A month in the life of Montreal Event Planner

Can someone say “chaos”?!

The year wrapped up with a hectic month, to say the least. It was quite chaotic in the sense that…

Gains & Losses Kinda Month

Hi everybody and so another month concludes November was a pretty intense and interesting for me. Interesting because there was…

Filled with Adventures – Accolades

October, was an exciting month and I loved, loved, loved it. The main reason I loved it so much is…

Semi-busy month this month.

September is one of my favorite months of the year not only because it’s my birthday but also because of…

A month of HiGHS and LoWS

A month of HiGHS and LoWS… what I mean by this is that I had to attend quite a few…

Intense Party month of July

Intense Party month of JulyHi everyone welcome to my monthly blog for July …. OUFFFFFFFAAAA what a month it was…


BOOM BOOM BOOM SHAKALAKA Hi everyone, oufffffaaa what a month June was….Started quiet enough with a few typical industry destination…

Just another manic Month-day

Just another manic Month-day Another month living under the covid situation in my life and industry. I am making the…

Action Packed 

April was an action-packed month virtually speaking, of course.Hello Y’all … how are you guys doing?Myself? I am ‘living the…

Month of Firsts

Month of Firsts March has come and gone already, but it definitely is starting to feel like Spring!My month was…

A LOVE-ly and busy February

A LOVE-ly and busy February Happy February to all my readers! I hope you have had a great, productive month,…

Welcoming in a New Year

Welcoming in a New Yearhttps://staging.montrealeventplanner.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/SMASHINGHEADERVIDEO2020.mp4Happy 2021 everyone! I know it was a strange 2020, so here’s hoping things only go…

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