BUSY BUSY status kind of month – oufffaaa

BUSY BUSY status kind of month – oufffaaa

What a HUGE month it was… it has not stopped at all! I truly do not know where to begin….

Ok how about I begin on the first weekend of November; I attended the infamous Elegant Wedding Showcase with my couples (yes couples) who are getting married in 2021 never to early to start planning.

Then as per the past several years, I was once again asked to join the elite group of Celebrities/Heroes for the non-for-profit organization Splash-N-Dash. Always fun, honored and GREAT to give back for this cause!!

I then did the annual ACCRO trade show, (I am one of many PROUD Ambassadors) this is a technology trade show for event planning industry – it’s all about the future and what’s coming.

Alma (my freelance assistant) and I went on a one-day fam tour in Mont Tremblant, which was great, because, I hadn’t been in there in years. What a GREAT to rediscovery of properties new and old … WORTH the trip.

Did a semi-spa day at SPA FILANDAIS with industry friends – let’s call it our Holiday/Christmas celebration.

Attended a MEDIA EVENT; the opening of Illumi Cavalia (Laval)….  OMG OMG OMG I highly recommend it, however, be sure that you’re really bundled up. It was magically beautiful. If you want to read more about it, here is the link to my Blog.

One of my MENTEES invited me to her 2nd annual BRUNCH N TALK event at the Ritz Carlton Montreal  besides the scrumptious brunch, we also learnt quite a bit on table etiquette.

Was invited to a BRAND-NEW venue in Longueuil called Plaza du Parc another addition to the PMG Conglomerate of wonderful venues.

With clients we did a tasting at L’Hotel Rive Gauche in Beloeil later in the month for another upcoming client conference event… FUNFACT: did you know that they are the same owners of the soon to be opened property HUMANITI Hotel  in Montreal?

And with another client we went to do another tasting and site visit at Oasis Surf for an upcoming team-building program.

Invited to Montreal’s annual Tree Lighting event/ceremony – that was fun with tons of entertainment.

Another invite to another the grand opening of the second high-end housewares store called Maison Lipari OMG OMG, I wanted to buy it alllll….

In regards to upcoming projects (I always mention) opportunity is knocking!! Had several meetings for large projects in 2020 – very exciting stuff, to give you a glimpse;

♥ with the delegation from Korea to work on and upcoming Incentive program, we strategized details over
a FANTASTICLY delish typical Korea BBQ meal in our own Chinatown – YUMMO!!

♥ with another delegation from Mexico this time we are collaborating, on bringing select planners from all
over Mexico for a 3-4-day conference here in Montreal. This, my friends is to help them open up the market here in YUL

♥ and of course, there is more – I just can’t talk about it yet … (shhhhh)

Squeezed into all this activity, we had our bi-tri-monthly mini High School reunion St. Pius X Comprehensive High School.  Along with my usual Mentoring/Power Breakfast/Lunches and Details meeting with colleagues, clients and former students. LOVE MY WORK and PAYING IT FORWARD!!

Speaking of students, I invited PR GURU, Petrona Joseph to come speak at one of my classes… Well, she then took over and organized a panel of influencers… WOW WOW WOW she taught the students (and I) the importance of social media INFLUENCERS on how/what needs to be incorporated into our future events… this was not only successful but EYE-OPENING!!!! This INFLUENCER thingy is REAL folks!!

Continuing with my 2nd Hustle we (the students and I) went to do some site visits;

♥ Centre Mont Royal Conference Centre (CMR)

♥ GoHideSeek, a really cool pop-up on St. Denis. It’s for both adults and kids I primarily went with my students
(mostly as a stress-reliever) due to their upcoming Final Project Fundraiser Event at the end of this month…
We ALL had a blast. (and a TON of tension was released)

♥ Also as per every year, I participated at College Lasalle’s usual Open House/Portes Ouvertes

Speaking of my ROCK STAR students and their Fundraiser FINAL PROJECT – all I have to say is WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW… it NEVER FAILS… it is MINDBLOWING to me how these humans pull it together with NOTHING!!!!  GOOD-GOD-IN-HEAVEN!!!  This time they chose the non-for-profit organization called GRIS Montreal  – CONGRATS to my wonderful HUMANS what a success it was!!!

Wrapping up the month I attended Tourism Montreal’s Holiday party. Always a PLEASURE to see (my Event Peeps) everyone in our industry on a social occasion for a change…

And YES, folks I actually managed to put up my own Christmas tree this year – even though I was EXTREMEMLY busy…(un fait accompli)

So as you can see November was utterly busy, (I don’t even know how I do it) ohhyyyyyy 😊 😲

Let’s see my blog next month will be all about!

A boo-tiful October

A boo-tiful October

My goodness, isn’t Montreal gorgeous in the fall? The colours are just amazing. And Halloween parties galore!

OUUUUUUUU what a month this month was, the word busy was an understatement!!! Started with a the VIP INVITE at the Four Seasons Hotel official GRAND OPENING!! OMGOODNESS what a party with tons of food and dancing!! BRAVO guys!!

Then because I’m in the throws of Corporate Holiday party organizing there was the usual tastings and site visits and other industry-related logistics to get done and finalized.

Meanwhile, I executed a client’s offsite bi-annual Sales Meeting in Quebec City , with all the bells and whistles; from Teambuilding activities – Guided Tours – Soirees you get the picture… THANK YOU to the GREAT SUPPLIERS that helped make this happen!! MERCI ANCORE!!!

I was invited to several meetings with different Destination Experts and Tourism boards from;

♥ Vienna
♥ Kingston
♥ Jordan
♥ Korea

– And for the very first-time (officially) got to review a brand new restaurant in Laval WestWood , what fun it was!! Here is the link should you want to read my review.

–  Once again, I was a returning guest “Dragon” at Champlain College’s Tourism Program competition!! WOW what great future industry professionals. I’ve done this before and am always impressed by the ideas/approach of our younger generation.

–  Speaking of school and future industry pros. My soon to be Event Planner students are working hard on the final Fundraising Project – I’m pretty proud of them!

–  Another, judging panel participation, honored to do this (again) for the Ottawa Wedding Awards Show in late January.

Nearing mid October, I was asked to partake, as a speaker, at an annual wedding conference that was aimed at future couples, giving them guidance the do’s and don’ts in planning their wedding. This was at Lac Carling Hotel  … Have you ever been? OMGOSH they recently renovated and it’s even more beautiful!! (must visit)

Speaking of wedding planning, amidst of all this, I attended a family wedding (my cousin’s child got married) it was nice to be a guest for a change and reconnect with my uber large extended famiglia.

Then, I wrapped up the month with the Tourism and Travel Show held here (every year) in Montreal. Which is always a great place to meet with potential suppliers for future travel incentive programs for my clients.

Also, attended an ECO-FRIENDLY oriented congress. One of my long time friend and colleague put it together to make our industry more sustainable and to make us aware of the “waste” events can bring and be proactive on our choices… GREAT GREAT JOB !!!

Hope your Thanksgiving month saw you with many things to be grateful for.

Bundle up – November is on its way!

Birthday month – Happy Birthday to me!!!

Birthday month – Happy Birthday to me!!!

Happy September everyone! Can you feel fall in the air? It’s lovely! September is my birthday month (the 30th to be exact) so happy birthday to all my fellow September babies!

I kicked off the month with the annual Wedding show Grand Salon Marions-Nous show that always takes place on Labour Day weekend!! And it was great, as always. 

Did a few site visits (for upcoming client projects)

♥ Solotech event technology is come fast and furious peeps

♥ WestWood in Laval this was a site and tasting, let me tell you WOWZERS FOODIE heaven

♥ FAMILIARIZATION TOUR (FAM) all over the Eastern Townships

♥ FAMILIARIZATION TOUR (FAM) to New Delhi, India you will be able to read more about it in my upcoming Travel Trend Blog in the next few weeks

Then attended a few celebratory functions:

♥ Mercedes Benz Laval’s 30th Anniversary – CONGRATS once again

♥ HMI Gala the who’s who in the Meetings and Conferences Corporate world – fantastic as per usual

♥ MPI AGM with my Event Management students

Once again amongst all these activities I belted out several client events;
(with the help of my ROCK STAR assistant Alma)

♥ Montreal’s WHotel

♥ Club Atwater

Students from College Lasalle have started to plan their final project fundraiser event happening end of November … exciting…

On a personal note, it was my second-year review for my Mammogram, and it was cleared.  I’m so relieved and happy.

I’m currently/continuously working on upcoming client Sales and Incentive programs, plus lots of Corporate Holiday parties, if you can believe it.

Yes folks I’m once again spinning like a top with lots of projects coming…

Time to unwind after a great first half of the year

Time to unwind after a great first half of the year

Wow – I can’t believe summer is already almost over. It’s been busy but wonderful. I hope yours has been too?!

It started with my niece’s Gaby’s sweet 16th birthday as well as our 33rd wedding anniversary.

Good God in heaven time flies…

Summer session ended at Lasalle College with my graduating class doing their final project in the form of a Fundraiser Event. Considering they did no have much time they did a PHNOMINAL JOB and raised quite a bit of money, for the LCI Foundation– I have to say I was very impressed with them!! And I guess they where with me ‘cause they spoiled me with a SPA day – thank you notes and goodies… (it’s nice to be appreciated)

Then for the first time I attended Osheaga, and it was AWESOMENESS.

Check out my Blogger coverage on The Suburban Newspaper Entertainment section, here is the link.

Must say, August was a quiet month event-wise, however, behind the scenes it’s mayhem, constantly working on the details and now is the time for Corporate Holiday parties, if you can believe it!

We also decided to go on vacation for a few weeks. (this girl needs a break too) So, hubby and I made our way to Paris, London and a few places in Italy;

♥ Paris, France – in my travels I have landed at the airport many times, however, never was I actually able to visit the infamous city of lights, and boy was it WONDERFULLY SUBLIME. It did not disappoint.

♥ London, England – my 3rd time and hubby’s 1st LOVE LOVE LOVED it … (can’t get enough of it)

♥ Italia – FINALLY after 28 years, (yes you are reading it right) We finally went back to see the families we have there;

♥ 1st stop in Campobasso  Here is where my husband has family that he hadn’t seen since 1976!!! Needless to say, it was a BLAST and BLESSING to reconnect with them …

2nd stop was in Calabria This is where I’m from and I too have family there. OH, what a great reunion it was… after 28years there was tons to reminisce over; sharing meals and local town festivals… BTW did I mention the beaches!?! The pebble beaches OMG OMG they where SPECTACULAR… hopefully I will not wait another 28years to go back!! (note to self)

Should you want to read more (details) about our trip’s adventures. Please go to my weekly Travel Trend Blog for the Suburban News online.  

On a side note, and uber important milestone to mention; on August 19th was my 3rd year anniversary since my diagnosis of breast cancer … #fuckcancer

I closed out this month with an local Industry Trade show called Momentum and a FANTASIC Lenny Kravitz  concert at downtown’s Bell Centre (!!!).

September means back to school, and the start of fall events, with tons of upcoming work assignments!!

We’ll connect then!

Au revoir – Cherio – Ciao a presto

Technology is DOUBLE-EDGED

July taught me that technology is a double-edged sword – OUFFFFFAAAAAA

Ah, yes, technology… it can save us, or it can break us!! GRRRRRR!!

So, I spent a lot of this month trying to fix my PC, as I went through a horrendous nightmare with it and had to get everything reorganized, straightened out and fixed. Too boot, I also decided it was a good time to migrate from a landline to no landline… and OMG OMG OMG OMG talk about complications!!! OUFFFF, well I’m glad it is over … I know I know …. what can you do?! C’est la vie!

However, July it wasn’t all techie woes – I did a lot of catching up with friends, colleagues and celebrated family birthday milestones. It worked out GREAT as most of my clients are on vacation. I am, however, still working on a few projects that are coming up for September and the balance of the year. I’m very much a proactive kind of person … if it can be done now why wait for later?! So, I get it done… (one never knows the surprises that can come up later) …. Ok let’s digress…

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I do tons of research and development – ‘cause I NEED to be in the know at all times and it’s just part of the job. Having said this, I met up with this GREAT new companies;

Kicked off the month in celebrating (as a guest) Rachel’s 50th birthday. What a BLAST it was. We’ve been friends/colleague for years she is a fellow wedding planner. We turned the trip to Magog into a weekend getaway …. continuing the July birthdays; we celebrated my niece’s Ari 10th – my brother Dario’s 45th and my Mom’s 77th …. great reasons to get together with family and friends….

Lasalle College summer session is wrapping up …. With some wonderful industry speakers and site visits to ICONIC spots in our glorious city. Also, the students are working hard on their FINAL PROJECT FUNDRAISER for the LCI Foundation  … another batch of soon to be planners on the loose in Montreal!!!

Then a WONDERFUL colleague from Mexico City arrived here in YUL for a conference… She and I spent the day together and I was her tour-guide. Since, it was her first-time visit to Montreal (finally!). So I showed off our beautiful city with pride.

Speaking of pride …. I attended the HEAVY MONTREAL festival …. OMG OMG what an AWESOMENESS experience …. Yes I love this stuff and am opened to experience it … read all about it in my online Blog with the Suburban News … here is the link; http://www.thesuburban.com/blogs/entertainment/entertainment-heavy-montreal/article_deb59d14-b1fe-11e9-b344-6f5ee775fd5d.html

Also, as you may or may not know I am one of many proud Ambassadors for ACCRO2019.
They launched their early bird ticket blitz campaign … this event folds is a MUST MUST MUST attend. Especially if you are techie in the events industry … visit the site and get the tickets!!

Somehow, I snuck in a quick getaway to Switzerland, (yes Switzerland) where I went to Bern, Lausanne, Zurich, St. Moritz OMG what a GLORIOUS country and SPECTACULARLY GORGEOUS spots it has. And those Alps OMGoodness OMGoodness… To read more about this experience, please visit my Travel Trend Blog … it will soon be published, I’m writing a series on Switzerland for The Suburban Online and MList.

Stay cool, my friends, and see you in August!

June DELIVERED on both the SUNSHINE and the HECTICNESS !!

June DELIVERED on both the SUNSHINE and the HECTICNESS !!

Wow, June was quite a loaded month! It started off with an educational conference at Dawson College for teachers – my 2nd HUSTLE called the Saltise Conference . It was all about artificial intelligence coming to schools and slowly creeping into our educational formats, and it was awesome and scary all wrapped into one!! It’s coming folks at WARP speed (pun totally intended)

As per every year I organize a few low key (but ultra high end) corporate F1 parties for my VIP clientele – sorry cannot share more… just not allowed… (trust me it was FABULOUS)

Then had the opportunity to attend not one, but two, annual site visits tours that M.E.R.C.I. organizes for us Independent Corporate &/or Association Planner. What it is, is that every year they basically plan an all day or half day property visits in and around the greater Montreal area. This normally includes a mix of Hotel Properties, Special Event Venues and the latest Newest Restaurants in town;

First week

♥Les 7 doigts de la main
♥l’Hôtel Loft 
♥Randolph Pub Ludique Quartier Latin
♥Cinéma Cineplex Odeon Quartier Latin
♥Conseil des Arts
♥Salles de bal Windsor 
♥l’Hôtel Four Seasons

Following week

♥l’Hôtel Ruby Foo’s
♥Rib’N Reef
♥l’Hôtel Château Vaudreuil
♥l’Hôtel Holiday Inn Pointe Claire
♥l’Hôtel Doubletree Dorval
♥l’Hôtel Sheraton Dorval
♥Groupe PMG Plaza Volare

On my own (with a client) we visited several more;

♥Hotel and Spa Mont Gabriel (gorgeous)
♥Le Monastere (brand new hotspot in downtown Montreal)
♥Restaurant XVI XVI – (the bartender is a robot)
♥Museum Queen of Art 
♥Auberge Willow’s Inn 

Yes folks, these daily/weekly visits ‘exercise’ is very much part of my job (besides everything else that we planners do) #thingswedoforclients and believe it or not it keeps me/us abreast on different property options in and around the Montreal area… (I call it my R & D = research and development)


Too boot, this month, I once again, execute several corporate client events (or as it’s called in our industry ‘client programs’). Normally my clients do not want me to take pictures nor do they allow sharing of them … this time I could do both;

♥did a 2-day conference at Le Baluchon
♥did a 5-day medical conference at Palais de Congres
♥did a 5@7 soiree client’s clients at Le H4C
♥did a sit down meal/evening conference at the Mont Stephen Hotel

And some how, in-between all this, I also made time for what I call a Mini High School Reunion. It’s held every 3-4 months. Needless to say, I LOVED LOVED it! Speaking of reunions, also caught up with former colleagues, now friends, from another lifetime… AND lastly it was the St-Jean Baptiste long weekend … YES I took in some r&r with my men..

Speaking of my multi-life things I do … my 2nd HUSTLE (Teaching) as part of their educational process I brought the students on their own class outings (site visits) including;

♥Montreal’s Casino (yes, they have places to rent for events!)
♥Alt Hotel Dix30
♥Museum Grevin 

OUFFFFFF I’m exhausted now!!!!

The plan is to rest up over the long Canada Day weekend (somehow!).

Enjoy the three days off! See you in July….

May showers always bring the flowers…really?!?

May showers always bring the flowers…really?!? 

HUH where’s the warmth? It’s been a chilly chilly start to spring and don’t know if we are going to have a warm summer?!? Let’s hope, the weather GODS have a warm surprise for us soon! (don’t let us down)

Ahhh May what a whirlwind you have been; it started that we continued the second part of our vacay, need I tell you it was SPECTACULARLY ZEN.

However, I came back and BANG! Back to work with a vengeance; executed a fairly large medical conference that was a fivedaysstraight, 14hour days back to backAnd on the last day I was triple booked with private client soirees… YES, I was exhausted and YES, all that R & R went out the window.

YES, I LOVE what I do … no regrets just exhaustedly happy….

Then I jetsetted to Hawaii (the grand island) for a few days… it was strictly for business folks, I PROMISE (wink wink nudge nudge)OMG OMG what a gorgeous place! Just like the pictures we see on line

You can read more about it on my upcoming weekly Travel Trend Blog in the next few weeks… here is the link should you wish to explore more of my adventures; YES I LOVE my work…

I somehow squeezed in some site visits for upcoming client projects;

YES, I closed a few more contracts (that basically made my year) WOWZERS!!!

(thank you universe)

And finally, as per usual I partook at the annual open house for Lasalle College , as we are starting the new summer session, so it’s back to my 2nd hustle school grind. YES, I LOVE this job too!!

That’s about it! In typical June fashion, it will be a crazy few weeks, with not only work engagements but the kickoff to Montreal’s summer schedule of Festivals!!

Here is the guide for those that are interested;

Can’t wait to fill you in next month!

April Showers…

Should bring May flowers, so I guess it’s okay.

Ouff what a busy month for me.

Started off going to Ottawa for the WPIC Wedding Planner’s Certification course … what an AWESOME group they where considering it was to be a small group of 4 and it turned out to be a perfect size of 9.

Once back in YUL, executed two on going contracts for clients; one was held at the Fairmount Queen Elizabeth Hotel and the other was at Hotel 10 . LOVE LOVE working for them … I think the feeling is mutual.

Also, am working on a few fairly LARGE RFPs (request for pricing). GOD, I hope these come through (it includes Dignitaries and VIP visitors from all over the Middle East). And of course, in addition to all this, I’m doing tons and tons of detail planning.

As for my 2nd hustle: College Lasalle’s winter session came to a wrap – once again. I truly enjoy my students this winter. Looking forward to reconnecting with them this summer. And continue to watch them evolve and grow into Event Professionals …. (proud teacher moment)

I’ve been carving for some time with family and friends; we had a wonderful family gathering at Easter. My family is uber small and love to create memories with them. BTW I am not allowed to share any sort of pictures (they forbid me) …oh well I digress…

As for friends, we all have crazy schedules (and lives) so when we get together, WE get together sharing an Evening, doing Luncheon or having gone for High Tea… (priceless moments)

The last week of April, Hubby and I headed down south to Florida for some MUCH-NEEDED R&R and YES I TRIED to tune everything out. (between you and me I cannot really being self employed… however, I did attempt to cut my ‘onlineing’ to a minimum). It was great to recharge and get myself ready for the upcoming uber busy months; May/June/July/August/September/October/November/December!  (I’m sure you get the drift…)

More news to come in May … Laters Baby!


The title above is more of an Italian saying referencing the weather, however, it applies here because it was a crazy month for me. A good but crazy month .…  I’m sure your response is: “really, really Daniela when is it NOT crazy for you!!??”  lololololol

The month started with our bi-monthly mini high school reunion gathering… it was intimate and TONS of fun…

During this time of the year, the industry takes advantage of holding ‘portes ouverte’ to showcase the next trends in rentals. For instance; DX Rentals

Also had continuous meetings with clients/vendors going over the last-minute changes on their up coming educational programs – incentives – galas – etc…. I often get comments like; “Daniela, you have soooo many meetings”. Well yes, it is normal, besides executing the events all the details need to be reviewed and revised constantly…that my friends is the BIGGEST chunk of my work…. it’s not all fun and games only. It is work…

On the school front, (my 2nd hustle) I once again spoiled my students with a few industry guest speakers to come and give their insights of our beloved industry, plus I accompanied them to a bunch of pre arranged property site visits.

Don’t know if you recall, in January’s blog I mentioned I attended an industry conference in Ottawa .Well, I got mentioned in the Out & About social pages of our industry’s magazine called IGNITE .

I was graciously spoiled by the Rialto Theatre and went to see a show; Stevie Ray Von – it had nothing to do with work pure pleasure! AND a THANK YOU shout out to a wonderful Massage Therapist Daniela Aftanase … call her, she has magic hands!!!

Also, I wrote a blog (my 3rd hustle) for International Women’s Day for The Suburban Newspaper and MList which I’m very proud of – be sure to check it out!

I closed out the month with a 48hour trip to Toronto for the Canadian Special Events Awards, also known as CSE2019.  Basically, I call it the Canadian Oscars of our industry and all about special events more towards large event productions. Since I am again on the ‘elite’ Judge’s panel there was an awards ceremony evening where we got all dressed up and partied the night away. Yes, it was wonderful… truly honored to be part of this over the years… on a side note I realized that evening that social media truly is powerful!!!! I met 2 FANS they gushed over me like I was some sort of ROCK STAR … I was STUNNED became SHY at the same time was HUMBLED and HONORED for their LOVE!!!!

To wrap it up I was advised of w wonderful testimonial given to me from a former Wedding Planning student when I went to give the course in Winnipeg last month … once again it warms my heart that I can have that effect on people… HUMBLED I am!!!!

I think I see a glimpse of spring. Can’t wait till April! (fingers crossed)

A FESTIVE month with TONS of LOVE

Hello everyone! Hope you had a LOVE-ly February with Valentine’s Day and all that other mushy stuff!!

Well, I can tell you that the first weeks of this month was shared with a lot of love …. due to we celebrate many, many birthdays in the immediate family;

♥ two of my uncles in Italy; Zio Nicola and Zio Tony
♥ my sister-in-law; Anna
♥ my husband; Tony
♥ our dog; Ballo
♥ my nephew; Giuliano
♥ then Valentine’s day

Yes, as you can see …. we did tons of celebrating…

Speaking of Celebrating I too received tons of love (out of the blue) from former students..

WOW and I am humbled…

Meanwhile, the second half of this month business as usual; had a luncheon with International SuppliersVendor meetings for up coming client events, reconnected with other Suppliers due to newly renovated meeting rooms and bedrooms at their property. I had lunch with another industry colleague and visited the newly build Imperia Hotel on the South Shore (pretty sexy place). And in the mist of all this there was a ‘portes ouvertes’ at Casa d’Eramo . OMG that showroom ROCKS !!! (a must see)

As one can read there is much preparing these months regarding the upcoming year of events, meetings, run-throughs, etc. Regardless if it’s corporate – incentives – galas – weddings and much much more.

Once again, I was honoured to be asked to judge for the 2019 Canadian Event Awards!
(this my friends is the equivalent of THE CANADIAN OSCARS of our Events Industry)

Canadian Special Events Magazine

I closed out the month with a WPIC in Winnipeg, where I certified wedding planners. Took advantage of the trip to do some sight visits for an upcoming corporate group. Thank you so so much to the graciousness of Tourism Winnipeg team for accommodating the tours.

Health update  had my first 6month check-up at the Glenn and all went well


Asked some friends that went through their own ordeal to share their story in order to bring awareness and hopefully help others… here are the links that shares their stories;

HOPEFULLY Spring is on the horizon – can’t wait for March. I’ll be back then!