June DELIVERED on both the SUNSHINE and the HECTICNESS !!

June DELIVERED on both the SUNSHINE and the HECTICNESS !!

Wow, June was quite a loaded month! It started off with an educational conference at Dawson College for teachers – my 2nd HUSTLE called the Saltise Conference . It was all about artificial intelligence coming to schools and slowly creeping into our educational formats, and it was awesome and scary all wrapped into one!! It’s coming folks at WARP speed (pun totally intended)

As per every year I organize a few low key (but ultra high end) corporate F1 parties for my VIP clientele – sorry cannot share more… just not allowed… (trust me it was FABULOUS)

Then had the opportunity to attend not one, but two, annual site visits tours that M.E.R.C.I. organizes for us Independent Corporate &/or Association Planner. What it is, is that every year they basically plan an all day or half day property visits in and around the greater Montreal area. This normally includes a mix of Hotel Properties, Special Event Venues and the latest Newest Restaurants in town;

First week

♥Les 7 doigts de la main
♥l’Hôtel Loft 
♥Randolph Pub Ludique Quartier Latin
♥Cinéma Cineplex Odeon Quartier Latin
♥Conseil des Arts
♥Salles de bal Windsor 
♥l’Hôtel Four Seasons

Following week

♥l’Hôtel Ruby Foo’s
♥Rib’N Reef
♥l’Hôtel Château Vaudreuil
♥l’Hôtel Holiday Inn Pointe Claire
♥l’Hôtel Doubletree Dorval
♥l’Hôtel Sheraton Dorval
♥Groupe PMG Plaza Volare

On my own (with a client) we visited several more;

♥Hotel and Spa Mont Gabriel (gorgeous)
♥Le Monastere (brand new hotspot in downtown Montreal)
♥Restaurant XVI XVI – (the bartender is a robot)
♥Museum Queen of Art 
♥Auberge Willow’s Inn 

Yes folks, these daily/weekly visits ‘exercise’ is very much part of my job (besides everything else that we planners do) #thingswedoforclients and believe it or not it keeps me/us abreast on different property options in and around the Montreal area… (I call it my R & D = research and development)


Too boot, this month, I once again, execute several corporate client events (or as it’s called in our industry ‘client programs’). Normally my clients do not want me to take pictures nor do they allow sharing of them … this time I could do both;

♥did a 2-day conference at Le Baluchon
♥did a 5-day medical conference at Palais de Congres
♥did a 5@7 soiree client’s clients at Le H4C
♥did a sit down meal/evening conference at the Mont Stephen Hotel

And some how, in-between all this, I also made time for what I call a Mini High School Reunion. It’s held every 3-4 months. Needless to say, I LOVED LOVED it! Speaking of reunions, also caught up with former colleagues, now friends, from another lifetime… AND lastly it was the St-Jean Baptiste long weekend … YES I took in some r&r with my men..

Speaking of my multi-life things I do … my 2nd HUSTLE (Teaching) as part of their educational process I brought the students on their own class outings (site visits) including;

♥Montreal’s Casino (yes, they have places to rent for events!)
♥Alt Hotel Dix30
♥Museum Grevin 

OUFFFFFF I’m exhausted now!!!!

The plan is to rest up over the long Canada Day weekend (somehow!).

Enjoy the three days off! See you in July….

May showers always bring the flowers…really?!?

May showers always bring the flowers…really?!? 

HUH where’s the warmth? It’s been a chilly chilly start to spring and don’t know if we are going to have a warm summer?!? Let’s hope, the weather GODS have a warm surprise for us soon! (don’t let us down)

Ahhh May what a whirlwind you have been; it started that we continued the second part of our vacay, need I tell you it was SPECTACULARLY ZEN.

However, I came back and BANG! Back to work with a vengeance; executed a fairly large medical conference that was a fivedaysstraight, 14hour days back to backAnd on the last day I was triple booked with private client soirees… YES, I was exhausted and YES, all that R & R went out the window.

YES, I LOVE what I do … no regrets just exhaustedly happy….

Then I jetsetted to Hawaii (the grand island) for a few days… it was strictly for business folks, I PROMISE (wink wink nudge nudge)OMG OMG what a gorgeous place! Just like the pictures we see on line

You can read more about it on my upcoming weekly Travel Trend Blog in the next few weeks… here is the link should you wish to explore more of my adventures; YES I LOVE my work…

I somehow squeezed in some site visits for upcoming client projects;

YES, I closed a few more contracts (that basically made my year) WOWZERS!!!

(thank you universe)

And finally, as per usual I partook at the annual open house for Lasalle College , as we are starting the new summer session, so it’s back to my 2nd hustle school grind. YES, I LOVE this job too!!

That’s about it! In typical June fashion, it will be a crazy few weeks, with not only work engagements but the kickoff to Montreal’s summer schedule of Festivals!!

Here is the guide for those that are interested;

Can’t wait to fill you in next month!

April Showers…

Should bring May flowers, so I guess it’s okay.

Ouff what a busy month for me.

Started off going to Ottawa for the WPIC Wedding Planner’s Certification course … what an AWESOME group they where considering it was to be a small group of 4 and it turned out to be a perfect size of 9.

Once back in YUL, executed two on going contracts for clients; one was held at the Fairmount Queen Elizabeth Hotel and the other was at Hotel 10 . LOVE LOVE working for them … I think the feeling is mutual.

Also, am working on a few fairly LARGE RFPs (request for pricing). GOD, I hope these come through (it includes Dignitaries and VIP visitors from all over the Middle East). And of course, in addition to all this, I’m doing tons and tons of detail planning.

As for my 2nd hustle: College Lasalle’s winter session came to a wrap – once again. I truly enjoy my students this winter. Looking forward to reconnecting with them this summer. And continue to watch them evolve and grow into Event Professionals …. (proud teacher moment)

I’ve been carving for some time with family and friends; we had a wonderful family gathering at Easter. My family is uber small and love to create memories with them. BTW I am not allowed to share any sort of pictures (they forbid me) …oh well I digress…

As for friends, we all have crazy schedules (and lives) so when we get together, WE get together sharing an Evening, doing Luncheon or having gone for High Tea… (priceless moments)

The last week of April, Hubby and I headed down south to Florida for some MUCH-NEEDED R&R and YES I TRIED to tune everything out. (between you and me I cannot really being self employed… however, I did attempt to cut my ‘onlineing’ to a minimum). It was great to recharge and get myself ready for the upcoming uber busy months; May/June/July/August/September/October/November/December!  (I’m sure you get the drift…)

More news to come in May … Laters Baby!


The title above is more of an Italian saying referencing the weather, however, it applies here because it was a crazy month for me. A good but crazy month .…  I’m sure your response is: “really, really Daniela when is it NOT crazy for you!!??”  lololololol

The month started with our bi-monthly mini high school reunion gathering… it was intimate and TONS of fun…

During this time of the year, the industry takes advantage of holding ‘portes ouverte’ to showcase the next trends in rentals. For instance; DX Rentals

Also had continuous meetings with clients/vendors going over the last-minute changes on their up coming educational programs – incentives – galas – etc…. I often get comments like; “Daniela, you have soooo many meetings”. Well yes, it is normal, besides executing the events all the details need to be reviewed and revised constantly…that my friends is the BIGGEST chunk of my work…. it’s not all fun and games only. It is work…

On the school front, (my 2nd hustle) I once again spoiled my students with a few industry guest speakers to come and give their insights of our beloved industry, plus I accompanied them to a bunch of pre arranged property site visits.

Don’t know if you recall, in January’s blog I mentioned I attended an industry conference in Ottawa .Well, I got mentioned in the Out & About social pages of our industry’s magazine called IGNITE .

I was graciously spoiled by the Rialto Theatre and went to see a show; Stevie Ray Von – it had nothing to do with work pure pleasure! AND a THANK YOU shout out to a wonderful Massage Therapist Daniela Aftanase … call her, she has magic hands!!!

Also, I wrote a blog (my 3rd hustle) for International Women’s Day for The Suburban Newspaper and MList which I’m very proud of – be sure to check it out!

I closed out the month with a 48hour trip to Toronto for the Canadian Special Events Awards, also known as CSE2019.  Basically, I call it the Canadian Oscars of our industry and all about special events more towards large event productions. Since I am again on the ‘elite’ Judge’s panel there was an awards ceremony evening where we got all dressed up and partied the night away. Yes, it was wonderful… truly honored to be part of this over the years… on a side note I realized that evening that social media truly is powerful!!!! I met 2 FANS they gushed over me like I was some sort of ROCK STAR … I was STUNNED became SHY at the same time was HUMBLED and HONORED for their LOVE!!!!

To wrap it up I was advised of w wonderful testimonial given to me from a former Wedding Planning student when I went to give the course in Winnipeg last month … once again it warms my heart that I can have that effect on people… HUMBLED I am!!!!

I think I see a glimpse of spring. Can’t wait till April! (fingers crossed)

A FESTIVE month with TONS of LOVE

Hello everyone! Hope you had a LOVE-ly February with Valentine’s Day and all that other mushy stuff!!

Well, I can tell you that the first weeks of this month was shared with a lot of love …. due to we celebrate many, many birthdays in the immediate family;

♥ two of my uncles in Italy; Zio Nicola and Zio Tony
♥ my sister-in-law; Anna
♥ my husband; Tony
♥ our dog; Ballo
♥ my nephew; Giuliano
♥ then Valentine’s day

Yes, as you can see …. we did tons of celebrating…

Speaking of Celebrating I too received tons of love (out of the blue) from former students..

WOW and I am humbled…

Meanwhile, the second half of this month business as usual; had a luncheon with International SuppliersVendor meetings for up coming client events, reconnected with other Suppliers due to newly renovated meeting rooms and bedrooms at their property. I had lunch with another industry colleague and visited the newly build Imperia Hotel on the South Shore (pretty sexy place). And in the mist of all this there was a ‘portes ouvertes’ at Casa d’Eramo . OMG that showroom ROCKS !!! (a must see)

As one can read there is much preparing these months regarding the upcoming year of events, meetings, run-throughs, etc. Regardless if it’s corporate – incentives – galas – weddings and much much more.

Once again, I was honoured to be asked to judge for the 2019 Canadian Event Awards!
(this my friends is the equivalent of THE CANADIAN OSCARS of our Events Industry)

Canadian Special Events Magazine

I closed out the month with a WPIC in Winnipeg, where I certified wedding planners. Took advantage of the trip to do some sight visits for an upcoming corporate group. Thank you so so much to the graciousness of Tourism Winnipeg team for accommodating the tours.

Health update  had my first 6month check-up at the Glenn and all went well


Asked some friends that went through their own ordeal to share their story in order to bring awareness and hopefully help others… here are the links that shares their stories;

HOPEFULLY Spring is on the horizon – can’t wait for March. I’ll be back then!

GOOD GOD it’s FREAKEN cold outside!!

So, 2019 has started off with a very chilly BANG!
These temps may be cold, but as always, my job warms my heart.

Back from our Florida vacation.

The month began (or should I say continued) with wonderful breakfast/lunches/coffee on catching up with friends and colleagues. And started the winter session at College Lasalle  with a new batch of students, to a surprise worldly travel (which literally took me around the world and back). I feel so much gratitude that I get to do what I love every single morsel/moment/day. 

I jumped right into it and assisted for the 2nd time the John Molson School of Business annual MBA International Competition. To describe it, it was sort of like Dragon’s Den & Shark’s Tank all wrapped into one. What an honour to be amongst the prestigious panel of the judges. Not only was it awesome, these students are TRULY an inspiration to us! FANTASTIC way to start 2019!!!

Following that intensely inspirational week, was what happens every year at this time the
Wedding Shows;

Another form of inspirations, as always, I try to attend all of them. These are great way to stay in touch with the upcoming trends and fellow industry colleagues;

♥  Marions-Nous

♥ Divine Wedding Show 

Need to mention that I also managed to ‘squeeze’ in another industry trade show during that same week, this one was geared more towards
Corporate Events;

♥ M.E.R.C.I. 

And, just like that, I was off on a quick business trip to Vietnam. OMG talk about being on the other side of the world!!! Asia is somewhere I had never been, and for one of the first time, despite my many travels, I felt I was in a completely different conjecture. Talk about an out of comfort zone and cultural shock experience. (all good and strange). For now, enjoy my pictures …. Promise to write more on this experience in my upcoming TRAVEL TRENDS BLOG stay tuned.

I closed out the month with a trip to Ottawa for an annual Trade Show (yes folks there are many of these happening now – it’s that time of the year). This one is for meeting new &/or already established suppliers and continuing our industry education!! (learning is never-ending) Speaking of which on of our keynote speakers was Ms. Jann Arden !!! Got invited to a meet and greet with her after her AWESOME speech… WOW not only is she inspirational but a force to be reckoned with ….
Since I was there, I also managed a night out with high school friends that now live in beautiful Ottawa. Always nice to see them (and appreciate that they’ve taken time to come out) even though it’s been 30 some years since graduation…

Stay warm and dry! I’ll be back in February.

It’s a WRAP ~ Happy Holidays!

It’s a WRAP ~ Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone has had a lovely holiday season and that you’re all ready and excited to start a New Year! I know I am!

December was great, and, of course, hectic! Lol I started off the first and second weekend with two last weddings of the year that I planned. Winter weddings are just GORGEOUSLY magical. emotional and very mystical. Yes, folks 2 Winter Weddings… wondering if it will become a trend?!? Things that makes one think mmmmmm …  I digress … The planning did not stop there, within that two-week period, I also worked (executed) several Corporate Holiday Parties (which is often the case at this time of year). They all went off without a hitch! The funny thing is that this year most of these events happened one or two weeks in advance, then the usual crammed mid-December rush… (maybe another upcoming trend)

Also to note, the autumn session at College Lasalle, also concluded; including final exams, projects and all the corrections that comes with wrapping things up.

Made the time to see/host a few friends … LOVE LOVE LOVE just catching up with everyone.

Much to my surprise also got tons of love/gifts from suppliers – clients and students. (nice to be appreciated)

And then without missing a beat, I took a quick trip (with clients) to Dominican RepublicPunta Cana. No, it was not for pleasure, it was strictly business; site visits, tastings and some excursions (yes with clients). We basically stayed a total of four days; included three days of intense work (as I described previously) and had one day of much needed ‘recuperation’. (I kind of burnt to a crisp – ohy I will never learn) Speaking of excursions, we all got to the beautiful city of Santo Domingo. Wow love love loved it. This colonial city is very nice. I highly recommend the two- and half-hour trip from Punta Cana. If you want to read more about this, I invite you go to my online Travel Trends Blog (Suburban) and read all about it;

To close out the month, I to got to be a guest at several industry holiday parties. (yuppie – I’m usually the organizer and not the guest) Fun fun fun when I actually get to party!!!! To boot, I got to experience the the tribute band for ABBA -Mania (dinner and show) … WOW loved love loved it !!!! BTW I WAS the DANCING QUEEN in that era – love ABBA!  THANK YOU for this wonderful gift folks at the St. James Theatre !!

Once Christmas festivities where done with my FAMIGLIA … hubby and I will be ringing in the New Year in Florida for a few weeks. GOOD GOD we need this break!!! (I know we are not alone – like everyone else of course)

Please allow me to take this time to wishing you and yours all the best as the holidays wind down and looking forward to seeing you all in 2019!

It was Hurricane November this month!

It was Hurricane November this month!

What did I do this month? How about, what did I NOT do this month?! I don’t even know where to start!

November began with a visits, and food tastings at few new and renewed sexy spots:

(what I call ‘coup de coeur’)

♥  Doubletree by Hilton in Dorval

♥ SLK RD restaurant

♥ Henri Brasserie 

♥ Birks Hotel Montreal

Also attended our bi-monthly high school reunion (class of ’82), which is always fun and blows my mind on how every time we get together, it’s like, we are warped back in time (in other words, our high school years just stood still). It was St. Pius X Comprehensive High – I say ‘was’ because it got converted into a specialize culinary school… I digress….

Continuing my gallivanting, I attended a few trade shows this month;

♥ Elegant Wedding Show  first time held at the Grand Quai  it was awesome!!

♥ 1ere Salon de Cafés et Tisanes Colombiens, which was very good and small which made it intimate, and super interesting.

Got an invite to an industry holiday party, in which I was a guest (for a change) at the Sheraton Montreal. AWESOMENESS I tell you what a spread they put out for us!!! And what a great opportunity to catch up with industry friends/colleagues …

Then one of my destination partners invite us to an EXTRAVAGANZA of food experiences!!! Europa Restaurant  GOOD GOD from heaven food porn is putting it mildly!! OMG what an out of body experience. (MUST MUST MUST go) I’ve gone to a lot of restaurants but never had an experience like that before. WOWZERS!!

And last but not least (for this month anyways) I attend the annual Montreal Tourism Holiday Soiree this year it was at Le Salon 1861 (formally know as Espace Richmond)  all I got to say WOWZERS.

(side note; seems to be trending the conversion of churches into event venues)

It’s a few years now that I partake in this charity organization called Splash and Dash, an event to benefit children’s cancer, and this year’s theme was Canadian Olympic Athletes.  I’m either a “hero” or “celebrity,” so this year I was the placed as a celebrity. Also, I usually do the “SPLASH” portion which is swimming, however, this time I thought, I’m going try the “DASH” I mean how hard can it be running the laps with small children. Well OMG OMG I never again! LOL, OMG, I now can confirm I’m out of shape, I also learnt to never underestimated those kids!!! (lesson learnt, never going to dash again). Splash is my thing…

Speaking of partaking in a fundraiser, for the first time I attended with my family another charity event called The Boobie Bunch – Disco Bowling for Breast Cancer Fundraiser. What fun it was and what a great way to let loose and raise moneys to a great cause. Another side note – I also LOVED LOVED LOVED it that my brother’s family was there too (we don’t see each other as much as we’d like) …

OUFFAA is your head spinning yet?? I know mine is … and I’m writing this blog. I’m constantly surprised that I actually do all this) 😊 and yes LOVIN every minute of it!!

Ok, let’s continue; I met up with my Cancer Survivor WARRIOR WOMEN for brunch to catch up and support each other at all levels. (BTW they happen to be my high school classmates too) we do this every three to four months and it’s great.

Also, got ‘squeeze in’ some R&R at Bota Bota  with my mentee Annie. We called it our Christmas party and spoiled ourselves.

Speaking of getting spoiled Hotel William Grey sent me a gift certificate to try out their newly opened Luxurious SPA YES, I SPA’d it right away this time. Heaven sent I tell you …. (or should I say Zen Heaven)

Ohh by the way, in the minst of allllll this, I did work client events and prepared for upcoming client programs. At times we meet at their offices and plow out the infamous event logistics and details… However, occasionally, we decide to hold our meetings out of their offices for instance;

Now you may be thinking, she is doing all this I guess she wasn’t teaching this session!?!

Well allow me to clarify; YES I ALSO worked my 2nd hustle at Lasalle College . This month, by total coincidence, it was concentrated with industry speakers &/or venue/property site visits. And to boot one of my groups (I have 2 groups) of students worked on their final project which was creating and executing a REAL FUNDRASER event for the LCI Foundation. They where successful and raised $1,111.75 not to shabby considering they started with nothing!! CONGRATS to them – having a Proud Teacher Moment 😊

Speaking of education, I attended a course at the Intercontinental Montreal Hotel ; Masterclass subject on disaster preparation, not only do we need to be prepared for this more and more now a days. We always need to continue our education refine our expertise. Let me tell you I couldn’t wait till it was over!!! It the scenarios were so good and intense – it was a real eye-opener. OUFFFFAAA talk about stress… strongly encourage anyone to take a course like this!!!

Wrapping up the month was a lovely invitation from Tourism Laval  to attend a Laval Rockets  hockey game at our newly build Bell Centre Laval(my home turf). We kicked it off by starting our evening at the FANTASTIC newly opened 1909 Taverne Moderne adjacent to the hockey arena. In fact if you want to read more about my experience here is the link to my Travel Trends Blog in the Suburban News on line:

Upcoming is next month is another whirlwind of Corporate Holiday parties and two more weddings for 2018. Yes, there is TONS more to get done. However, I’ll save all that news for next month’s post!

OUFFF over and out!!! 😊

October my Month of ‘TRAVEL’

October my Month of ‘TRAVEL’ 

There’s a chill in the air and fall has arrived. I had a wonderful month with lots of travel and lots of talk of travel.

Let me explain…


I started off my month with a trip to Munich, Germany  and it was fantastic.  We happened to be there during the time they celebrate Oktoberfest. I loved it – it reminded me of Old Munich’s (Beer Garden) we once had right here in Montreal.

Then, met with a Rachel and Suzanne (wedding planner friends) for one of our breakfast get-togethers. Since we where all going to attend the same annual Travel Show, held at Mount Stephen, this year. This show was mainly for Corporate Incentive Group market and not for the leisure milieu. This means information given is on corporate group activities and/or team-building events.

Every year I get invited to Champlain College  to speak to future tourism students. I basically speak to them about the ins and outs on how to work with meeting/event planners. It is always a pleasure, and really fun, what a great day that was. My MOTO: I aspire to inspire.

Speaking of school, as per every semester my students at College Lasalle (and I have the privilege) to have speakers come to class for some inspirational discussions of our industry and/or we have class outings. Would like to give a shout out to the following ROCK STARS that did so; Elyna from Elyna Kudish Events and Tania Élizabeth from Centre des Sciences de Montreal.

Attended the annual Incentive Conference (in Vegas) where suppliers and buyers come from all around the world to learn and connect. What a FRUITFUL trip this congress is.

And YES attended another travel show in Montreal called; International Tourism & Travel Show. This time it was geared to a mix, of leisure and corporate groups. Of course, I went to see what was what (need to keep on top of these trends). It was quite interesting and jam-packed with travel agencies.

Continuing, my travel themed month, as I attended several luncheons regarding certain destinations where representatives invite you to presentations on exotic destinations.

Also, was treated to a live concert at the Rialto Theatre presenting an homage to Amy Winehouse … just WOW!!!

Was also invited to partake on a wonderful project. #HerStory . Christina Esteban Photography is one of the TOP 5 photographers here in Montreal. And once in a while, she’s inspired to give back to the community. This project is all about Women’s Stories … hence why it’s called #HerStory. Here are a few sneak peak pictures … stay tune for it!!!

Yes Yes I also worked, and executed two corporate client events at two different properties. (too bad I’m not allowed to reveal this with pictures.. I assure you they where SPECTACULAR!!

What I can reveal is that I was invited to a sneak peek site visit of the new Hotel Birks Montreal  … YES you are reading it correctly: Birks store has opened a Hotel, and let me assure you it’s UBER-GRANDIOS!!

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Wrapped up my month with a (by invitation only) annual wine tasting show; A Tasting of wines from Italy.

How apropos …. Chin Chin a Tutti!!

or sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Next month there’s a whole lot more going on, but we’ll worry about that then…

A warm and busy September

Hello my fellow readers! Hope the end of summer is treating you well. It’s been a terrific month for me, with lots of site visits and back-to-school excitement, not to mention closing up the month with a fantastic trip.

Started off the month with being a guest (for a change) at a wedding, ask me how refreshing that was. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE LOVE planning weddings and I thoroughly enjoy passing it forward by teaching/certifying future Wedding Planners; WPIC. However, it’s not often I get to be a guest at a wedding. In fact, the last time this happened it was at least 15 years ago!! And this year I have a total of 2.

Speaking of parties, I once again was privileged to spend a gala evening with the most sought after Industry event of the year!!! They TRULY outdid themselves once again!!  KUDOS!!!

As per usual I had a few client events I’ve executed this month. One (that I can mention) was at the beautiful McCord Museum, the others I cannot reveal due to non-disclosure-agreements I’ve signed with these Corporate clients.

As per usual I had a few client events I’ve executed this month. One (that I can mention) was at the beautiful McCord Museum, the others I cannot reveal due to non-disclosure-agreements I’ve signed with these Corporate clients.

I also got to spend a beautiful September day visiting sites in the picturesque Montérégie  area in and around the South Shore. If you haven’t been, you should definitely check it out, especially with the coming of fall.

At the end of the month I traveled to Munich, Germany short work trip.  This is where I will be meeting with potential suppliers and scouting out some properties for upcoming incentive trips for my groups, more in October.

I also got invited to a few cruise ships luncheons, yes you read correctly CRUISE SHIPS; Regant  and SilverSeas.  This my friends is a whole new world to me. A complete other segment in our industry. LOVED IT!! Thank you Sara DiRubbo for the invite and please contact her for any (and I mean any) Travel needs … she is one o the BEST.. Here are her coordinates: Travel Consultant  T:  514.342.9624 ext. 4625  sdirubbo@visionvoyages.ca

In-between all my social and work engagements, I’m working on several new projects for clients, which is always a thrill.

And I’m excited to share that I’m a new contributing writer for the newly relaunched Laval edition of The Suburban Newspaper  (a.k.a UrbanLaval) . I’m super jazzed that I’ll get to share news and happenings of my home base of Laval. Look for my byline in coming editions!