A month in the life of Montreal Event Planner

It’s a WRAP ~ Happy Holidays!

It’s a WRAP ~ Happy Holidays!I hope everyone has had a lovely holiday season and that you’re all ready and…

It was Hurricane November this month!

It was Hurricane November this month! What did I do this month? How about, what did I NOT do this month?! I…

October my Month of ‘TRAVEL’

October my Month of ‘TRAVEL’  There’s a chill in the air and fall has arrived. I had a wonderful month with…

A warm and busy September

Hello my fellow readers! Hope the end of summer is treating you well. It’s been a terrific month for me,…

A month of Celebrations – Connecting and Reconnecting

A month of Celebrations – Connecting and Reconnecting Hello everyone! Can you believe it?? September is around the corner, not to mention…

In the midst of summer

In the midst of summer July has been a month that started off with full intention of taking care of…

It’s June … Summer has begun!

It’s June … Summer has begun! PHEW estas mucho CALIENTE or should I say it’s STINKIN HOT ….If you hadn’t…

A month of half and half

Spring has officially arrived, and I am feeling so rejuvenated with the warm weather and sunshine! Hope you’re all feeling…

a month of Worldwide Travel

a month of Worldwide Travel All I can say is…. PHEEEEWWWW! Let me catch my breath because I’ve been here,…

A rock n’ roll kind of month MARZO ERA PAZZO

I need to take a few deep breaths… because if I thought March was a busy time, it’s got nothin’…

Hey wait – where did February go?!

Hey wait – where did February go?! Wow, what a month. I mean, I know it’s the shortest month of…

It’s January and I’m already SPINNING

It’s January and I’m already SPINNINGToo boot, it looks like it will not stop. It’s going to be a hectic…

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