back in the game, so to speak.

School is still happening online, and yes there are challenges, but it is overall great. I am so impressed by these students – they are putting on a online Fundraiser with no budget and very little knowledge of online behind the scenes logistics… WOWZERS, they are doing their own virtual event no matter what the obstacles…

Speaking of virtual events, I too did my very first virtual event with the MPI Ottawa Education sub-committee team, and that was a lot of fun learnt tons. New challenges are coming …

Also partook, in several online virtual Networking events. Yes folks ‘we’ all need to keep up with things!!

And yes, I am still fulfilling my creativity with tons of cooking and baking – god I LOVE this!! My husband and I continued our quest of small renos here and there. We are keeping busy, however, these where things that needed to get eventually done. So, we obliged.

On a personal note, I NEED to send a HEARTFELT SHOUT OUT, to the team of Doctors and Staff of the Glen Hospital!!! (they don’t call it the super hospital for nothing) As a preventative measure I had a full-on Hysterectomy operation (the least invasive version). I cannot get over the WONDERFULNESS that was displayed. Utter grace and skill they had from the bedside manner to the after-care patient operation … As nervous as I was – they made me feel so safe!!!  WOWOW MERCI – THANK YOU – GRAZIE!!!!  I am recovering slowly but surly. Also, another HEARFELT thanks to my friends and family for sending me get well wishes and LOVE.

Finally, to close out the work side of the month, I virtually attended the MPI Ottawa’s Annual Gala (virtual version) … Learnt tons and loved to see everyone – CONGRATS to the winners and organizers!!!

Well at least we had a gorgeous month weather-wise.  The leaves are stunning. I hope you enjoyed October too.

Happy Halloween – Even though it will not be ‘normal’ this year!!

Month of celebrations

Summer has wound down into Fall ahhhhhh September…

I cannot believe it, summer has passed, where did it go?!?!

What a month it was: recognized by the House of Commons with an official letter of congratulations for my MENTOR HALL of FAME HONOR in our industry. You need to understand, to be inducted is a BIG BIG Honour – the fact they chose someone from Quebec (in Montreal) is truthfully unheard of. It has never, ever happened. Our market is so small in Quebec compared to the rest of Canada compared to the markets in Ottawa and Toronto, and even Calgary, are massive compared to Quebec. Too boot I am not a big company, and I do not even know how they heard about me! I could not believe it when the letter arrived. I had to read it a few times, and I asked my husband to read it to confirm I understood what the letter was saying!

Because of that, I had a lot of friends/suppliers/clients who took me out for coffee/lunches and/or showered me with thoughtful gifts. The recognition/celebrations just keep coming, and I am so utterly grateful. (these are not easy times we are living soooo a bit of sunshine is so welcomed!!

This month, much like August, I did a lot of Zoom networking meetings which makes me travel all-over the world (virtually speaking).

School is going very well too yes; it is still happening online. And of course, always adjustments there from both myself and my students.

Small renos are coming to an end between the installation of the new Gazebo and a refresh on our powder room. It gives our place a much-needed updated lift.

On a celebratory note it’s my birthday month YES another year another candle added to my birthday cake. I realized you truly do not know how much you are loved (or maybe we take it for granted) until it is time to celebrate… It was a quiet celebration very intimate and between my online class… Yup you are reading it right … crazy times we are living indeed. But it is ok got showered with love and that is all that counts for me…

Other than that, I am still doing my usual cooking, experimenting, and exploring new recipes. Even started turning farmed fruits (grapes and pears) into Jams YUMMMO … I am doing this, so I do not get bored hence why I am trying new recipes that are out of my comfort zone.

On a Health note I went for a PreOp this month for my upcoming Hysterectomy operation – it is basically a preventative measure.

I am loving the fall colors and the fallen leaves everywhere. Especially when I am taking Ballo (my dog) during our morning walks … only thing is that I need to get bundled up more, adjusting, to that crisp morning fall air …hope you are too.

See you in October!

Celebrations – Mentoring & Accolades

Celebrations – Mentoring & Accolades

August has been quite an eventful and emotionally interesting month…

It started with celebrating Gabby’s birthday, my gorgeous niece (she is growing up UBER fast). She is starting her first year in college … WHATTT??!!

Then it was our wedding anniversary – my hubby and I celebrated 34 years together. We went for brunch at the LOVELY Manoir Hovey  OUFFF, when I verbalize it, it hits me that it is almost ¾ of our life!! And BTW LOVING every minute of it❤ ❤

Then that same week the summer session at College Lasalle was over!!! Another batch of Event Planners on the loose into our industry!! (sometimes I feel like a mother hen letting go of her brood)

Even though this is the case. I was ask to mentor a few of these grad students to help them get their start in this BIG BIG crazy world… (it TRULY gives me PLEASURE)

Speaking of Mentoring; I found out that I’ve been inducted in the 2020 Canadian Meeting and Events Expos (CME Expo) Hall of Fame as MENTOR of the YEAR  . I was absolutely blown away! What an honour! You need to understand that out of alllllll the nominations across Canada… I was chosen!!!! WOWZERS and HUMBLED!!! The ceremony has been postponed this year’s (due to COVID) however, the event will happen next year. (GOD willing)

If you are wondering, NO I am not working on actual client events at the moment ☹ due to you know what!!! However, I am keeping up with the industry via zoom calls and some educational webinars which includes tons of networking. I even was asked to be one of 3 panellists, for Women in Tourism Mexico (WIMEX) to discus the current COVID situation effecting our industry within our country compared to others… (another honor) Side note it was my 1st real virtual conference and believe it or not I LOVED it!! But nothing beats face to face….

A lot of my work travel has been on hold, due to this pandemic. However, I/we did get away for a few days to explore the Gaspe region. It is one of the HOT SPOTS right now to vacay at since we cannot go anywhere else right now. And because of this, it was almost impossible to find a hotel. When I finally did it was for two nights only. So, we drove 10hrs, arrived the evening, check in, explored a little after supper. Went to bed got up the next day did tons of walking, sightseeing, and beach bumming, had another wonderful supper went to bed and then spent another 10hrs driving home! YES, it was tiring but sooooo worth it. I was STILL regaling at the realization that we could walk to the La Roche Percé  – I was shocked and sooo excited that I was there up-close and touching it!!!

Then once back, a few day’s later we did a quick trip to the city of Kingston (Ontario)!! It was a great gem of a discovery we only stayed overnight and LOVED it!!! What a delightful place near the water!!

Truth be told, I do not know why it’s taken this long, however, NOW I can confirm that I’m beginning to feel a little stir crazy! I am keeping as busy as possible ‘setting’ a daily routine so, I do not feel it, but alas, I am human – although I am taking advantage of doing nothing and realigning myself and path.

I CONFESS I want my planner life back!!  

So, for now I have still been doing a ton of cooking. And hubby and I are also revamping/finishing some overdue projects in and around the house.

That is my month in a nutshell.

Hope the rest of your month ends on a great, healthy note!

Zoomy and Zooming along this hot hot hot July

Zoomy and Zooming along this hot hot hot July

Wow, what a hot and humid month it has been. Hope you are all doing well and staying cool, safe as well as healthy.

Started off the month with Canada Day celebrations… truth be told, we didn’t do much LOL but we still celebrated in our own way!

For July, I helped celebrate a one of my niece’s birthday social distance style.

And speaking of social distancing, Zoom took me all over the world this month: meetings in the Cayman Islands, Lake Como, Mexico, Jamaica, and Thailand… virtual travel is the way to getting things done, at the moment, of course.

Other online activities included: Entrepreneurial Masterclasses, Podcast Interviews, Supplier Strategy sessions. Yes folks you can now understand why I called this month ZOOMY!!  I am keeping busy attending all these meeting exchanges to see if I can integrate and/or pivot them into my business model.

Link to ipib – PodCast episode #3 

Yes, the Zoomy situation continues. It infiltrated into the school front. My students had a Final Project Fundraiser to do and WOW am I proud of them!! Don’t get me wrong there was TONS of DRAMA, however, they proved to be quite a talented group! I must say: I was surprised that, with all the social distancing, they where able to pull it off CONGRATS!!!!

Link to interview on their project – PodCast we appear at 1:56:00

Too boot they surprised me with love and gratitude, sending flowers, cards and gifts.  ❤ ❤

On a personal note, I finally had my laser eye procedure, this is to avoid getting glaucoma (because I have Type 2 Diabetes). It was fast in and out with in 30 minutes!!! Kudos to our front-liners!!!

Ohhhhh yes, I have not slowed down on the cooking and baking front!! Look….

AND I actually FINALLY had my hair situation taken care of – WOOT WOOT… YAY!!

YES YES we where super safe and wore our masks.

I’m blessed to have had over all good month of July, of course,  I had my ups and downs, like everyone I guess…. Anyhoot, wishing you ALL to stay safe and ENJOY this wonderful summer!!

AND WEAR YOUR MASKS – it saves lives !!!!

Come back to read my next blog in August!

Just chugging along this month

Just chugging along this month

Hello everyone! Hope you have been doing well and keeping healthy and safe!?!

Myself, I have been keeping sane by increasing my walks with my dog, Ballo, and a little music that helps set the mood. I found this helps me tons, by cutting down on my anxieties and starts the day off right…

Believe it or not, I have been quite busy… I did not “work”, but I worked, if you know what I mean.

This was another “Zoom-y” FILLED month. What I mean by this is that zoom meetings are my NEW NORMAL!! Every day or every other day, I am either connecting with family, friends and/or industry colleagues. Even though it is tiering I’ve realized that this is helping me keep my sanity (thank you Technology) You see since the beginning of this pandemic I have made it a point to reach-out to them. I am a true believer in staying connected, even if we have to social distance. (it keeps us sane!!)

Yes, I am still cooking/baking tons and LOVING it!!! Yes, I have no problem being in the kitchen ‘slaving’ away for my loved ones and guests ….  it has been one of the nicest things during this pandemic – getting back into one of my many passions.

And YES, folks, my fans are asking me, “your must be ITCHING to travel, no? it must be hard to stay home…” Well, yes, I am itching and no it is not hard (love being home) … However, I have been ‘attending’ destinations virtually… Yes, Yes, I have travelled to Dubai, Ecuador, Cancun, Isreal, Cambodia, Great Britan, MexicoCanada & USA, all via Zoom in order to keep up-to-date on the new rules and regulations regarding incentive travel…

Guess what!?!?

We finally got the go ahead to get GROOMED!!!!! Whooooo Hooooo!!! Started off with Ballo my dog (OMG he NEEDED it BADLY) then myself, got me a mani and a pedi (ahhhh … you have no idea how happy my feet & hands where once they finally got some TLC). As for my hair, well I’ve have been managing, however, it too desperately NEEDS some lovin – that is booked for mid-July!!!

And amongst allllll this crazy, I got a ‘new’ used car! You see we have had 3 vehicles; I know – I know – 2 people 3 cars WHAT!?! (don’t ask) anyhow 2 out of the 3 where on their last leg (both where 20year old cars – clearly their time was up). Since we where faced with this dilemma we shopped around (online) and decided to go explore BMWs (I’ve secretly wanted this vehicle for decades). To be clear I did NOT want it for the ‘prestige’ – wanted it for the BRAND … can’t explain the attraction but I’ve always wanted one – just like I salivate when I see a motorcycle (especially a Harley-Davidson!!) but that is another story for another time….

I did my very 1st site visit (since the pandemic – mid March) at XO Productions  of course with social distancing. I’ve been invited to quite a few other venues and am still somewhat hesitant. Baby steps – basically I am on the fence about venturing out like I used too.

Speaking of venturing out; on the family front we (my parents + my brother with his crew + hubby and I) did Father’s Day celebration together with respecting the social distancing rules. It was lovely to see everyone again …. (I sooo miss my normal!!!)

Continuing on the family visits, we took the opportunity to visit my mother-in-law brought her, some groceries… But just before the visit, Hubby, and I where uber hungry and decided to have a quick bite at Chez Ma Tante   – nothing fancy but DELISH!!! For those of you that do not know this place it is in Ahuntsic, Montreal and it is a LANDMARK!! Yes, it is old-school Hot Dog joint: where you go up order and eat in your car. It has been there for over 40years and it is DELISH!!! Coincidently we did this on St. Jean Baptiste, which is one of many traditions on this day in our province to have hot dogs and fries!! That is right folks, that is was “our outing” for the month – haha!

Lastly to wrap up the month the lovely and talented Sabrina Marandola from CBC Radio called me up for an interview on her daily show regarding the status of the ‘upcoming wedding season’ during this pandemic!! It was all round fun experience… here is the audio link should you want to hear it.

Hope you have enjoyed the start of summer. See you in July!

Shhhhhh QUIET month of May

Shhhhhh QUIET month of May…

Well, it’s been a chill month, not surprisingly. I have not been working in events at all, however, I have had a many industry related Zoom Meetings; I dubbed it ‘Zoomying’😊 And in the mix of all this zoomying; there has been some what of what I would call R&D work, exploring, discussing and analysing options on what would be the new norm as “virtual events”…. we will see what comes of it.

Speaking of the new norm; I actually attended a Virtual Networking Event coming out of our capital city Ottawa. To say the least it was interesting, you I was curious on how this would be executed and what my experience would be like… and it was GOOD!! You see, I am kind of in a situation where I do not really know what to do at this point!! Do I sit and wait, or do I do something!?! There is TONS of chatter on PIVOTING or doing everything VIRTUALLY …. obviously due to the circumstances there are not any events happening … nor will they in the next few months or year…😲 ☹ AND I TRULY do not know what to do. I am on the fence and weighing all my options… I feel uselessly helpless, but I know one thing for sure, that for now, it is what it is. Circling back to zoomying, this is where when I see upcoming virtual activity and/or events, I do my darndest to attend. Also, mostly to stay in touch with my eventprofs peeps and to see what options are out there for clients (and me).

Another outlet I’ve been fortunate to partake in is Industry Interviewseventplanner.com … They are from the US – they have reached out to planners (from all over) to see what is going on or what is everyone collectively doing during these trying times in our beloved industry?!? Here are copies of my contributions.

Early May was my Mother in law’s Birthday (87yrs old god bless) and a week later was Mother’s Day, so we celebrated both our Mom’s in exercising a proper social distancing. It was GREAT and sad-ish (all in one) due to we couldn’t actually hug and stay too long as we usually would… Speaking of being social via social distancing  I’ve been also catching up with friends via the social media platforms too.

Ohhhhh BTW I’m STILL cooking and baking and I’m STILL LOVING LOVING LOVING it!!!
Guess my diet is on hold for now. #dietwhatdiet #quarantinecooking
And speaking of food we are taking advantage of picnicking along our beautiful shorelines here in YUL…

May 11th was back to school, yes Summer Session is continuing only difference is it is online. I feel bad for the students… do not get me wrong they are wonderful!!! However, they did not sign up for online classes, but right now they do not really have a choice… I am TRYING my BEST to make the lectures interesting and exciting for them. You they chose to do the campus classes … and they don’t like this online situation, but it is what it is, and we all need to make the best of it.  Speaking of making the BEST of it … I was invited to be a guest speaker at another school: College Laval, this is a private High School in a Zoom meeting format (see why I’m dubbing this zoom stuff Zoomying 😝😊) What a GREAT experience and as ALWAYS I ASPIRE to INSPIRE at anytime!!!

On a health note, to my surprise got the call that the small medical procedure that was scheduled pre-COVID19 and then postponed was green lighted … I was grateful and humbled to get it done (you see with all this going on I thought for sure I may fall between the cracks …but no … too boot it was quick… in and out. I AGAIN was SUPER GRATEFUL to get it done and the frontline staffers at the Glen Hospital were awesome. I was soooooo grateful that I had to write a heartfelt thank you note and have it published in the Suburban online News health section … if interested in reading it here is the link.

Wanted to give a shout out to kindness; my neighbours, clientele, and suppliers for being selfless during this time showering us with masks – gifts and lots of support!!

WE NEED to just keep taking things one day at a time. I will see you soon. Please stay safe and well!!!
Sending you all Virtual HUGGS and KISSES!!!!